♥ Muse of Love ♥

“Achoo!” she sneezed again.She sniffed a few times as she tried to look for clean tissue.She picked up her small towel and pressed it to her nose.

Annoyed with the flu,she put on her jacket and head out to pharmacy.



“What?” he whines

“Please?Just buy the medicine for me.” Dong Woo pleaded.

“But the pharmacy is really far from our dorm.” He shook his head.

“Yah,Woo Hyun,just go and buy.Since when did you being so lazy?” the eldest command.

“Aish,why don’t you ask Hyoan hyung go instead?”

“Did you see Hyoan hyung here?Go go” he shoved Woo Hyun out to the door.

“I get it,I get it.” He groans.He make sure he was fully covered before going out.He grabs his wallet and left to the pharmacy.



“Where is it..” she scanned between hundred of medicines.’Ah!There!’

Once she found it,quickly she fasten her pace to grab it but end up collided with someone.She fall down to the ground.

“Ouch..” she whines.The other side reach out his hand to pull her up.

Once she was on her feet,she quickly apologize. “I’m sorry.I didn’t see you there earlier.” She bows.

“Eh,it’s alright.It’s partly my fault too.Are you okay?” he asked.Feeling quite guilty.

She nodded vigorously.”Perfectly fine.Thank you.” She bows once again before went to get the medicine.

“Ah,I’m looking for that too.” The man chuckled.”You’re having flu too?”

She nodded.”Yeah.The rain really caught me up yesterday.”she mirrored him.

“I see.For my apologize,let me pay for yours.” He grins.

“Sir,you’re quite greasy..” she whispers.

“I’m what?” he asked.

She shook her head “Nothing.Thank you,but I can pay this by myself.” She gave him a small bow before leave to the cashier.

“No,no,no!” He stops her “Let me pay for you.” He insisted,receiving a sigh from her.

“Why are you so eager to pay for me?”

“Hmm...” he rubs his chin “Because I made you fall earlier?”

“Uh..that’s not reasonable.” She shook her head.

“ bout I made you bump onto me?” he asked again.

“It’s accident.Besides it’s me whom running onto you.” She sigh.She shook her head once again.

“Urgh..” his mouth forms a small pout “Just let me show you my good side!Like a gentleman.” He groans.He’s nearly gave up on her.

Another heavy sigh escaped from . “Okay,okay.Whatever mr. Gentleman.I don’t have any energy to argue with you.” She pass the bottle to him.

The boy nearly jumping in excitement.Both of them walked to the cashier.


“Thank you for this mr. Gentleman” she waved the small plastic at him.

“Your welcome milady~” he chuckled.Looks like he got a new nickname.

“I got to go now.Thanks for wasting my time in there.” She left an airy laugh.

“Hey,at least know this mr. Gentleman’s name.”

“Okay,what’s your name,mister?”

“Woo Hyun.Nam Woo Hyun.

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