Amusement Park

Only You

          No POV

    "Hahaha!" A loud burst of laughter, originating from a vaguely seen family of four, distracts one from his initial thoughts. The smallest of them being the one causing most of this commotion. Each of them displaying a bright smile, filling the all-familiar room with so much love that left a trail of nostalgia as the minutes that felt like seconds, passed by. In the blink of an eye, the warm scene... vanished. The same exact setting displayed once again, but yet it felt so different. A place that was once so warm and cheerful, became so cold and dead. There was nothing more to it, yet a different feeling lingered. There in that room was the sense of pain and being trapped. As much as one tried to escape, it seemed as if he kept being dragged back.

          Eunhyuk's POV 

     "-uk" No. "-hyuk!" Stop. "EUNHYUK!" The sudden burst of sound ended my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes. "EUNHYUK!" I gasped as I felt pain coming from my stomach. "Augh!" I groaned as my eyes flew open.

     "Oh, great you're awake!" said an evil voice.

     "Kyuhyun?! What the hell!?"

     "It's stuffy in here." he casually responded, opening a window, letting the cool morning breeze in.

     "Why the hell are you here?!" I said, getting more annoyed by the second.

     "Remember? We're going to the amusement park today. Balli! I promised Minnie that I'd be there in an hour!" he said, opening my closet and picking out clothes.

     "Yeah, but that doesn't mean that you have to abuse me in my sleep!"

     "I tried calling your name, but you wouldn't get up. Plus you were sweating and turning quite a bit."

     "Was I?" I reponded, getting up and putting on the shirt that Kyuhyun handed to me.

     "Yeah. Probably dreaming about your stash, huh?" I rolled my eyes.

     "No. Anyways... How the hell did you get into my house?"

     "Oh, I used your spare key." he responded, pulling out a key and twirling it on his finger.

     I ignore him and push him out of my room. "Get out. Go into the living room and wait for me." Without waiting for a response, I close the door on him. Ugh... today's going to be a long day.   

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

      I tried to get at least two minutes of sleep on the way to Sungmin's house, but  Kyuhyun wouldn't stop going on and on about stupid I simply don't care about. When we finally picked him up, I ended up being the one driving us to the amusement park. Why? Because I was too scared to let that I call my friend, drive since he was all over Sungmin even before we got in the car. Talk about being a third wheel. 

      Kyuhyun and his baby left me all by myself to go find a damn parking space for his own damn car! Seriously! If I knew that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have agreed to come along. 

      After a pretty long walk by myself, I meet up with the rest of them by the entrance. Everyone is here from Yoona to Henry. Well everyone but Donghae.  "Where's Donghae?" I speak up.

      "He just texted me that he got up a little late and is on his way." Sungmin responded.

      I just nod as we sit down waiting for him. Yoona comes over and sits by me. "Morning." she greets me.

      "Morning." I respond. 

      Yoona sets her head sleepily on my shoulder like always. "Stay with me, hmm..."

      "Sure." I respond not giving it much thought.

      "DONGHAE-AH!" Henry stands up and yells. We all turn our heads in look for Donghae. Finally I see a small body peeking it's head from behind a  group of girls. He finally makes his way around them.

      "Sorry... I'm still not used to this area." he apologizes. I can't help but stare at him. I'm obviously not used to him in regular clothes. Even as we make our way inside I can't help but stare. Sounds gay, but it's the truth. I can tell he rushed his way here. His hair is still kinda wet. I stand by him and notice the goosebumps on his arms and take in the fact that he's only wearing a thin grey tank top. I check what he brought and don't see a jacket or any sense of warmth. Today is kinda cold. Aish... this fish is going to catch a cold. Like a good friend I take off my favorite leather jacket and hand it to him. He looks at me confused. "Wear it." I say. Yoona who is attached to my arm turns to stare at Donghae. She's probably taken in the fact that this "idiot" may get a cold by now.

      "O-oh thanks, but I'm okay." he answers.

      Judging by his answer I don't think he'll take the jacket no matter what I say. I release Yoona's grip on my arm and stop Donghae by his wrist. Once again he looks at me confused. I start to put the jacket on him. He just stares at the ground like a puppy and whisphers a faint "thank you." I pull the hood over his wet hair. I pat his head and ends up leaving my hand there walking with him starting a conversation. I find myself actually laughing a type of laugh I haven't sounded in a long while. Maybe today won't be bad as I thought it would be.



        AH! I finally updated, but yet again my chapters are lacking in length. I'm the type of person who likes to write my stories on paper before typing so even though it looks like I wrote a lot on paper, it always ends up being this length... T^T! Well anywho! How was this chapter? Please give me feed back on what you thought. Comments litterally make me happy so please comment. Comments = faster updates. So how was EUNHAE in this chapter? Less awkward?? What'd you think about  Eunhyuk's dream? did i write it okay??? FEEDBACK... lol ..

     Thanks to those who subcribed to me and sorry that I don't update fast enough... I don't really have an excuse. I start writing, but then i get distracted by the FFs I subscribed to. Will someone feed me with some Eunhae feels??? please? Night/Morning/Whatever! MWAH! Love you! Saranghaeyo! ♥


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I want to post faster... but I'm having writers block... I have no idea what I want to write, but I really want to write!!!! Bare with me!


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257471 #1
Chapter 10: hope you'll update this curious here :)
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: Thx for updating and yes eunhae in this chapter is better but I'm still hooked on kyu who wants to be with his bunny by himself where in fact he invited all his friends to join him kekeke
Hey! New subscriber here! ^^
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: Is it because yoona likes hyukjae that is why she is ackward with hae? And kyu, you should be more honest to yourself or your adorable bunny will be sad thinking you are just playing with him, hope there'll be kyumin moments in the amusement park...
mochie #5
Chapter 8: Finally.. You update !! Make sure the next chapter comes faster !! XD
Silver-Soul #6
Chapter 6: Hehehe update soon~ i wonder what kyuhun feels now... Sungmin is just being his fake boyfriend but how about Kyu?? Can't wait to find out and read more!!^^
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 6: Sweet kyumin, more please? And eunhae too....
Chapter 6: That's one big group hangout!
Hehehe birthdays!
I wonder Eunhyuk actually has something against that guy..
Fighting Dongsaeng! :)
Silver-Soul #9
Chapter 5: EUNHAE KISSED!!! WOOT~ lol okay... i have a feeling sungmin said yes because he thought kyuhyun was irritated of the girls and wanted to help him...
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 5: The song is great and the chapter is great too, but is kyu really likes minnie or just playing? Update soon