Chapter 7

Another Vampire Story

Harley’s POV

Have I mentioned how much I hate waking up at the crack of dawn? I have? Well I’m saying it again. I hate, hate, hate getting up early for anything, but I will do it for Channie because I need him on my side to pass this class. So here I am, in the deserted library waiting on said partner to show up. This is the only time he’s been late, but I still can’t help but be annoyed when he shows up twelve minutes after our appointed meeting time.

“I’m so so sorry,” he said as he sat down. “I know how much you hate being up this time of day. I brought you two Cokes today so I hope you forgive me.”

I wouldn’t speak until he presented me with my caffeine and I’d drank half of the first one. I let out a burp and addressed him. “We could always meet at night if it’s easier on you,” I said. I wonder if he was going to catch my drift.

He did. “Jay told you, didn’t he?”

“He only confirmed my suspicions. You’re a vamp, right?”

He flashed me a bit of fang before making his smile return to normal. “Is that going to change things between us?”

“I put up with Jay, remember? Having a vampire friend is totally not an issue for me.”

“For you, but what about him?”

“He’ll get over it. Wait…have you been reading my mind?”

“No,” Chansung replied. “I’d never do that without your permission. That’s an invasion of privacy, don’t you think?”

“I’m glad somebody agrees with me. Jay and I get into it all the time because he seems to think there’s nothing wrong with him monitoring my thoughts. It’s like a parent checking your browser history after you get off the computer.”

Chansung laughed. “It’s harder to ignore surface thoughts than you’d think. He should have more control than that though.”

“Don’t worry about it. But why didn’t you say anything to me before? Especially since I’m pretty sure you knew about Jay.”

“I wasn’t quite sure how’d you react at first. And then once I met your boy toy I didn’t know if you knew about him and I didn’t want to blow his cover and mine, so I just waited for you to bring it up.”

“You’re a bright kid Channie.”

“I’m older than you are and you always call me kid.”

“Be serious. You’re totally a giant kid. You’re bigger than me, and probably way older than me now that you mention it, but you’re definitely a kid.”

“Fine. Whatever you say.”

“That’s exactly why our relationship works so well-you know when to give in.”

“It’s easier not to fight when you’re the youngest. You learn to give in quickly and avoid the trouble.”

Hmmm… “Well since it’s obvious we’re not going to get any work done, why don’t you explain that to me? You have older siblings?”

“Five brothers,” Chansung answered. “We’re all not actually related, but we grew up together.”

“So you mean…were you adopted?”

“You could say that. I was an orphan. I was living on the street in Seoul and I was found and turned by a man who also took me in. I don’t know what would have happened to me if he hadn’t found me.”

“At least you weren’t lost forever,” I said. I reached across the table and grabbed Chansung’s hand, squeezing it. “How’d you end up here? I mean, this place is a long way from South Korea.”

“That’s what our father wanted,” Chansung said with a shrug. “He didn’t give us much explanation. He just told us to start packing our stuff and we got on a plane and came here. We actually moved a lot when we first came here, although we did spend a good few years up in the northwest. We only came here recently.”

“So do I get to meet this family of yours?” I asked. I was curious to see them. “A whole coven of male vampires…that would be kind of cool.”

“You are definitely not normal, but I mean that in a good way. As for meeting my brothers…that’s kind of out of the question. They don’t stay around here much now that their older. Father lets them do more. They’re all working on some project or another. I don’t see much of them myself.”

My shoulders sagged in disappointment. “Oh well. I’m sure I’d like them if they’re anything like you.” I glanced at my watch and tried to stifle a yawn. I wasn’t going to be learning anything today for sure, but I wanted to save my skip days for a time when I really needed them. “Channie, will you walk me to class?”

He nodded and picked up his bag. We walked out the library and through the overcast campus towards the English building. I was about to go inside my classroom when Channie stopped me.

“If Jay told you about my condition, he must have told you the other part too.”

“You mean about your liking me? I already knew that too.”

“And what do you have to say about it?”

“I’m not in charge of the future,” I said cryptically before heading to class.

The day passed by fairly quickly. All I wanted to do was go home and take a nice long nap before attempting the reading assignment I had for my Shakespeare class. I was able to get a ride home with a girl I’d gone to high school with and was more grateful than I probably should have been to not have to wait in the blazing sun for the shuttle the school provided.

After my nap I was in a pretty good mood. I still didn’t want to read, so I sat at the kitchen table with a bowl of noodles and let my iPod blast from the speakers. I didn’t know where Kali was, but I was content with the solitude for the moment. I knew Jay was probably going to pop up soon and before I could finish the thought he showed up.

“What’s up baby girl?”

Didn’t I tell him not to call me that? He’s trying to start something that I don’t have time to finish. The first draft of the research paper for my Sci-Fi project was due in the morning and I still had to BS two and a half more pages.

“Hey Jay.”

“That’s all I get? No hug or nothing? You still mad at me?”

“No, that’s not it,” I said. I made my way over to him and wrapped myself in his arms. He smelled like soap and cologne. I took a deep inhale and made myself dizzy smelling him.

“Do you approve?” he asked with a chuckle. I hit his chest playfully and stepped back.

“Yes actually, I do.”

“What are you doing this weekend?”

“What do I do every weekend?” I asked sarcastically. Friday was spent watching Gangland, bride shows, Diners Drive-Ins and Dives, and Storage Wars with Kali. Saturday was usually spent with Jay and Sunday night finishing the homework I’d put off. There wasn’t much variation in the routine.

“My bad ma, it’s just a question. But seriously, you wanna go to New Orleans?”

“And do what?”

“I got a show with Dumb actually, but you could bring your girl and come watch the set and figure out the rest as we go.”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course baby girl. We should do somethin’ other than fight, don’t you think?”

“That’s for damn sure,” I agreed. “When do we leave?”

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Check y blog for details about a sequel!


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YunaJi #1
Chapter 26: What does ma means? Please explain
myrunawayunicorn #2
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh,even though the story ended it doesn't feel like it did. But either way I loved it.
babyimnotamushroom #3
Chapter 33: This was a good story but will you be doing another sequel for it?
Chapter 33: Yaaaaaahoooo

I looooved thia storyy so much!!
Please isn't there a way to make a long multichaptered sequel :33

DawnD2014 #5
Chapter 33: Hi new reader i absoulutly loved it i will defintly be here if theres a part 3(i think it wwould be 3 whatever you know what i mean)loved the story was cute n funny :)
Hye-Yong #6
Chapter 33: I wanna know what Jay would do to Nichkhun, and what relationship Jin young and Mama Mottie had..
twinrlw9 #7
Chapter 33: It had to end so soon? But I enjoyed the story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: o_0 that was just so sudden, but im sad it came to an end :( thanks for the story