Chapter 14

Another Vampire Story


3rd Person POV

Jay walked through the park whistling. Ever since talking to Harley the weekend he was floating on cloud nine. There was nothing that could bring him down.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he checked the screen. Dok2 had been blowing up his phone all day and it was probably about time to answer it.

“What’s up man?”

“Where’s your girl?” Dok2 demanded.

“She’s at school. College girl, remember?”

“How many of the girls at her school have recognized you?”

“Just this one girl that I know of but man, what’s going on?”

“Have you been online since you got back?”

“Nah,” Jay said. “Is something wrong?”

“You might want to check on your girl, that’s all I got to say man.” The call disconnected before Jay could ask what he meant. He got on the Internet on his phone and sure enough, on the front page of some gossip site were about fifteen fancams of his performance. The first few comments were wondering who Harley was, but as he scrolled through, the later comments had her name, age and where she went to school.

Exiting the window, Jay rubbed a hand down his face. This was some bull. All he’d wanted to do was express himself to his girl and all of a sudden everyone hated her? He brought the page up again. “She’s not a hoe…or some groupie,” he muttered to the comments. Damage control needed to be done and quickly.

“Answer the phone, answer the phone,” he grumbled.

“What is it Jay? I was just in class,” Harley said.

“Have you been online today?”

“No, but I know that everyone hates me. I blame you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was going to turn into this.”

“Well what are you going to do about it Jay?”

“Give the fans what they want, I guess,” Jay said.

“So you’re breaking up with me?”

“No, not that! I meant…maybe we should make it official.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Don’t worry baby girl, I’ve got in under control.”


An hour or so later Jay met Harley at her apartment. He told her his plan and even though she didn’t like it, she agreed to it. What else was there to do but go public with the information? Of course if he was gonna do it then he would do it his way.

“I really hate you right now,” Harley muttered to him as he pulled out his phone.

“Don’t look like that. You love me, remember?”

Harley sighed. “Just because I love you doesn’t mean I have to like you.”

“That hurts baby girl.”

“Just do this thing, okay? I have a headache.”

“Okay.” Jay pushed the video button on his phone. “What’s up ya’ll it’s Jay Park and I’m here with someone very special to me. This,” he turned the screen toward Harley, “is my girl and I love her. Say hi Harley.”

She stuck her tongue out, then waved. “Jaywalkerz, I’m one of you. Don’t hate me. I’m living the dream right now.”

“That’s right,” Jay said. He turned the phone back to himself. “Don’t hate her. If ya’ll like me and respect me then you have to feel the same way about her. She’s not going anywhere anytime soon, so chill with those comments. I’ve seen ‘em. Ya’ll are better than that.”

He threw up a peace sign and stopped recording. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“A YouTube video to appease the fans…we’ll see how well this works out.” She put her hand to her temples and rubbed them. It was starting to worry Jay.

“Baby girl are you alright?”

“Just a headache and I was up early this morning. I think I’m gonna take a nap.”

“Are you sure?”

“Go post your video. I’ll be fine, I promise.”

Not wanting to start an argument, Jay left to let Harley rest. He went back home and uploaded the video. True, it was a cheap and kind of lame idea, but it was what he could come up with in a short amount of time. He hoped it would be enough. He had bigger things to deal with.

First of all, he needed to figure out what was up with Harley. Ever since New Orleans she’d been acting weird and now she was sick. What was that all about? And then there was the fact that he’d just been surrounded by vampires. That was definitely something to be worried about. Covens were rare these days and even though he wasn’t sure if all of them were connected, having Taec, Woo, Nichkhun, Junsu and Junho together at the same time had him feeling as though something major was about to go down.

Sitting up straight on the couch, a thought struck Jay like lightning. It had been what, two and a half, three centuries since the last time Jin Young had found him? The old man was constantly hunting him down and trying to get him to come back. He didn’t understand that there was no way in hell Jay would ever submit to him again. Not after what happened. Some things just were not done, especially once trust was broken.

