Calling Destiny?

Minzy One Shots Collection (Featuring EXO)



Density? A few seconds ago, I would have told you that word was an imagination people believed in, but now witnessing what I’m feeling at this moment. I actually believe in this forbidden word.

Every inch of my body was on fire, my eyes couldn’t seem to detach themselves from hers, and my heart, oh my heart felt like it’s has just comeback from running a full marathon. This feeling right now, I couldn’t explain it, but scrutinizing her, I knew one thing…This was density.

“Hello sir, I said your items all together are $6.25.” She snapped her finger in front of my face. My eyes couldn’t help but travel around her body, she definitely has curves. Her fingers snapped in front of my faces once again, distracting me from my erted thoughts. She was now glaring at me, directing her other finger behind me. I turned around to see a loud aggressively impatient crowd. I muttered an apology and turned my attention back to her, handing her my money before further humiliation, I sprinted out of the grocery store with my items, not bothering to get the change back.

For a month, I would come to this store every day, some days I would just come to get a glimpse of her, others days I  actually get the courage to buy a pack of gum and talk to her, but our conversations never stretched  out from hello’s and how are you? I wanted something more; my heart wouldn’t allow me to give up on her. So, today was the day, I would give my all, I’m going to allow myself to step out of my shadow and ask her out on a date.


“Are you sure you want to do this, I mean this is really out of the ordinary for you, Xiumin?” My friend, Luhan asked me anxiously. I could tell he didn’t want me to take this step. He knew I had an odd fascination with this girl, and thought that my proposal was way beyond and above.

“There is no harm in trying to ask her on a date” I parked in a secure spot in the parking lot and looked over at Luhan, the expert in dating. He practically knew everything about girls, for beginners he knew that she wasn’t into me.

Luhan bit his bottom lip nervously, “Okay but if she rejects you don’t call me to pick up your corpses”.

I laughed; of course she won’t reject me, right? “Look just stay put, I’ll come back alive.” I grabbed onto a rose in the back seat and head out to my destination; the grocery store. My nerves were getting to me; I could feel my stomach flipping around, and sweat forming under my armpit. This was the moment of truth, only a few feet away from her and I was this close to peeing on my pants. Who knew asking someone out could take up this much energy from me?

Today was not my luck, she regret me, point blank period. I was embarrassed, how was I supposed to know she had a boyfriend. Just brilliant. I took the walk of shame back to the car. I ignored everyone, including Luhan’s I told you so. Never again was I going to ask a girl on a date. I know it sounds childish, but the pain that attack my heart when she responded with a flat out no, was too much. I couldn’t allow any more risky moment to happen. But, no matter how much hurt encountered my oh so suffering hurt, my eyes, it just couldn’t seem to slimmer her away. Her smile, her face, and her voice were all implanted in my mind. And I couldn’t focus without her appearing throughout my mind. So, I admit I was a coward. I couldn’t last a day without seeing her, so like the fool I was, I went back the next day, and the day after that.

“Okay, look Mister, I find you officially creepy. How many times do have to tell you thatI have a boyfriend? Can’t you take a simple hint?”

Yup, she was definitely fuming with anger. I wouldn’t blame her. Me, being the dumb person I was asked her out, once again. But, its not entirely my fault, she was just asking for it. The way she checks off my items, the way she flips her hair to the side to clear her vision, and the way her voice sounds when she told me the prices of my items. She was invading my mind, and she wouldn’t leave me alone.

“I-I..umm..I-", Gosh, why was my mouth frozen shut at this moment, I was supposed to show my confidence!

“Look here, chubby cheeks, I’ll go on one date with you, but I swear if I don’t feel anything, you’re done, and if I ever see you again, I will definitely get a restraining order against you!” Her voice was stern and clear, leaving no room to argue.

Was she finally giving me a chance? I nodded my head enthusiastically as we exchanged phone numbers and a meeting place for our official first date. Her slim arms pointed towards the exit sign, and I took this as a notion that it was my time to leave. I didn’t want to ruin my chances with her.


“Wait, What???” Luhan launched out of the bed staring at me confused. I was at my dorm, screaming like a fangirl over my first announced date with Minzy. Minzy was her name, the name that causes my heart skip a beat.

“Yes, it true, she actually giving me a chance.” I jumped up and down overjoyed. This was the first time for me, getting this excited over a girl,that I barely knew anything about felt somewhat refreshing.

“Wow, I’m so surprised, if I was a girl I would have thought you were some creepy stalker?” Luhan bluntly stated. My excitement simmered down, what If she did see me as a creep?

Sensing the quiet tension, Luhan coughed. “I mean, either that, or she could possibly see a guy trying his best to charm a girl. Come on, your date is tonight right?”

I beamed from ear to ear, “Yup, it’s been schedule tonight.”

“Well, what the hell are you waiting for, let’s doll you up!” Luhan winked at me, giving me two thumbs up.


