
Minzy One Shots Collection (Featuring EXO)


"Thank you..."- Chen

Chen sprinted down the main streets of Seoul running away from the crazy girl he just encountered. Whatever he seems to go he always seems to attract the crazy people and he didn’t exactly know the reason why. Why were the odd ones always obsessed with him?

He frequently started turning his head behind him to see if the wacko was still following him. The wacko was a girl that he had just barely met at the grocery store. She has been following him around each and every aisle inside the store claiming that he was hers. At first he ignored it, not bothering to respond back to her. But after 30 minutes of her yapping herself at him, he had to let her know that he wasn’t interested and would never be. It wasn’t the fact that the girl was ugly, to be honest actually he did kind of find her a bit decent looking, but the matter of fact was he hate clingy people and this girl was beyond clingy. After paying for his food, he ran out of the store as if there was no tomorrow, but what surprised him the most was this girl was insane and had some serious issues, she was running after him. He couldn’t get over the fact that this girl couldn’t take the a tiny hint that he wasn’t interested in her.He was pretty sure he got that point across her head and made it  obvious by clearly telling her and trying to  avoid ever chance of contact with her inside the grocery store, but instead here she was chasing after him and yelling  some gibberish at him. He was getting to think she was a least drunk. He began increased his speed hoping he would lose track of her.

Chen ran towards a narrow alley and decided to hide there hoping the girl wouldn’t see him. He hid by a shady area, which thankfully covered most of his body away from the street lights.  Chen slowly took in some air; he wiped down the pile of sweat that was dripping down his forehead with his plain white t-shirt. This girl was beyond anyone he has ever met. He has met crazy girls before that were obsessed with him, but this girl was just too much, she has truly over exceeded his limit.

He sat down on the cracked ground, taking out the banana milk he brought from the store inside his plastic bag and took a long sip. Today was the practically the worst day  he has ever experienced; the fact that no one remebered his birthday was heart-shocking to him. He felt unwanted but most of all, hurt. Was he really that unlikeable towards his so called ‘friends and family’? How could they forget someone’s birthday, someone who they associate with constantly? He knew getting depressed about a birthday was just plain stupid, but his heart felt heavy, did no one truly care about him.  He bitterly smiled to himself, of course no one cared about him. Why would they? He was just another person in his family, a disappointment to his dad, mom and sister. And what friends did he have? They only befriended him because they knew he was wealthy and could help them climb up their way to the social scene.  Pfft, he truly was a pathetic loner.

He took a deep sign, pitying him…Great Chen you’re a true pathetic failure!

“There you are!”

Chen snapped out of his thoughts immediately recognizing that voice.  He stood up so quickly, it almost seem as though electric bolts were running through his body. He slowly back-end up his steps, getting himself prepared to run away from...her.  

“WAIT”. The girl held up her hands in the air to stop him. “Before you leave, I need to tell something important."

Chen looked at the girl frighten. He kept thinking about possible scenarios that could happen, like her potentially jumping him and him here at the dark alley where he was defenseless. No, he needed to run away from this girl, why does she keep following him? “Look, can’t you take a simple hint, I’m not interested you, so please leave me the hell alone.”

The girls threw on a puzzle expression. What the hell is this guy taking about, self-conceded much. “Eh, um…okay, I have no clue what you’re talking about?”

Chen stared at the girl dumbfounded, she must have been really crazy, and doesn’t she remember her actions? “Okay you are seriously beyond crazy, let me refresh your remember a bit. You’ve been stalking me at the grocery store, talking gibberish to me non-stop, and after I continuously told you I wasn’t interested in you, you ran after me, do you remember now?”

The girl looked at him widening her eyes in disbelief, “Excuse me, are you accusing me of doing something I didn’t do?” She raised an eyebrow at the confused looking man.

“W-what? I saw you with my own two eyes! You were chasing me!” Chen said taken aback. He couldn’t tell whether the girl was serious or whether he was turning into a psycho himself, seeing unrealistic scenes.

“I clearly don’t understand what you’re talking about. Do you perhaps take pills?” The girl approached the motionless man and whispered against his ear, “Those sometime make you delusional” She stepped back smiling at him.

