Chapter : RAIN GIRL

♥ Muse of Love ♥

Running towards the bus stop,the rain hit every part of her body.Even in attemps to shield them from the bullet rain with her jacket,it didn’t seems to work.She quickly ran in  as her body shook from the contact of the heat from the inside that mixed with the cold water dripping from her skin.Mentally cursing to forget the umbrella earlier.

“It’s been raining hard eh?” a voice heard.She glance the person next to her.He was wrapped from head to toe.Face mask,hat,buttoned up jacket,jeans,laced up boots.Bet he was comfortable with such fashion.

 “Well,yeah.But I liked this weather.” She comment while rubbing her palms to keep her body warm.’There’s no harm chatting with stranger right?’

“Really? And why is that?” the man turns to her.His eyebrow was quirked up.

“Well..first ” she pointed out her finger “because it’s cold of course.Secondly,I love seeing droplets on the windows.Aren’t they nice?I felt so calm and peaceful.” A wide grin forms on her face.

He nodded at her statement.Impressed at how this girl would like rain very much.

”Third,..” her lowered her gaze towards the ground ”the rain reminds me of my hometown.” She whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

“Your hometown?Means you’re not living around here?” he asked.

She nodded.Lifting her gaze to him.”I’m from Japan.Aren’t I look like one?” she frowned.

He laughed “A bit.So why were you here?Holiday?”

“I’m not that rich to easily went for holiday.I studied here.” She chuckled.

“Woah,lucky huh?” he amazed.

“Okay mister,stop investigate me.Now it’s your turn.What are you doing here at this time?” she asked.

“Hmm..I’m on an important mission right now.” He chuckled.

“Cool,what is it about?”

“Well,my friend had a crush on a girl at this one of his favourite shop.And I’m going to stalk on her.Maybe I could give my friend idea for his confession?”

She nods “Your friend must be really ‘thankful’ having his friend stalking over his crush huh?”

He frowned, “Hey,I don’t want him forever being a stalker.It’s creepy!”

She giggled “Sure creepy.” She mimicked him.


“Oh,look!The rain has stopped!” he yelled,getting a few attention from the passerby.

“Yeah.I should go now.Good luck with your mission,mister stalker.” She chuckled.

“What?I’m not stalker!It’s Dong Woo.” He playfuly frowns.

“Okay,got it Dong Woo.”

“How bout yours?” he asked.

“Nana.Bye Dong Woo.Mata ne” she waved and runs leaving the bus stop.

Mata ne?” he wondered.’Is that Japanese Language?’

He chuckled at how he could have such conversation with someone who is completely stranger to him.Hope be able to meet this interesting girl once again.


“You mean the cashier girl?” the middle-age man asked

Dong Woo nodded.

“She’s not here.She went out a bit early today.” The man stated.

“Umm..can you leave this note to her?” he pulled out a small paper from his pocket and hands it to the man.



A/N : Thanks to new subscribers~

Recently I've watched Reply 1997/Answer 1997.I thought it'll be like other common dramas,
but,this is completely different!At first I watch because of Hoya (ehek <3) but I end up love all the characters (Eunji,Seo In Guk,etc) and  my love towards Hoya double up!

For the others who haven't watch Reply 1997,please take a minute and watch.It really worth it.

Unrequited love usually ends in failure. But it’s also sad if you’re afraid and give up before you even try.

Yoon Tae Woong, Reply 1997 (Episode 7)


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