♥ Muse of Love ♥

“Can’t you help me this time?I really need your help!” she pleaded.

“Whaaat?!You know I’m no good in kids right?Why don’t you take care of him instead?”

“Ahh..I got date with Dae Hyun on that day.Besides,my sis ask me to take care of him only for a day.I bet you can help me~pretty please~”

She sighed heavily.

“Only this time.I promise you!”she begged.Now she really caught passerby’s attention.

She message her temple “Okay,but you’ll promise me to treat me afterward.”

“Promise!” Wide smile speads on .“I’ll send him to you tomorrow.”

“Okay,okay.What’s his name again?” she asked.

“Soo Jin,Kim Soo Jin.He’s 4 this year.Don’t worry,he’s not a crybaby.”




“Soo Jin,promise me you’ll be a good boy okay?Never trouble this noona.Alright?” she warned.

The boy nodded with a smile that will melt anyone’s heart.”Okay.”

“I should go now.Good luck Nana darling.”


She bend her body,levelling the little boy’s height. “Hello there.” She waved at him.”Let’s have fun okay?” She hold out her hand to him.

The boy nodded happily.He slips his hand to hers.


“Noona!” Soo Jin whined,while his chocolate ice-cream.He was begging her to join him on the swing but she don’t think the age was suitable for her.She were amused as to how he could eat and talk at the same time.He held on to your hand and pouted,throwing his tantrum.

She sighed and nodded.She took the empty swing beside him.In she hand was his half-eaten chocolate ice-cream,which had been forgotten.She shoved a hand in the pocket.Pulling her phone out,she flicked a finger over the screen to activate it.The was no sign of new message.

“I don’t think this thing fit for someone around your age miss.”

She turns to find a tall man standing behind her.Already embarassed,she stand up.She tried to see his face but half of his face was covered up with a black mouth mask.

”Err...You want to play it?”she asked awkwardly.

The man burst out laughing.”Seriously?” he asked in between his laugh.


“I thought I’m the only weird,but there’s another person weirder than me.”

“What?!I’m weird?Sir,you’re the one being weird here.”seeing the man still laughing,She puts on her annoyed face “Whatever”


She look up at the main play area to check on the boy,only to find that he had dissapeared.

“Soo Jin?” She scrambled up and went to the other side.

“Who are you looking for?” the man asked

“A boy.Did you see he go anywhere?” she asked,began to panic.

“Take a deep breathe and tell me how’s he look like?”

“He..He have a deep brown hair and around this tall.” She explained,gesturing the boy’s height.

“Are you looking for this boy,miss?” a voice heard.Quickly she turns to find another man with Soo Jin beside him.

“Soo Jin!What did your aunt told you about being a good boy?” she hugged the boy.”Are you alright?Got hurt anywhere?” she asked,scanning on his body.She saw that he had a scrape on his knee.

“He fell down while playing.”

Her eyes met with the stranger.He was only smiling.It made him look a little hostile.”Uh..thank you for taking care of him.” She bowed,showing her gratitude.

“No problem.Besides,I love kids.” he smile.He had a small body,like a woman.A small face,like a woman.A milky skin,like a woman.Is he a woman?”Ah,hyung,you’re here?I thought you were going to take some pictures”

She turns to the man beside her.They know each other?

“I’m intend to.But this person seems to distract me.” He pointed out.

“Me?You’re the one saying weird thing to me.” She insisted.Earning a small chuckle from him.

“I see we’re not having the same reaction like the others.Do you know us?” the man in front of her asked.

“Reaction?You lived around this neighbourhood?” she answer with another question.

“What?Seriously you don’t know us?” she shook her head.”Oh!How bout his face?” he pulled the other man’s mask.She shook her head again.


“I’m sorry but I’m not from here.” She explained.

“Really?” their eyes widen.”You’re foreigner?”

She nodded her head.

“It’s rare to meet someone who can talk Korean so normally.”

“It's not weird.You guys don't know about kpop dominates world nowday?So anything about korean,language,culture is not so rare you know?.” She chuckled.

At that very moment,her phone buzzed and she took it out from her pocket.It was a message from Eun Ae,asking her where the both of them were.

“I got to go now.Thank you for your help,mister.”she turned to Soo Jin”Let’s treat your wounds okay?” he nodded.

“By the way,I’m Sung Jong.And this man is Kim Myung Soo.” He introduced.

“I’m Nana,nice to meet you guys.” She took Soo Jin’s hand in hers before giving both of them a small wave.


Thanks to new subcribers.~

You guys really made my day <3

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