I Promise

Only Fate

Italisized text indicates that Key is talking to Tae in his mind.

Author's P.O.V

It's been three days and Key still hasn't waken up yet. The members take turns staying over night with Tae Ri. They each make sure that Tae actually goes home in the morning and eat normally. She's worried and depressed, but she doesn't show it. When she has to work, she goes to work and comes back after.

She talks to Key often. Tells him how much she misses his voice, laugh, and even nagging. Usually the topic comes to telling him to wake up soon, while she cries silently. When she talks to him, she'd hoped that he would hear everything, like in the moves. He does. He wants to so badly wake up and embrace her, telling her that it's not her fault. It hurts him to see, or perhaps hear, her say things like that. He tries to wake up, but there's a pressure on his eyelids that he can't open them.

She blames everything on her, but the others disagree. They try to get her to not think negative like that. She's in enough pain to be pushing herself down even more. She may try to look like her cheery self, but they can see through her. They try to come to the hospital together, so it would lighten up the mood. They would often sing or play games that could make her laugh.

Key's P.O.V

*sigh* Tae, jagi. Don't say those things. Don't blame this on you. It was my mistake. I didn't push her away. No, I LOVE YOU and you only. You've got it all wrong. And I chose to drink, drove while I was drunk, and sped up the car. I probably deserved the hit. Mianhe, jagiya. I just want to wake up and hold you in my arms, telling you its okay and that it's not your fault. I would be whispering sweet nothings into your ear, rocking you back and forth. Saranghae. I felt a tear slide down my face. Can you see it, Tae? I hope you can.

Ughh why is it so hard to open my eyes? I can hear everything, but I can't wake up. My body isn't very responsive. -.- Thank you, guys for trying to make her feel better. I owe you a lot. Manager hyung probably went through a lot to get all of us a private room and keep the situation quiet. I'm so selfish, only thinking about myself and problems, not thinking about the consequences of what my actions could cause. i promise when I wake up...if I wake up...I'll take full responsibility for what I did. 

Tae Ri's P.O.V

I was sitting next to Key's bed as usual, holding his hand. I decided to tell him why I'd been ignoring him all those days. "I'm so sorry, Kibum. It's all my fault. I ignored you for so long. I was overreacting about you and Nicole. So what if you two kissed? You probably love her more than me, but that's okay. All I want you to know is that I lo-love y-you," I trembled while saying the last three words. I was crying again and the others tried to comfort me. They gave up on trying to tell me not to say those things and that I should know that Key loves me. When I looked up to see his face, I saw a tear line on his face. I gasped and the others moved their gazes to where mine was and gasped too, some of them standing up to see clearly. "Key, can you hear me?" I stood up and squeezed his hand a little.

I can hear you, Tae. 

"Please, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand or something." The others were staring attentively, standing around his bed.

I don't know if I can. I'll try for you. *He tries to open his eyes again, but failed. So, he tried squeezing her hand.* 

Did you feel that?

I looked everywhere for any kind of movement, but tears started to form again and I held his hand up and held it to my cheek. "Please, Key, please. Anything?" 

I'm trying. Why is it so hard to do anything?! I need to let her know that I'm okay. *He tried squeezing her hand again, trying to squeeze harder this time.*

I felt a slight movement from his hand that was in mine and touching my cheek. I looked at the others and saw that they were either shocked, or happy in glee. I looked down at Key and started to smile a little. "That's it, Kibum! Can you open your eyes," I practically begged him. 

I'm sorry. There's still too much pressure on my eyes. Jagi, please understand. Just a little more time. I promise, I'll wake up for you.

He didn't open his eyes and I was disappointed, but I was really happy that he could hear me and the others. "Don't worry, we'll help you wake up, hyung. Right, noona," Taeminnie beamed. I giggled and nodded,"Sure is." I wiped my tears and we all sat back down. The rest of the day we would try to entertain Key, since we know he can hear us. The nurses would come in to tell us to quiet down, because the other rooms could hear us. 

Key's P.O.V

Haha. You guys are so weird. Trying to make me laugh, while I'm in a coma. The doctor and nurses are probably thinking you guys are weird, talking to some guy who's not aware of anything. Well, they think I'm not aware of anything, when I totally am.  Ugh, I wonder how I look though. D; But thanks to Tae, she moisturizes me everyday. My hands and my face. Once I wake up and get out of here, I'm going straight to the salon. I need to cover up anything bruises or burns that I have and it's about time I change my hairstyle. It's good to hear you laughing again, jagiya. I heard a knock on the door and open, familiar voice greeting Tae. Daehyun. 

Tae Ri's P.O.V

Some one knocked on the door and opened it. We stopped what we were doing and looked over. It was my oppa. I stood up and rushed over to him. "Oppa. What are you doing here," I asked as I gave him a small hug. He returned the hug and patted my head. "I came here to visit Kimbap. How is he?" He bowed to the others and they did the same. I'm guessing they know each other too. -.- "He's doing good. He can hear everything. I just hope we can get him to wake up, soon." I sat back down and Daehyun sat on the other side.  He nodded his head," That's good...Hyung, if you can hear me, then wake up! *laugh* We all miss you, especially Ri." I threw him a glare and he just stuck his tongue out at me. "Immature. Ignore him, Kibum. *sigh* Please, wake up soon," I said as my voice wasn't cheery anymore. 

"Ugh, here we go again...," the others groaned, excluding Daehyun. I pouted and Key's hair. 


A/N Sorry if it was sad at the beginning. I actually had the urge to write this up, so I did. Music is a very good inspirational thing to listen to. It gets you in whatever mood the story is, or the song tells perfectly what the story/situation is. I recommend for writers to find music to listen to, while you write. 



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Only Fate = Completed


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@Denisse I know! (: it's today in Korea.
Chapter 23: keys birthday is coming soo happy
@Denisse I'll try to write it tomorrow! (:
O M G update soon
choidaehyun #5
hahaha you're getting really good at this, dongsaeng. I'm sure you can guess who this is by the username (couldn't think of anything lol). keep it up! cat wait to see where it goes next [: by the way, warn me next time you put one of our conversations into a chapter!
Thank you! I'll try. (:
great update.. i hope he didnt hear... i winder what will happen next.. love this fanfic so much.. update soon
@Bugs_Bunny_Lover Thank you! (: I'll try to update everyday. School is starting soon for me, so I'll try.
omo this really good plz update ^^