Chapter : NO TITLE

♥ Muse of Love ♥

[The song inspired from one of Yuna's song (Deeper Conversation)]

Is your favourite colour,blue?

Do you always tell the truth?

Do you believe in outer space?

Now I’m learning you


Is your skin as tanned as mine?

Does your hair flow sideways?

Did someone took a portion of your heart?

Now I’m learning you


It’s a top a steep hill and a thirty minute trek from her apartment. The huge rock isn’t smooth to the touch, but it’s comfortable enough to lean back on and relax after a hard day. When it isn’t windy, isn’t too cold, and isn’t too dark, this is where she like to come and kick back with a guitar while watching the clouds. But that is definitely the sound of soft footsteps coming from behind the rock, interrupting her time.

“Uh..Hello there” a man walks out.

“Hello.” She replied.

“Sorry for bothering you,” he smiles apologetically.”I’m”

“I’m what?” placing the guitar beside her,she adjusted her seat so that she now facing him..

“Your voice...It’s amazing.” He said nervously.

Feeling embarassed,she turning her gaze towards the ground,hiding her blushing cheeks.”T-thank you.”

“Can I sit here?”he asked,pointing to seat

“Of course.” She moved a bit,giving a space beside her.

He sits down next to her with one leg up to his chest and leaves the other outstreched. “What’s your name?”

“Ah,I’m Nana.Yours?”

“You..don’t know me?”She shook her head.“Umm..Hoya.” he introduced himself.Weird that she doesn’t know his name.

“’s a flower name right?The purple one.” She said,describing the flower.


“Are you usually being here?” he asked,breaking the awkward atmosphere.

She nodded “Yup.I’ve never see you here before.What’s make you come here?”

“I was just wandering around.And then I heard you singing back there.So..I’m here”

“Ah...” she nodded slightly.

“That’s a good song.What a soothing song.”

“Really?” She asked,didn’t believe.

“Yeah.What’s the name?”

“Umm...actually..I don’t have the name yet.I’m still thinking for it.” She replied shyly.

His eyes widen “You made that song yourself?”

She nodded.”B-but it’s still in progress..”

“Finish the rest.I’m curious.” He said,showing his toothy grin.


“I’m just kidding.Can I come here next time?” he smiled sheepishly then rubbed the back of his neck.

She nodded,giving him a warm smile “Sure.You’re welcome here anytime.But,please keep it secret.I mean,this is my secret place.”she warned.

“Okay.I got to go now.See you next time, Nana.”

“Yeah see you”


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