If fashionably late, was the term to describe why Minzy was late, then it was an exception for her being 30 minutes late for our date. The waitress came back to my table and gave me sad smile. “Water, sir?” This was the tenth time she came around my table asking me the same question with the same expression on her face; she pity me, and I nodded my head this time so she could leave me alone. My tolerance for Minzy being late was running thin. Where was she?

1 hour later…

The clock is provoking me now, tick tock, tick tock. No Minzy, in sight.

2 hours later

“Hey, Xiumin?” I heard a voice call my name, but my eyes weren’t in the mood. I knew perfectly who that voice belong to, but I ignored it. I was irritated by her, she ticked me off.

“Congratulations” The chair horizontal from me was pulled back, guessing she took a seat, welcoming herself in. 

My eyes snapped open, “Congratulations? For what?  Waiting for you? I should have left when I had the chance to” I muttered under my breath. She was something else, congratulating me, for what? I was exhausted, I was hungry, I wanted to go home, but these stupid feelings of mines were preventing me. And now looking at her, really looking at her, my starvation, my exhaustion vanished right out the window, instead a feeling of relief, and a feeling of happiness filled inside me.

Complete confusion.

“Well chubby cheeks, you waited for me, which leads us to my other point” Her smile spread widely over her face, as her eyes turned into the crest moon. She was just simply flawless. My anger was gone, how could I be anger at her now?

“Your point being…”

“Will, you see I've never had a boyfriend, I was just seeing if you were truly interested in me. Your cute ways of asking me out, and becoming my offical stalker, I decided why not? Why not give you a chance, which bring us here.” She laughed a laugh that could make anyone fall head over heels for her, a laugh that echoed through the whole restaurant causing eyes to stare at us, and a laugh that caused my cheeks to flush. “As silly as it may sound, I was actually here early.”

She watched me, and for the first time I saw the uneasiness in her eyes, she immediately averted my gaze.

“As stupid, and cliché it sounds, I genuinely like you, so I came here early to observe if you’ll stay or leave like the others have, and you stayed”.  She grinned bashfully, waiting for my reply or at least waiting for some kind of reaction from me.

But I had none; I was just confused by the whole situation. I took hold of the glass of water that was thankfully place near my side of the table. I gulped down the whole drink in one go, wiping away the drips of water that were on my chin, and focused my attention back to her.

“So you’re saying that you were testing me, the whole time?” I questioned her.  

“I guess you can say that, I’m sorry, you can leave like the rest…”She trailed on.

“No” I simply replied back.

“No?” She eyed me, perplexed by my decision.

“Yes, no, I came here, for you” I couldn’t help but feel my heart pump through my veins loudly. Yup, there was something special about her, and I couldn’t dare to let her slip away right when she was at my reach.

“Really?” Her voice was soft, barely audible. Her arched eyebrow show how much bewilderment she felt.

“Yes, Me, You, Us” I said grinned reaching out for her hand, once she allowed me touch her, she smiled, and squeezed my hand gently.

That night I felt electric through my entire body, by far the best night of my life. People who do not believe in destiny are not living life to the fullest. Trust me, destiny will always be there flowing in the air, next thing you know, destiny may come knocking at your door…So be aware, and don’t avoid destiny.



A/n: Hi guys, here a quick update (Need to come back and fix the errors)!

Finally, 1 more to go (Kai)! Over majority comments, mostly everyone wanted a (So, I’ll try my best to please you guy even though it’ll be my first time writing a ).

~Happy Holidays everyone~

Thank you guys for commenting & subscribing & reading!

P.S: You guys are brilliant Suzy (For Suho&Minzy) never thought of that! Laughed all day! I guess I’ll call this pairing…The Chubby Cheeks Couple (Since they both have cute chubby-able cheeks?)

Until next time… 

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Okay I lied, I admit it:( Lay's not next Sehun is! So be prepared:0 I'll update today or tommorow! -thanks


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Chapter 14: lol minzy and suho couple name minho lol that was funny ^^
Chapter 2: You need make sequel...
Chapter 15: I'm wait just wait for you fanfic...
Update please.....
Chapter 15: for kaiminzy?
Yes yes yes pleasee
Uminabilah #5
Chapter 15: Update please
update soon pls > <
neanyoshida #7
Chapter 15: Waaaah I'm so excited for the Kaiminzy chapter! XD And a chapter with the whole EXO? <3
Aera21 #8
Chapter 3: pls make a sequel for Chanyeol Minzy smile like an idiot pls~!!! i can feel minzy slowly fallin for chanyeol tho, she just kinda feel insecure to show it~ minzy chanyeol ftw
Chapter 15: Are you going to do all the members chapters and end it? Please don't.
So far i really love Tao x Minzy, Sehun x Minzy, Kyungsoo x Minzy, Lay x Minzy.Can't wait for Kai x Minzy. Please update asap! :)
taeminzylover #10
Chapter 15: woa \^o^/ my loved couple is KaiMinzy but now I love XiuMinzy too ^_^ ahhhh~~~~