Chapter 20

Another Vampire Story

3rd Person POV

Chansung sat dumbfounded in the booth. Harley had rejected him? What black magic was at work here? He’d done everything right, everything. He’d listened to her, treated her nice, made her laugh…he didn’t even try anything more physical than a hug. How could she turn her back on him?

Damn her. She would pay for hurting him.

“So little brother, it didn’t seem like you got the answer you were looking for although I did enjoy the show.”

“Shut up Taecyeon, not now.” Where had this bastard come from anyway? He was already in a bad mood and Taec wasn’t making it any better.

“Aww…did the baby get his feelings hurt? it up. It’s time for the next step.”

“What next step?”

Taecyeon didn’t answer. Instead he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

“Yeah, it’s me.” A pause as the person on the other line spoke. “Nope, she ran off without either of them. It was a surprise to me.” Another pause. “Yeah, so go ahead with the plan. We’ll meet you at the house.”

“Who was that?”

“Wooyoung. He’s going to bring your girl to the Master.”

“Her name is Harley,” Chansung said stubbornly.

“What difference does it make now?” Taec asked. “She’s not your concern anymore.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” His anger had subsided now. He was starting to get worried.

“Let’s just say that she won’t be breaking your heart any longer.”

Somehow, his words didn’t comfort Chansung at all.


“That was Taec. The girl’s on the move,” Wooyoung said to his partner.

“That’s her car, isn’t it?” Nichkhun asked, pointing.

“That’s it. Stay on her.”

They followed Harley around the city as she drove aimlessly. As much as he wanted to just get it over with, Wooyoung knew he had to stick to the plan. She had to be as isolated as possible before they could snatch her. He wished Harley had chosen Chansung. It would have been so much easier if he had.

“She’s moving again,” Nichkhun said as Harley’s white car pulled away from the park. “I think she’s going home now.”

“We’ll circle around and get her from the other side.”

They took off down a side road and came back around. They stayed in the inside lane, eyes peeled for the vehicle. They spotted it from the top of the hill and prepared to attack. It was only a flick of a wrist that caused the black truck to smash into the smaller car, rendering the latter’s driver unconscious. Quickly, the two vampires jumped out their vehicle and grabbed the girl. They made sure there were no witnesses before disappearing into the darkness.


Jay was going crazy. He knew it. He shouldn’t have stopped running after Harley, but he knew he wasn’t going to catch her. Even if he did, she probably wasn’t going to talk to him. He walked back to his car and just sat there for a minute. Confessions started playing again. He prayed it was Harley as he answered it.

“Man, what happened?”

He sighed. Dok2. That was his friend, but he was starting to get on his nerves. “She left me. For good.”

“Damn man.”

“Look, I don’t wanna talk right now. I gotta go find her.”

“A’ight man.”

Where could she be? Jay thought. All he wanted was to find her. To explain things to her. To get her back. He’d made the mistake of not going after her before and he wouldn’t do it again. He waited until he thought enough time had passed and went to her apartment. Her car wasn’t in the parking lot, which was a bad sign. In desperation he called Kali.

“Has Harley made it home yet?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Look Kali, I’m serious. She stormed away from both me and Chansung a long time ago and I’m a little worried about her.”

“I just talked to her. She said she’d be home soon.” She paused as though thinking of something. “I was rooting for you, by the way. I don’t trust Chansung even though he isn’t as much of an as you are.”

“Um…thanks,” Jay said, unsure if he’d been insulted or complimented. “Could you call me whenever Harley gets in?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Having no other option, Jay drove back home. His mind wouldn’t stop racing so he jumped in the shower figuring that by the time he got out he’d have a call from Kali, or maybe even Harley. He showered quickly, disappointed to see no missed calls. Trying to keep himself calm, he went to the living room and started watching a movie on TV. After the movie, he still didn’t have a call. He couldn’t take it anymore. Just as he was about to redial Kali she called him.

“Has Harley called you?”

“I was about to call and ask you the same thing,” Jay said.

“I haven’t heard from her in an hour. What if something happened to her? What if someone took her or some other vampire tried to turn her or something?” Kali was frantic and her tone did nothing to quell Jay’s rising anxiousness.

“Another vamp? What do you mean?”

“That Taecyeon guy seemed really creepy to me,” Kali suggested. “Or…what happened to Chansung after Harley left ya’ll?”

“I don’t know. I ran after her and left him in the food court.”

“Do you think Chansung did something to her? You know, in revenge?”

“It’s possible…” Jay said. “Nah, I don’t think so. This seems like something much more serious than a little boy’s feelings.”

“What are you thinking?”

“I think-” His phone beeped, interrupting his thought by signaling that he had another call. He didn’t recognize the number, but his gut was telling him to answer it. “Kali, I’m gonna have to call you back.” He felt kind of bad for leaving her panicking but he switched over to the other line. Goosebumps went down his back as an all too familiar voice filtered over the receiver.

“If you want the girl, you’ll come back to me.”

“I’m getting her back either way. Where and when?”

The voice chuckled. “Oh Jaebeom, you’re as reckless and passionate as ever. We’ll talk about that when you get here. One of my associates is waiting for you outside. He will bring you to me.”

The call disconnected and Jay went straight to the door. He was more than a little surprised to see Wooyoung waiting for him. “Come,” he said, “the Master is waiting for you.”

“He’s not my Master,” Jay spat.

Wooyoung reached out and grabbed hold of Jay’s shoulder. Jay blinked and found himself in a mansion decorated rather gaudily with expensive paintings and ugly wallpaper. Yes, the “Master” definitely lived here. He followed Wooyoung down a long hallway that ended in a high arched door. Woo stopped but gestured for Jay to continue. Damn, I should have called Kali first.


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Check y blog for details about a sequel!


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YunaJi #1
Chapter 26: What does ma means? Please explain
myrunawayunicorn #2
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh,even though the story ended it doesn't feel like it did. But either way I loved it.
babyimnotamushroom #3
Chapter 33: This was a good story but will you be doing another sequel for it?
Chapter 33: Yaaaaaahoooo

I looooved thia storyy so much!!
Please isn't there a way to make a long multichaptered sequel :33

DawnD2014 #5
Chapter 33: Hi new reader i absoulutly loved it i will defintly be here if theres a part 3(i think it wwould be 3 whatever you know what i mean)loved the story was cute n funny :)
Hye-Yong #6
Chapter 33: I wanna know what Jay would do to Nichkhun, and what relationship Jin young and Mama Mottie had..
twinrlw9 #7
Chapter 33: It had to end so soon? But I enjoyed the story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: o_0 that was just so sudden, but im sad it came to an end :( thanks for the story