Chapter 3

Only You

                    Xiah's POV

          "Kim seonsaengnim, please report to the principal's office." Huh? Me? Ugh, not again. I stomped my feet on the ground like a little kid, sulking. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so, I mean I've done everything to make sure not to get myself sent to the office..... UNLESS! Oh no... The principal probably found out I called him a 'useless player'. Hey but it's true. All my female co-workers fawn over him and he's nicer to all of them then he is to me! "Kim seonsaengnim, please report to the principal's office immediately." ​I scratch my head furiously. Ahhh! I'm in for it now!

           I walk slowly to the principal's office with a pout on my lips while dragging my feet. I felt eyes on me as I entered the front office. It's like they we're expecting me. I saw the ladies at their desks roll their eyes, and I could hear their whispers. "Ugh... What'd he do this time?" Finally, his secretary peeked from her desk and said "Yunho-oppa is in his office." SEE WHAT I MEAN! They call their BOSS​, ​OPPA! ​I shook my head and reluctantly walked towards his door. I peeked inside his office and saw him with his glasses on, doing paper work. "You may enter." he said without even lifting his eyes to look at me. I walked towards his desk, but I kept a safe distance. "Good morning Ki-" I cut in, "I-it's not what you think, well it kinda is, b-but  I didn't mean to-" I saw his hand move and out of instinct I flinched, shielding my face with my arms that formed an 'X​' formation. Hmm...? I'm not... in pain...? I opened one eye slowly to see him holding papers in his hand. I stared at him blankly. What's this? "This is your new student.", he said handing me the papers. Realizing that wasn't in trouble, I let out a sigh of relief. I took the papers out of his hand and was about to leave, but I heard his voice. "So you were saying Kim seonsaengnim?" Oh crap, not now! Pabo! Why'd I bring it up! "Um I-i was just going to say-" *Ding Dong Daeng~* That's it! Here's my chance! "Oh sorry, I better get to my class now." I bowed and rushed out of the front office and into the corridor. 

            As I walked towards my class, I saw a young man peeking into my class. I checked the sheets of paper Yunho seonsaengnim gave me and looked at the profile. It matched up perfectly with this boy. I went up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. "Donghae-shii?". He turned to me and gave me a bright smile while bowing 90 degrees. I walked forward signaling him to follow. "Quiet class!"


                   Donghae's POV

          The first bell had already rung, but I wasn't sure whether to go in or not. I kept peeking in. I saw that there wasn't a teacher inside so I was hesitant to go in. Should I go in or should I not? I think I should just go in. I took a deep breath and I was about to step in, but I felt someone tap on my shoulder. "Donghae-shii?" I turned around nad saw a young man in a suit. Ah, this must be the teacher. Yay, the teachers here for me! I bowed to him out of courteousy. He smiled to me then made his way to the classroom signaling me to follow. 

         "Quiet class!, he said in a not so confident, but loud tone. Everyone quickly got to their seats. I awkwardly shuffled my way next to the teacher. I could feel stares on my body, head to toe. "We have a new student.", he said to the class, then turned to me. "Would you like to introduce yourself?", he said to me in a softer tone. I nodded and turned to the class.

         "H-hi my name is Lee Donghae." I stuttered. I could some of the girls whisper to each other. "Aww he's so cute!" 

         Uhh......... What do I say now? "So what brings you hear Mr. Lee" said the teacher who was trying to help me out.

        "Ah, my mom got transferred so I'll be going here for now... p-please take good care of me.", I finally said bowing to the class. I looked to the teacher who was trying to find out where to put me. I'm so nervous! Where do I look? I looked to the back of the room and something, more like someone caught my eye. He was staring right into my eyes. It was a gentle stare. Those clear dark brown eyes that were deep in thought. I could feel a weird warm feeling in my heart? What was this? Even though this was a strange feeling, it felt familiar. Why?

        "Hm, Donghae-shii?", said the teacher bringing me back to reality. "Hmm?", I said a little startled. "You may sit over there.", he said pointing to the seat close to the back, right next to the windows. I walked to my seat and sat down awkwardly.

         The guy in front of me turned around and smiled. "Hi, I'm Henry!", he then took grip of my hand and wailed it up and down. He had a slight accent and his cheeks were like..... how would you describe it it............. like mochi! "You should hang out with me and my friends at lunch!" he said flashing me a smile. I nodded my head and he turned back to the front. Did I just make a friend? Well that was easier than I thought.


                      Eunhyuk's POV

          *Ding Dong Daeng~* Was that the bell? I can't hear over these girls crowding my desk all the way to Kyuhyun's desk. Why me? Kim seonsaengnim is late. I looked over to the door and saw someone peeking through. Is he going to come in.  Soon came in Kim seonsaengnim followed by someone a girl wearing a guy's uniform. "Quiet class!" said Mr. Kim making all the girls scram to their seats. "We have a new student today." You don't say. Boring... maybe I should just tune out... I saw the girl's lips moved and decided to tune in just a little bit. "H-hi my names is Lee Donghae." Donghae? Sounds like a guy's name to me. "Aww he's so cute!" I heard the girl next to me say. That's a guy!?  Are you sure? He sure doesn't act like one. I stared hard into his eyes which seemed to be avoiding everyone. He finally looked up and he was staring straight at me. My heart skipped a beat. Huh? Am I okay? His eyes were sparkling like a little kid. I haven't seen someone like this, wait I think I have. An image came to my head, but it was blurry. Must've been a long time ago I guess.

          I noticed we were still staring at each other, but I didn't want to look away. Suddenly he broke eye contact, responding to Mr. Kim's voice. He took a seat behind Henry. I shifted my gaze and looked at Kyuhyun. He was staring at Donghae. Was he changing targets. He then shook his head and got back to his head, meaning this "meat" wasn't as rare as that bunny guy this morning. Aigoo Kyuhyun, when will you learn.            




Hi Chingus! I'm a little confused with my own story so if there's anything you don't get just ask me. If there's something you want me to change, I might change. Please Comment! It makes me happy! Tell me what I should keep doing and what to change...




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I want to post faster... but I'm having writers block... I have no idea what I want to write, but I really want to write!!!! Bare with me!


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257471 #1
Chapter 10: hope you'll update this curious here :)
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: Thx for updating and yes eunhae in this chapter is better but I'm still hooked on kyu who wants to be with his bunny by himself where in fact he invited all his friends to join him kekeke
Hey! New subscriber here! ^^
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: Is it because yoona likes hyukjae that is why she is ackward with hae? And kyu, you should be more honest to yourself or your adorable bunny will be sad thinking you are just playing with him, hope there'll be kyumin moments in the amusement park...
mochie #5
Chapter 8: Finally.. You update !! Make sure the next chapter comes faster !! XD
Silver-Soul #6
Chapter 6: Hehehe update soon~ i wonder what kyuhun feels now... Sungmin is just being his fake boyfriend but how about Kyu?? Can't wait to find out and read more!!^^
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 6: Sweet kyumin, more please? And eunhae too....
Chapter 6: That's one big group hangout!
Hehehe birthdays!
I wonder Eunhyuk actually has something against that guy..
Fighting Dongsaeng! :)
Silver-Soul #9
Chapter 5: EUNHAE KISSED!!! WOOT~ lol okay... i have a feeling sungmin said yes because he thought kyuhyun was irritated of the girls and wanted to help him...
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 5: The song is great and the chapter is great too, but is kyu really likes minnie or just playing? Update soon