68 Love Confessions

Minzy One Shots Collection (Featuring EXO)


"I was so nervous"-  D.O (Kyungsoo)
“You’re the only one for me, my love. You’re an angel that had just fallen down from heaven. You are god’s gift to me. Please accept my confession”
“Oh god, that has got to be the corniness confession I got so far.” Minzy groaned. She stood in front of Taemin who was kneeled down holding onto a bouquet of red roses for her. Guys really were too original with the whole confession thing, always giving her flowers and then complimenting her, this was just too predictably. She wanted someone who could woo her, someone who could meet her expectations, and someone who could just sweep her off her feet, but here she was getting the same usual confession for the 12th time this week, and it was barely Wednesday.
Minzy stared down at Taemin, aggravate, the confession of love has been really getting to her. Ever since puberty hit her during summer everything had changed, her friends and family looked at her in a different way. She was no longer known as the innocent Minzy, but more as the grown curvy Minzy. When she came back from summer vacation and entered her third year of high school, things has only gotten worst. Every living soul in the school that had a was all over her and confessing their undying love for her non-stop.
She had to admit though, she has gotten way prettier than the previous year before, but she wasn’t really fond of the whole boyfriend idea yet. She would constantly hear rumors flying around the school that, guys were only confessing to her because she has a so-called ‘hot bod’ and the only thing they wanted to achieve was getting her to bed. And for that very specific reason, she had to reject every single confession that was thrown at her. She didn’t want guy that was only obsessed with her outer appearance. She wanted someone who knew the real her, someone who knew the real Minzy before summer ended.
She eyed Taemin carefully. He was the most popular guy in school and here he was, confessing his love to her in front of everyone. Taemin was sweet and all, and they did shared a lot of common interests, but the matter of fact is ,that Taemin has a lot of fans girl, and she wasn’t going to risk her life by accepting him.
“Look Taemin-ssi, I barely know who you are.” Minzy responded. This was the same excuse she used all the time, not knowing the person. She knew it was a lame excuse, but partially it was true. She really didn’t know half the people that confessed their fake feelings to her. This was the moment of truth, it was now or never, it was time to reject him.
“NOO, NO, NO, you’ll get the chance to know me!” Taemin yelled, suddenly taking hold of her left hand, standing up quickly, he pulled her closer to him and gentle let his lips touch the tip of her ear, whispering, “I’ll show you true happiness”.
Everyone in the hallways gasped at the sudden scene they were witnessing. No one has ever, ever in the history tried to reject Taemin’s offers, since he did have power over the school, and practically all the girls throw themselves at him, begging for every ounce and inch of his attention. But here Minzy was, about to reject him and he wouldn’t allow her to.
He gripped onto Minzy’s hand tighter, indicating that she wouldn’t be let free, until she accepts his confession.
Minzy was only a few centimeters away from his face; she could literally feel his hot breath hit against her neck. She had to admit his face and smile was angelic, but the way he was acting right now showed his true colors, he was immediately scratched off her list of potential ideal types of boyfriends. She tried pulling herself away from him, but it only made the situation more difficult, since he kept pulling her
closer and closer to him. 
“OKAY, that enough, Taemin I’m going to have to tell you to back away from my friend.”
Minzy was relieved when she heard the familiar voice, finally. It seems that her friend’s words got to Taemin. Taemin back away from Minzy and release his grasp on her.
“What it got to do with you, Kyungsoo, what are you? Her puppet?” Taemin snarled at the man. He saw Minzy run away from his sight and besides her friend. The feeling of hurt struck him in the stomach.
“Funny you say that, I have everything to do with it. Here I was roaming around the hallway like every other student here and I come across this scene, witnessing my friend being torture, no wait scratch that, abused and forced to do something she doesn’t want to do.” Kyungsoo answered back. He took hold of Minzy hand, beaming to himself. “Let’s go, Minzy”.
They both turned around walking away from the crowd and ignoring Taemin’s grunts and name calling.