If it really was Jin Young coming after him, then he was ready. He’d gotten away from him before, so he wasn’t really worried. If something happened to Harley though….Shaking his head, Jay refused to even complete the thought. Jin Young was ruthless, true, but to hurt Harley…that was past evil. He wouldn’t do that, would he? Of course he would. Jin Young didn’t give a damn about anyone else as long as he could get Harley back. For the first time in a long time, Jay was afraid of the old man.


“Is Harley home?” Chansung asked Kali. He stood outside the door and waited to be invited in.

“You’re Chansung right? Yeah, Harley’s here, come in.”

He crossed the threshold and followed the girl through the apartment that was a mirror opposite of his. He sat down in the living room where the furniture had been pushed to the side. The TV was at an angle and a game system was hooked up so he figured they’d been playing some kind of game. The walls had these weird lists on them. Upon further inspection he discovered they were the girls’ bias lists.

“You two are funny,” he commented as he read one entitled ‘Body Bias’.

“Don’t read those!” Kali said.

“Why not? Why are they there if I can’t read them?”

“They’re just for us. Besides, aren’t you here for Harley? Her room is that one.”

Chansung went to the room indicated. After knocking on the door a weak voice called for him to come in.

“Hey Harley.”

“Channie? What are you doing here?”

“I came to check on you after seeing the stuff about you online.” He sat down on the edge of her bed. “Are you alright?”

“That doesn’t matter to me. I’ve just been feeling really crappy lately.”

“What’s wrong?”

“My head hurts pretty much constantly and I’m always tired. I snapped at both of my teachers today and some freshman for no reason.”

“I didn’t mean to bother you.”

“It’s okay Channie. You always make me feel better.”

Chansung coughed nervously. Why did she have to say that? Didn’t she know what those kinds of things did to him? And the way she was grunting as she tried to get comfortable were working the wrong parts of his brain. This woman would be the death of him.

“Have you taken anything?”

“Yes daddy,” she teased. “Dang, it’s a headache, I’m not on my deathbed.”

It was too hot in the room. Daddy? Yeah, that wasn’t the kind of thing that went straight to his groin at all. “Look, I just wanted to make sure you were okay and  now I’m going to let you rest.”

“Aww Channie…”

“Besides, I don’t want to get you in trouble with your boy.”

“Why don’t you let me handle Jay? He doesn’t run me.”

Chansung laughed. “I don’t doubt that for a minute.” He got up to leave.

“No hug?” Harley pouted. “Some friend you are. See if I invite you here again. I’ll even tell Kali not to let you in.”

“But what if you have cooties?”

“Cooties? I knew you were a giant kid. Just come over here.”

Stiffly he walked around the bed and leaned over to hug Harley. She fit so nicely into his arms and she smelled good even if she was sick. Lavender and vanilla-he’d have to remember that.

“See, that wasn’t bad, now was it?” Harley asked.

“Bye,” Chansung said. He had to get out fast. He wasn’t supposed to be falling for her, but he couldn’t help it. He had a mission to carry out and he needed to stay focused. If he didn’t then one of the others would take over and he couldn’t risk that happening.

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Check y blog for details about a sequel!


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YunaJi #1
Chapter 26: What does ma means? Please explain
myrunawayunicorn #2
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh,even though the story ended it doesn't feel like it did. But either way I loved it.
babyimnotamushroom #3
Chapter 33: This was a good story but will you be doing another sequel for it?
Chapter 33: Yaaaaaahoooo

I looooved thia storyy so much!!
Please isn't there a way to make a long multichaptered sequel :33

DawnD2014 #5
Chapter 33: Hi new reader i absoulutly loved it i will defintly be here if theres a part 3(i think it wwould be 3 whatever you know what i mean)loved the story was cute n funny :)
Hye-Yong #6
Chapter 33: I wanna know what Jay would do to Nichkhun, and what relationship Jin young and Mama Mottie had..
twinrlw9 #7
Chapter 33: It had to end so soon? But I enjoyed the story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: o_0 that was just so sudden, but im sad it came to an end :( thanks for the story