
Minzy One Shots Collection (Featuring EXO)


“It will always be one of the best moment that I will treasure in my life”-Kris


“Hey” Kris sat down in the small round table packed with 5 of his best friends. He slammed his lunch tray  loudly on the table catching everyone in the cafeteria attention including his friends.

“Yo, what’s your problem?” Tao, his kunfgu kicking friend who was seated across him asked staring up at him with varied eyes.

“She,the problem!” Kris shrieked back, frustrated. He sigh deeply shaking his head side to side disapprovingly.

Luhan looked up at his peeved friend and propped his elbows on the table with a genuine smile across his face. “What could have possibly happen this time?”

Kris eyes turned away from his food and landed on five pairs of eyes, his friends were smiling at him cheekily. He started rubbing his temples exhaustedly.  “It just that, she doesn’t get me.” He averted his eyes from his friends feeling uncomfortable.

Kris felt a hand on his shoulder; He looked over meeting Lay’s eyes. Lay grinned at his long time best friend, feeling sympathy for him. “Kris, you can’t expect her to fall for you when she had just broken up with her boyfriend. Love doesn’t come that easy. What you need to do as a best friend is be there for her. Be the shoulder she cries on when she feels alone, desperate, and pain”.

Kris looked at his wise friend face seriously, as a smiled curved up from his lips. Maybe he was right. She had just recently broken up with her longtime boyfriend and was in pain. Great, what kind of best friend was he towards her, as a friend he must had disappointed her. He was supposed to be there for her not complain about the fact that she wouldn’t look at him as a boyfriend material. He made a mistake. He got off the table looking at his friends confused face expressions towards his sudden movement.

“Thanks  I owe you guys.” Kris waved bye to his friends and started sprinting over to the school's dance studio. He knew she would be there waiting for someone to help her, waiting for someone to take her out of the  aching pain, and waiting for someone…someone who was him.

He ran down the hallways as he pushed through students that were blocking his destination. Everyone was giving him dirty looks at his aggressive pushiness, but that was the least of his problems, he need to find her immediately.

Now was the moment of truth. He opened the passive doors of the dance studio, his eyes quickly scanning the room for a small female figure, but was reward back with emptiness. Kris ruffled his fingers through his hair, annoyed. Where is she? Where could she have gone?  Millions of unanswered questions were popping through his head.

“Kris?” He heard a small distant voice behind him whisper. Kris twirled his body around to see a girl with swollen red eyes.

Without thinking he ran towards her, lunching himself at her, and hugging her tightly against his chest.

She squirmed out of his tight embrace staring up at him with a bamboozled expression across her face.  Why was he here? She thought.

Kris smiled shyly, “As a friend I should be here for you over you time of sorrow, I’m sorry Minzy.” He grabbed Minzy small hands and wrapped them around his. He never noticed how fragile and small she looked until today. Compare to her, he was a giant. Kris led Minzy against the white walls taking a sit on the shiny wooden floor.

Minzy sat down next to him still in a confused state; he squeezed her hand gently staring back at her nervously. She never saw this side of Kris before. He was always those types of guy who looked confident and had so much pride in himself, but the one that was now staring back at her was different. His eyes told a different story, instead of buoyancy person she once knew was replaced with an a person who did awkward body getures that oozed off nervousness.

“I love you” He whispered softly, his gaze turned away as he looked straight at the empty dance studio.

Minzy was taken aback; did he just say what she thought he said? Maybe she was imagining it? She eyed Kris's facial expression and saw the redness on his cheeks. Was he blushing? So, he did say it? Love, that was a scary word for her to take in, especially at a time like this.

How could he just confess like that without realizing that she had just gone through a rough break up? How was she supposed to confront her longtime best friend that she wasn’t ready for a relationship, nor did she believe in the term of LOVE anymore? Her heart has already suffered enough.  