“This is like the 67th love confession you got and we barely just gotten through the first month of school?” Kyungsoo announced munching on his burger. Both of them were now outside, behind the school, sitting in the long grass field underneath a shaded area.
Minzy nodded her head in agreement. “I know, it’s getting really annoying lately, thanks for the rescue that was the first time any guy had laid their hands on me!”
Kyungsoo roared with laughter causing Minzy to stare at him weirdly. He took control of his laughter, placing his burger down. “It’s just the look on your face when he grabbed you, and if you saw his face when you were about to reject him, priceless.”
“Wait, you were there, the whole time?” Minzy asked, she pouted her lips to show her disappointment with Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo stared directly at Minzy, he’s eyes soften a bit. There were so many reasons why he fell in love with his best friend and right at this moment the way she was pouting her lips, made him want to kiss it. He leaned in closer and closer, but stopped himself short when he realized the terrifying look Minzy was giving him. He leaned back to where he was seated, embarrassed. What was he thinking? He was
about to kiss Minzy, right then and there, without thinking about the consequences. Kyungsoo mentally slapped himself for his almost act of stupidity; even if he loved her and wished he was her boyfriend he needed to contain himself. He need to confess to her the right way, the way she would want to be confessed to. Even though, he wasn’t the best looking person out there, he knew he could win Minzy
heart by humor and his awkward self.
“Ah sorry there was something on your lips, and I wanted to wipe it off.” Kyungsoo said, avoiding Minzy’s gaze.
Minzy stared at him puzzled, “Really? You could have asked. Is it still there on my lips?”
Kyungsoo cursed under his breath. Great there was no avoiding it, he now had to stared at her luscious lips and untempt himself from launching himself at her and devouring her soft puffy lips. He slowly let his eyes travel to Minzy’s lips, and felt as though his heart was ready to jump out. Right at this moment he was staring at her, while her tongue wondering around her lips, trying to off the invisible “thing”.
Kyungsoo could feel his palms become sweaty. She was her lips for god sakes. Her lips were now wet and moisture, and Kyungsoo could feel the hair on his back lit up. What was she doing to him? He could only come up with one word, torture. She was torturing him and she didn’t even realize it.
Kyungsoo was begging for some air, his throat was now clogged up from the dryness. He shook his head from al the dirty thought that were filling up his mind; he wouldn’t and couldn’t think about Minzy that way.
Minzy, oblivious to this, smiled at Kyungsoo. “Thanks Oppa, you’re always watching out for me.”
Kyungsoo shoulder slummed. “Minzy-ah, I need to tell you something, but hear me out before you cut me off, okay?”
Minzy raised an eyebrow at him; “Um okay” She relaxed herself on the grass, ready for what he was going to tell her.
Kyungsoo mentally encouraged himself, this was it, the final reveal and truth about his feeling toward
“Minzy-ah, For starters do you know where were sitting right now?” Kyungsoo asked anxiously waiting for her answer.
“Um, outside the school?”. Minzy looked around the area and then back a Kyungsoo. What kind of question was that? She thought.
Kyungsoo sighed; this wasn’t the exact answer he was hoping for. “No, I mean technical yes, but no. To me this place brings back memories, because where we’re sitting right now is where I first met you. “
Minzy eyed Kyungsoo weirdly, raising an eyebrow at him. “Oh, yeah I remember. But why are you suddenly saying this?”
Kyungsoo nervously slicked his hair back, through his fingers, and searched into Minzy eyes. Here goes nothing, he was going to confess. 
“Well do you remember 3 years ago, when the whole town was having a Halloween party. It was crazy and wild. I was wearing a scream outfit, because being the dork I was back then, I was obsessed with horror movies, and Scream happened to be my favorite. Anyways, I walked around the town bored. You see I was a loner; the fact was, no one ever got the chance to understand me, and know who I am, as a person. So I came here for hiding. Because I knew no one would come near a school during the holidays, especially Halloween. I remember seeing this girl, sitting here wearing a box for an outfit? I was confused at first, thinking what’s the point of wearing a huge brown box as a costume for Halloween? As I approach this girl closer and closer, I start hearing loud sobbing sounds. Trust me from afar it didn’t sound cute.”
