Chapter 17

Another Vampire Story

Harley’s POV

“Harley~! I’m hungry~”

“You weird child, you’re always hungry.”

“No I’m not,” he told her. “I didn’t have breakfast this morning.”

“There are some bananas and I think an apple in the bowl in the kitchen. Eat that until I finish this.”

I shook my head as he all too excitedly went to get the fruit. He lied. He is always hungry, but since he’s so big I guess I can’t blame him. Still, it’s a hassle trying to write a paper when a giant child is constantly poking you and begging for food.

Channie came back with the fruit and sat down on the edge of my bed. “You got two?”

“Three actually. I ate one on the way in.”

I opened and closed my mouth. At least they wouldn’t go to waste. I went back to typing, trying to finish up the last few paragraphs. I glanced up and choked on my spit. Who the hell had taught Chansung to eat a banana? I mean seriously, I’d never seen something so ual in my life. The damn thing was halfway down his throat in one bite.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine,” I nodded. “Give me two more seconds to finish it.”

He went back to his banana and I forced myself not to look up as I did the conclusion. “Look over it and then we can go eat.” I turned the screen to him and waited for him to proofread our assignment but he didn’t even bother to look at it.

“There’s no point. You’re going to change something later anyway. Let’s go eat.”

I couldn’t even fight the statement because I knew it was true. I stood up, wincing at the cracking my joints did as I stretched. I grabbed my wallet and followed Channie out the door.


The days were passing by too quickly for me. It was already the sixth day of Chansung’s little experiment and I have to say that it was working. The only time I thought of Jay was in my dreams where visions haunted me but there wasn’t anything I could do about that. The hours I spent with Chansung were simply amazing. I didn’t have to worry about starting an argument, or fighting off some other girl, or any of that. We just talked and laughed and hung out. He made me so happy.

Of course, it made me slightly uncomfortable sometimes. I kind of felt like I was using him. Knowing that he liked me always made aware of the things I did that seemed like flirting-like how I always ended up grabbing his hand whenever we walked together. There was the whole childhood mating ritual of hitting him as often as possible and I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t have called him cute as often as I did.

Still, I don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been for Channie. He was always there for me. Even when we weren’t talking he just sat there, holding my hand or just holding me, and it was just comforting. I wished the moments I spent with him like that would last forever.

“Hey Harley, guess what?”

“What Channie?” We were in the living room watching Mortal Kombat. He was lying down on the couch with his head in my lap like the giant child he is. He turned to look up at me as he spoke.

“My brothers are all coming home this weekend.”

“Oh really? That’s nice. You said you hadn’t seen them in a while, right?”

“Yep,” he grinned. “And you haven’t met them at all.”

“You mean…I get to meet your brothers?”


“Maybe? What do you mean maybe? How do you bring something like that up just to tease me?” I folded my arms over my chest. “You’re so mean Channie.”

“Don’t be like that,” he chided. He reached up and unfolded my arms. “I have to make sure it’s okay with everyone first. It’s the first time we’ve all been together in a while. They may just want to spend time with just the seven of us.”

“Seven…you mean your dad too?”


“You’re telling me that there’s the possibility that I’m going to meet your whole family?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“Wow,” I whispered. “This is so cool.” Channie laughed at me. He always thought my reactions to the supernatural were amusing. “When are they going to get here?”

“The day after tomorrow.”

TomorrowThe word burned its way into my brain. Tomorrow was the seventh day. I was going to have to make a decision tomorrow. Something told me that I was going to choose wrong no matter what I did. Suddenly, I didn’t want to be near Channie anymore.

“I just remembered that I have to draw this thing for Kali. Why don’t you go on home?” I suggested. I was 99.9% sure that he knew I was trying to get rid of him but he didn’t press me. Instead he just sat up and let me walk him to the door.

“See you tomorrow Harley.”

“Good night Channie.”

I closed the door behind him and went straight to Kali’s room. She looked like she was waiting for me. Seeing how her desk was on the other side of the wall where the couch was it was possible that she’d overheard everything. I wouldn’t put it past her.

“So…” she started.

“Shut up!” I have got to stop watching TheRunawayGuys videos. Im starting to talk like them. “What am I gonna do?”

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

I slapped my forehead. “I didn’t tell you why I’ve been spending so much time with Channie?”


“Well damn.” I gave her the abbreviated version before starting with my new worries. “I don’t know what to do. I mean, Jay hasn’t even tried to contact me. He hasn’t even been thought spying! Then there’s Channie who has been nothing but sweet to me. He treats me perfectly well but it’s just not the same. I hate to say it but he’s almost too nice. To be honest I kind of liked arguing with Jay. This makes no sense.”

“Yes it does. You want to be with Jay. That’s it.”

“No it’s not. I like Channie too,” I added quietly. “This would be perfect if there was a mix of the two.”

“Well there’s not so you have to make a choice.”

“I don’t wanna~”

“Stop whining. Whining ain’t cute.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She glared at me and I held my hands up in surrender. The last thing I needed right now was for her to try something out on me.

“You know, you’re really not helping,” I told her.

“No matter what I say you’re not going to listen me. I don’t feel the need to waste my breath.”

“That’s comforting.”

“I do need you to draw this poster for me though.”

“I’m supposed to help you but you can’t help me decide between a couple of vampires? Some friend you are,” I scoffed.

“Whatever. Just do it neatly.”

“Who would you choose?” I asked as she handed me the markers.


“Really? Jay? I was under the impression that you weren’t his biggest fan.”

“I dont like him because he’s an to you. If I look at it objectively then I have to say he’s the total package. I mean, he can sing and rap. He can dance. He rips his shirt off whenever it’s possible which is fine by me since his body is effing amazing. Um…is there anything I’m missing?”

I had to laugh. There was a way that Kali said things that made them absolutely hilarious. I could see her point.

“Channie can rap too. And you could use his abs as a cheese grater.”

“How am I supposed to verify that? I don’t know that for myself so I can’t acknowledge it. I still say Jay. Ya’ll just work. I mean you fight like an old married couple but it’s like you were made for each other.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. That was one way to look at it. I turned my attention to the poster. “Okay.”

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 26: What does ma means? Please explain
myrunawayunicorn #2
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh,even though the story ended it doesn't feel like it did. But either way I loved it.
babyimnotamushroom #3
Chapter 33: This was a good story but will you be doing another sequel for it?
Chapter 33: Yaaaaaahoooo

I looooved thia storyy so much!!
Please isn't there a way to make a long multichaptered sequel :33

DawnD2014 #5
Chapter 33: Hi new reader i absoulutly loved it i will defintly be here if theres a part 3(i think it wwould be 3 whatever you know what i mean)loved the story was cute n funny :)
Hye-Yong #6
Chapter 33: I wanna know what Jay would do to Nichkhun, and what relationship Jin young and Mama Mottie had..
twinrlw9 #7
Chapter 33: It had to end so soon? But I enjoyed the story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: Amazing Story!
Chapter 33: o_0 that was just so sudden, but im sad it came to an end :( thanks for the story