Now Chen was completely in shock. He does admit that he takes pills, but those where only for sleeping. No, he couldn’t believe it. He was sure, one hundred percent positive that she was following him. He was now lost in his own thoughts.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Gong Minzy”, Minzy suddenly said, extended her hand out smiling happily at him.

Chen accepted her handshake, immediately feeling the sudden sensation from her touch. The feeling itself was unexplainable. He felt warmth through it, something he has never felt before.

Minzy let go of his hand, leaving him feel empty once again.

Chen placed his hand behind his back neck scathing it awkwardly, he stood in front of her shyly gazing back at Minzy. “Ah, I’m Chen.”

“Mm, I know” Minzy responded back. “Ah, I came here to tell you happy birthday!” She clasped her hand together smiling from ear to ear at Chen.

Chen saw the sincere glint in her eyes, an overwhelming feeling spread all over his body, and here he thought he would never hear those words today. But, it was completely odd he thought. How did this stranger, he had just met now know his name and birthday? “Umm…Thank you, but how do you know? This is just creepy.”

Minzy approached him closer once again and place her hands on his shoulders. “ The cashier said it was your birthday, and was going to wish you happy birthday but before he could announce it to you, you sprinted out of the store, so I came here following you to tell you, Oh and I wanted to also grant you a happy birthday too, Chen”.

Chen felt his throat choke up; so many emotions were running through him, he was thankfully for her to wish him Happy Birthday. He held in his pride and pushed her hand off his shoulders. He bowed his head slowly at her, and stared back at her eyes, “Thank you”.

Minzy blushed at his soft thank you to her, a sudden idea pooped in her mind. “Ah, why don’t we go buy a cake to celebrate your birthday?” She looked at her wrist watch, which read 11:28pm. “If we hurry we’ll still have 32 minutes left before your official birthday ends!”

Chen was a little hesitate, celebrating his birthday with a complete stranger was just beyond weird. “I don’t kno-"

“Come on,” Minzy grabbed hold onto Chen’s hands, tangling her finger with his. “Let’s go, Chen”.

Chen couldn’t help but smile at her; maybe she wasn’t as crazy as he thought. Was it possible for a stranger to actually care for him? He had no other choice but to find out. He wrapped his fingers tightly around Minzy’s hand smiling genuinely for the first time today.

Minzy returned his smile. She couldn’t believe her plan had just worked out; she finally has the guy of her dreams holding hands with her. Stalking him for a year was the best idea she could came up with! He was finally going to be hers now. She truly has fallen in love with Chen, she glance over at an elated Chen, but he didn’t have to know her secret.  They were now breaking the stranger barrier and becoming something that Minzy hopes well last forever…

Happy Birthday Chen


A/n: I wrote this chapter really fast just for Chen Birthday!! hoped you guys enjoyed it:)

Only 5 more to go!!!

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Okay I lied, I admit it:( Lay's not next Sehun is! So be prepared:0 I'll update today or tommorow! -thanks


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Chapter 14: lol minzy and suho couple name minho lol that was funny ^^
Chapter 2: You need make sequel...
Chapter 15: I'm wait just wait for you fanfic...
Update please.....
Chapter 15: for kaiminzy?
Yes yes yes pleasee
Uminabilah #5
Chapter 15: Update please
update soon pls > <
neanyoshida #7
Chapter 15: Waaaah I'm so excited for the Kaiminzy chapter! XD And a chapter with the whole EXO? <3
Aera21 #8
Chapter 3: pls make a sequel for Chanyeol Minzy smile like an idiot pls~!!! i can feel minzy slowly fallin for chanyeol tho, she just kinda feel insecure to show it~ minzy chanyeol ftw
Chapter 15: Are you going to do all the members chapters and end it? Please don't.
So far i really love Tao x Minzy, Sehun x Minzy, Kyungsoo x Minzy, Lay x Minzy.Can't wait for Kai x Minzy. Please update asap! :)
taeminzylover #10
Chapter 15: woa \^o^/ my loved couple is KaiMinzy but now I love XiuMinzy too ^_^ ahhhh~~~~