Kris could feel his heart rate speed up, he in the air and continued on, “I know you’re already broken, and maybe you probably don’t believe in love. Your heart is probably scared of taking that risk again. I’m sorry for being selfish right now, but I don’t care.” He gazed down at Minzy forming a small smile on his lips. “I-I know your scared, and I just want to let you know, you don’t have to accept my feelings right now. But, just know that I’ll always be there for you.  When you need a shoulder to cry on, mines are always available for a girl named Gong Minzy. I’ll always be there to catch you when you fall down. Minzy I know you don’t want to lose our friendship, and I don’t either it just that you’re an angel to me. And you’re the only girl that could make me smile like this every single day. I’ve been in love with since we were 5 years old, you probably didn’t even notice.” Kris chuckled lowly. “I was always second in your mind, desperately wanting is to be number 1, for once. “ He let out a breath, searching Minzy now watery eyes. “It breaks my heart whenever I see you cry. Love does crazy things for a person, and being in love isn’t the easiest task, there will definitely be hardships and struggles but I’m prepared for that, I’m here to make you happy. This is my confession to you.”

Minzy nodded her head continuously, looking down on the floor as tears frequently fell down her eyes. How could he just do this to her? She wasn’t prepared at all. Her heart wasn’t willing to accept it, yet.  “I-I-I can’t accept you feelings.” her shoulders began to shake uncontrollably as she whimpered loudly. “I’m sorry, I’m Sorry, I’m so sorry.”

Kris wrapped his arms around Minzy slowly taking in her scent knowing this was his fate. He couldn’t get the girl he wanted…

Not yet at least.

5 years later…

Kris stood outside the airport of Seoul, Korea waiting for his ride. He was new to the Korean environment and quite frankly didn’t know where he would stand in this culture. He stood out in the humid weather outside until a car beeped at him. He saw a white Bentley with tilted windows.  He carried his luggage with him and opened the front passenger door to greet his friend Luhan but was surprised to see a grown Minzy in the driving seat smiling at him.

“What…in…” Was the only words he pounder out. His best friend that he hasn’t seen since his confession to her at the age of 15 was now picking him up from the airport. He observed Minzy letting his eyes wonder her body. She was definitely different looking he had to admit. Her beauty was more radiate than ever. Her eyes were sparkling, her smiled reached to the ends of her ears, and more than anything she looked happy.

“Well are you just going to stand there like a stranger, or come inside and give me a warm greeting” Minzy said smiling at the now timorously Kris.

He rushed inside the car and took his seat closing the door and throwing his small luggage in the back of the car. He didn’t bother greeting Minzy. How could he? She left him the day he confessed to her 5 years ago, after that his whole world was turned upside down. He was devastated and hurt by her sudden action. Kris tried his best to find her or at least contact her but in the end failed. She never once called him to assure him that she was okay. That’s was all he ever asked of her, to at least call him once and tell him  that she was okay, but now here she was right beside him. In reality this was just brutally cruel, a slap in the face.

Minzy continued driving in the quiet car; she stole glances over at Kris. His aura was unwelcoming, and to her surprise he wasn’t acknowledging her one bit. She bit her lower lip nervously she wasn’t expecting him to act like this. She imagined him running to her and hugging her tightly, telling her he missed her.  “Um…so, Kris how are you doing?”

Kris who was looking outside of his window completely ignored Minzy. He wasn’t going to allow Minzy to take control of him.

Minzy sighed hugely, was he always this stubborn she thought. After a few minutes of driving and no interactions with Kris she curved her car over  to the edge of the road and turned off her engines facing Kris annoyed.  “Look, I know what I did 5 years ago was crucial, but I don’t deserve the silent treatment, I had my reasons you know!”

Kris let out a grunt and shifted his attention over to Minzy, staring her down intensively.

Minzy breath caught in . Since when did he look so…beautiful? He was much taller and muscular than before. His brown hair went well with his pale skin, and his eyes were sharper and intense than 5 years ago.

“What do you want me to say?” He asked precariously.

Minzy startled by his sudden tone answered back nervously, “I-I don’t know, I-I just was expecting you to be happy to see me, that’s all.”

Kris shook his head traveling his eyes over to the empty road ahead of them. “How can I when you left me like that. I confessed all my feelings towards. Telling you that I will always be there for you, no matter how badly you tend to fall I’ll always catch you in the end. But, before I knew it you disappeared the next day, and show up into my life 5 years later. I mean how am I supposed to act?”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please forgive me” A tear escaped from Minzy eyes, she dropped her head low, disappointed in herself for hurting her friend without realizing it.