Kyungsoo chuckled to himself, avoiding Minzy puzzled expression.
“I sat down next to her, questioning why in the world I would seat next to a girl who was crying. This was so unlike me. I never cared about people, and I always ignore situation with people crying because I just don’t know how to approach or act when a person cries. At that moment, something cross over me, and at that time, I didn’t know why or what, but now I do. Anyways I sat next to this boxed up person. Her whole body was covered with the box and the only thing I could see of her were the two circles that showed her eyes and the long line that showed her lips. I guess she must have heard me lay on the grass, because she immediately stopped crying. Her box body moved to face me, and we stared at each other silently for a few minutes. I didn’t know what to say to her, and I guess she was confused and surprised by me being there”.
Kyungsoo looked back at Minzy to see her nod in agreement, her face didn’t show any emotion, which caused him to become more nervous. He averted his eyes from her and started picking on the grass.
“I was the first to break the silence by coughing. The boxed up girl scooted further away from me, I was assuming she didn’t like me or she thought that I had some kind of contagious disease. I was embarrassed. The girl was still staring at me, giving me a cold stare. I thought this was the perfect time to redeem myself, I was about to say something but she got to it first. This is the first thing she said to me, let me quote, “What the hell are you staring, dimwit?”
A loud laugh came from Minzy, Kyungsoo smiled; at least he made her laugh.
He continued on, “I was literally shocked; I mean the fact that this girl was wearing a box for a costume was surprising enough, but here she was giving me attitude. I stared at her stunned. She got off the grass, struggling because she was a box. I started laughing at the scene I was encountering, until I stopped short due to the cold glare she shot at me. She sat back down, and this was the perfect time to get to know her. So, I asked her why she was crying, here at the school, alone. She replied back with a shrug of her shoulders. And that’s when I knew she was holding up a wall, a wall that I couldn’t break, because it was way too high! So instead I started talking about myself, like my interests, my obsession, and most of all, myself. I, for the first time, was sharing my deepest confessions to a person I didn’t know, someone that I consider a stranger. But that didn’t stop me. It ended up, that I was talking to her for 3 hours, and she was actually listening to me. She laughed at me, and her laugh was so beautiful.
She smiled at me for the first time, and I’ve never seen anyone so striking, even though her whole face was covered with a box. I know I sound crazy, right? But at the moment, nothing about her screamed unattractive. After my little 4 hour rant about myself, I waited for her reply. And the first thing that popped out of was, ‘You talk too much, D.O’.
At first, I was thinking who the hell is D.O, but I guess I didn’t introduce myself so she gave me that nickname, I was satisfied. But Funny thing was deep down, it burn. I, so desperately wanted her to say ‘Wow, you’re impressive’ or something positive about me, but instead all I got was ‘you talk too much’. I was disappointed with myself. I just lost the opportunity to impress a girl, who I thought would be different than every other girl I talked to. While I was thinking about possible ways to communicate and make our conversation last longer, I saw the look on the girl’s face. She was obviously sad; tears were dripping down her face absent mindlessly. That’s when I got the courage to take off my mask and reveal myself. You know what the surprising thing was she didn’t even once look up to see me. She ignored me, once again and stared blankly at the grass. I decided to do something. I got up, and pulled her up with me. She was surprised at first, but didn’t seem to do anything about it. I pulled the box that covered her body up and threw it down on the grass. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. She
looked up at me, and I swear, I knew I was in love.”
Kyungsoo stopped picking on the grass and locked eyes with Minzy, only to see a stony expression staring back at him.
