♥ Muse of Love ♥

“Hyung,where are you going?” Woo Hyun asked.

“Take a walk.Wanna join?

“But it’s already late,look at the time now” he checks his phone “Almost 10”

“I know.It’s better if there’s not much people around.” He stated.It’s true,he wouldn’t have to wear  much disguise to just strolling at thepark.

 “Good idea.Wait,I’ll change my pants for a while.”

“It’s just the park,Woo Hyun.”

“I know,but maybe there’s any cute chicks around...”

“What?” his eyes become smaller,almost in straight line.

“Just kidding,hyung.Let’s go!” he patted Sung Gyu’s shoulder.



“Urgh,where is it?” she groans while warming up her body.

She shoved her hand into the pocket ang encircle it around her phone.Pulling it out to check to time.

“What?10 pm?” she left a heavy sigh again.”Maybe I should wait a little longer.”

It was 10 pm and there were not much people around.Few of them were jogging around the park while others just hanging around.The park were decorated with colourful lights.She took out her notebook and began writing something.


And if you don’t mind

can you tell me

 all your hopes and fears

And everything that you believe-


“Ah!!Hyung~”  she heard someone stomping on the ground and the sound coming towards her.

“What?What?It’s your fault!” Another voice heard.Hates being disturbed,shestand up and walked to the voice,asking for a silence.She saw two man sitting with their back facing her.

“Umm..hey.Can you guys lower your voice?I mean you guys are disturbing others.” She warned.

Both of them turns. “Opps,I’m really sorry,we were really loud-“ the man stands and face the girl.

“Wait,did we met before?” the man with big glasses asked.

“Oh,Woo Hyun,stop it.What a lame pick-up line to use.” The other man said,smacking his friend.

 “It’s true,I remember you!You’re the girl from the pharmacy right?” ignoring the leader’s joke.

“Hmm..” she taps her finger to her chin,trying to memorize the person in front of her “Umm..Nam Woo Hyun isn’t it?”She asked him and he snapped his fingers as he nodded his head.

“What a good brain you got there,miss.” He chuckled.

“You guys know each other?” his friend asked,trying not to left behind.”Is it okay for her to see us like this?”He whispered to Woo Hyun.

He nodded,trying to reassuring him, “Remember when you asked me to buy medicine?There’s where I met this girl.”

“Ehem, it’s Nana” she interrups.

“Oh,okay.” The leader nodded.He doesn’t usually care if everyone knows him since he’s the social butterfly in Infinite.

“Ah,hyung,let me introduce you guys. Nana,this is my friend,Sung Gyu.” He patted Sung Gyu’s shoulder “And this is Nana”

“Nice to meet you,Sung Gyu.” She bows lightly.Then something clicked in her mind,Sung Gyu?The name sounds familiar to her.”Did we met before?I think I’ve heard your name before.” She asked.

“Me?I don’t know.Mistaken me for someone else?.” The man replied.Worried that she knows his true identity.Well,it’s not a crime,but he is just being paranoid to ‘accidently’ meet a sasaeng fans at such time.

She nodded her head.She sure that she did really met this person before.Racking her mind,trying to recognize him.Then,it flashed.

“Are you...” opened,but she closed it back.It’s the past.Maybe he don’t remember me.


“No nothing.By the way,what are you guys doing here?At late night?” she asked.Changing the topic.

“Hey,that’s my line.What does a girl like you being here at late night?” Woo Hyun tsk playfully.

“Me?I’m waiting for something.”

“Boyfriend?” Sung Gyu asked.

“I said,I’m waiting for something,not someone.” She chuckled.

“Okay,what is it?”

“Fireflies” she replied.A childish grin plastered on her face.

“Fireflies?” she nodded.

“For what?” Woo Hyun asked.

“Well..Are there need to be reason for liking something?”

“Okay,you win.So,how’s the progress?”

She shook her head sadly.A small pout forms.”Nope.I’ve wait for 2 hours,but still..”

“That’s because you’re an idiot.” Sung Gyu stated between his chuckled.

“What?!I’m not!”

“Yes you are.Here’s some tips.” She scooted closer to him.Began to pay attention.He shove his hand into the pocket and pulled out his phone.He clicked to the screen and it flashed.

“Using your phone as attraction to the fireflies.” A few minutes passed and fireflies began to gather around his phone.

“Oh my,this is sooo pretty!” Her eyes fluttered.She was exited to see how fireflies flickered out their light.She then pulled out her phone followed by Woo Hyun,mirrorring Sung Gyu.

“Hyung,how did you know about this?”

“Well,I’m the brain aren’t I?” Sung Gyu said proudly.


“It’s getting late.I should head home now.” Nana packed up her things.

“Do you want me to send you home?” Woo Hyun offered.

She shook her head lightly “My home are not far away from here.”

“Okay then.Take care on your way home.” Sung Gyu said.

“Yes sir.” She playfully salute him. “Bye Sung Gyu,Woo Hyun.”

“Wait,will we meet again?” Woo Hyun asked.

After a long pause,she replied “Maybe”

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