Kris turn over gazing at Minzy, he thought that he had gotten over her a long time ago, but suddenly now seeing her in this state made him realize that he has loved her along. He placed his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. He rested his chin on her head breathing in her scent. “I forgive you”

Minzy tugged onto his shirt wiping her tears off. She gently pushed Kris off ,but kept her distant close to him. “Thank you.” She nervously stared up at Kris taking in his features. His eyes relaxed and his cheeks turned from pale white to light pink. Minzy cleared preparing herself for the next words that were going to come out of . “I was wondering…”

Kris watched Minzy inexplicably, waiting for her next words. He could feel his heart drop. He was scared if she would distant herself away from him again. He was scared that she might confess to him that she had a boyfriend.  He was scared that she would break his already broken heart.  

“I was wondering if your offer was still valid.” Minzy asked shyly, she averted her gaze away from Kris and place her hand over her face embarrassed. Oh, god what if he rejects her right now? That would definitely crush her taped up heart into millions of pieces, and she didn’t want to experience that again.

Kris was confused, what offer? After a few seconds later, it suddenly hit him. She was talking about his confession. Without realizing it a huge grin spread across his face.  “I don’t know, you see I’m waiting for someone, maybe you might know her. Do you by chance know a girl named Gong Minzy?”

Minzy head snapped up, looking at Kris who was smiling back at her playfully. She pushed her strains of her that cover her face off and smiled back, “You know what I think I do.” She leaned in closing the distance between her and Kris and planted a kiss on his lips.

Kris cupped her face into his hands kissing her passionately. He never felt this way before, the feeling of wanting someone desperately and having them finally was enchanting. He pushed Minzy back letting his forehead touch hers feeling her hollow hot breaths hit his neck. This moment right now was unforgettable, it was a moment in his life that he would always treasure and cherish. He kissed Minzy check lightly and gazed back at her zealously “The offer is always open to you, Minzy, because you will forever be the girl that will remain inside my heart.


A/N:  Wow finally I’m at the halfway mark. Only 6 more to go. I know I said Lay was next, but I lied once again. Lay will come whenever it does(sorry).

A little input/ indepth bio:
This chapter was inspired by my best friend. I wrote this one-shot because of her. She lived in Korea until 8th grade. A guy who was her childhood friend confessed to her, but b/c she already liked someone else she rejected him. He apparently told her that he always liked her and would wait for her (Cute coming out of an 8th graders mouth). The guy that my best friend liked asked her out, and they started dating but after a month he dumped her telling her that she was to fat??(She really wasn’t…lame excuse)Anyways she was crushed and moved to America where I met her, we became best of friends. After 3 yrs she went back to Korea to visit and bumped into the guy that confessed to her... inside a library. She didn’t recognize him because in her opinion he looked extremely good looking. He recognized her though, they started talking and talking and one led to another and before she knew she found herself with a new boyfriend (been dating for 1yr now). I found it cute, just made me believe that fate really does linger around the world.



Sorry for my long bio. Just for those who were interested in how I came up with the one-shot. Thank you guys for the support & comments.

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Okay I lied, I admit it:( Lay's not next Sehun is! So be prepared:0 I'll update today or tommorow! -thanks


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Chapter 14: lol minzy and suho couple name minho lol that was funny ^^
Chapter 2: You need make sequel...
Chapter 15: I'm wait just wait for you fanfic...
Update please.....
Chapter 15: for kaiminzy?
Yes yes yes pleasee
Uminabilah #5
Chapter 15: Update please
update soon pls > <
neanyoshida #7
Chapter 15: Waaaah I'm so excited for the Kaiminzy chapter! XD And a chapter with the whole EXO? <3
Aera21 #8
Chapter 3: pls make a sequel for Chanyeol Minzy smile like an idiot pls~!!! i can feel minzy slowly fallin for chanyeol tho, she just kinda feel insecure to show it~ minzy chanyeol ftw
Chapter 15: Are you going to do all the members chapters and end it? Please don't.
So far i really love Tao x Minzy, Sehun x Minzy, Kyungsoo x Minzy, Lay x Minzy.Can't wait for Kai x Minzy. Please update asap! :)
taeminzylover #10
Chapter 15: woa \^o^/ my loved couple is KaiMinzy but now I love XiuMinzy too ^_^ ahhhh~~~~