“I was in love with a girl I barely even got to know. She quickly knelt down and picked up her gigantic box costume, and slapped me. Yes, she slapped me. I was utter surprised. But what surprised me the most was after she slapped me, she ran up to me and hugged me. My mind wasn’t cooperating with me, more than anything I was confused by this girl’s actions. She started sobbing on my shoulder, struggling to breathe. I was more than surprised by my action, because I allowed this stranger to hug me, and I started hugging her back, smoothing her pain by complimenting her and telling her everything will be fine. After that long hug she smiled and that smiled didn’t even once leave her face. I felt accomplished. We exchanged numbers, and became the best of friends. I didn’t need to know what happen to her or why she was dress as a box for Halloween, but all I knew was that I fell hard, head over heels for her, and she wasn’t aware of it. That sad part of this story, Minzy-ah, is that it’s been three years that I loved you, and I never had the courage to tell you until now. This is your 68th confession, and out of all those other confession, please don’t reject the 68th one. I love you.”
Kyungsoo search into Minzy eyes, patiently waiting for an answer, anything, but Minzy sat in front of him with many emotions all over her facial expression. He couldn’t blame her, if she did reject him.
“I-I do-“Minzy finally choked out. “Why? Why now?”
Kyungsoo browed his eyebrows puzzled, “What do you mean why now?”
“I wait for three years for you to admit your feelings; I rejected every single guy who confessed to me, so that at least you would have the chance to tell me your feelings.” Minzy formed a bright smile for Kyungsoo. “Stupid D.O, it seriously took 67 people to confess to me for you to have courage and tell me the truth! Aish, I sometimes don’t know what to do with you!”
Kyungsoo blink a couple of times to adjust what he was hearing. What was happening right now? Did Minzy already know that he loved her? When and How?
Sensing the confusion on Kyungsoo face, Minzy leered, “I mean I kind of knew you liked me, after we exchanged numbers. I’m not stupid when it comes to guys trying to flirt with me, which is exactly what you did for the first year of getting to know me. “
Kyungsoo felt his pale cheek heat up, he was embarrassed.
“It’s okay D.O Oppa, I’m glad you finally confessed. I love you, too.” Minzy leaned in closer to Kyungsoo and pecked his lips lightly. She was about to lean back, until Kyungsoo hooked his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a deep kiss.
Minzy pushed Kyungsoo back to breathe. She smiled genuinely at him. “But I looked cute in the box costume right?”
Kyungsoo giggled lightly, “You always look beautiful, no matter what day, how you feel, or what you wear.”
A/n: Updated
Sorry for this boring One-shot, I realize that my writing juice is running out!
I’ll try my best on the next One-Shot…. Only three more left EXO members + a special chapter with all the EXO members and Minzy… (So basically 4 more chapters)
Thank you guys for the comments, I really do appreciated them!
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Okay I lied, I admit it:( Lay's not next Sehun is! So be prepared:0 I'll update today or tommorow! -thanks


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Chapter 14: lol minzy and suho couple name minho lol that was funny ^^
Chapter 2: You need make sequel...
Chapter 15: I'm wait just wait for you fanfic...
Update please.....
Chapter 15: for kaiminzy?
Yes yes yes pleasee
Uminabilah #5
Chapter 15: Update please
update soon pls > <
neanyoshida #7
Chapter 15: Waaaah I'm so excited for the Kaiminzy chapter! XD And a chapter with the whole EXO? <3
Aera21 #8
Chapter 3: pls make a sequel for Chanyeol Minzy smile like an idiot pls~!!! i can feel minzy slowly fallin for chanyeol tho, she just kinda feel insecure to show it~ minzy chanyeol ftw
Chapter 15: Are you going to do all the members chapters and end it? Please don't.
So far i really love Tao x Minzy, Sehun x Minzy, Kyungsoo x Minzy, Lay x Minzy.Can't wait for Kai x Minzy. Please update asap! :)
taeminzylover #10
Chapter 15: woa \^o^/ my loved couple is KaiMinzy but now I love XiuMinzy too ^_^ ahhhh~~~~