Instantly In Love

Minzy One Shots Collection (Featuring EXO)


“The alarm clock is always too soft for me to hear”-Luhan
Luhan patiently waited for his name to be called. Today was the day that determined his future. He either was going to fail this interview or pass it and get the job of his dream, becoming a filming director. He was seated in a crowded hotel lobby with people auditioning for the same dreams as his. He tapped his foot impatiently, looking up at the clock. His interview was supposed to be scheduled at 9:00 am sharp, but 50 minutes later here he was seating down in a chair nervously playing with his rubric cube awaiting for his name call.


“Mr. Luhan?”

Luhan stopped playing with his rubric cube and looked up to see a girl with short brown hair wearing a pencil skirt and a button up white plain dress shirt. Her eyes were wondering the room obviously looking for a Luhan. Luhan stood up from his seat, and head toward her placing his rubric cube back in his black hand bag.

He lightly tapped the lost girl on the back of her shoulder. The girl turned around slowly and smiled up at Luhan revealing her eye smile, “Ah, so you must be Luhan.”

Something about her eye smile made Luhan heart beat increase. He felt a knot tie up in his stomach. Luhan ignored these unexplainable emotions he was feeling and smiled back at the girl extending his hand out, “Yes, I’m Luhan, and you are…?”

The girl beamed back taking embrace of Luhan hand, “Ah, sorry I’m Minzy. I will be the one interviewing you.” The girl let go of Luhan’s hand bowing her head ever so slightly.

Luhan placed his hand inside his pocket. The physical contact with Minzy made his heart feel uneasy. The little touch made him want more of her, but the fact that he had just met her and already desires these weird unexplainable feelings made him more nervous than he already was.

“Well, for starter we shall go head to my office where the interview will take place in, so follow me.” Minzy said as she led Luhan toward her office.

Once inside her office, Luhan observed his surroundings. Her office was neat, and small. On her desk there were small portrait of her and her family. There was a wooden shelf that had a small collection of gungam robots which he found a bit interesting but cute for her sense of taste.

Minzy gestured him to take a seat. She sat down on her desk twirling her chair around. She smiled up at Luhan who was still standing and staring at her, “Umm…go ahead and take a seat.”

Luhan sat down in the seat that was horizontally across from her. He bowed his head slowly making eye contact with her, “ I-I um…don’t mean to sound rude or anything but aren’t a bit too young to be interviewing me?”
Minzy who seem to be taken aback furrowed her eyebrows, “Too young?, How about you? Aren’t you too young to become a director?”


Luhan leaned his body closer to Minzy. Something about her aura was appealing to him. His whole body wanted to get closer to her, his heart beat was racing uncontrollable, and sweat started to from under his armpit due to him being nervous around her.

He shook his head in response, “I don’t think age defines a person’s capabilities in pursuing their future careers.”
Minzy laughed slamming her palms against her desk, “Great you answered you own question. Now moving on to the interview, how are you different than any other person out in the lobby here today fighting for the same position.”


After an hour of questions and laughter, Luhan left the interview feeling relax. Everything he answered and told Minzy he didn’t regret. But there was only one thing he did regret, it was the fact he left her office with no idea on how to contact her. Her number, he wished he asked for that at least.  Something about her made his heart tingle. The way she carried herself, the way she laughed, the way her eyes gleamed when she was happy. Everything about her was memorable. She was something special, and unforgettable in Luhan’s eyes.

2 years later

“Okay take five, everyone” Luhan yelled out to the cast and camera crew for his new upcoming drama.

To think his dream came true was something Luhan was proud of. He was now one of Korea’s top youngest and richest famous directors. After having successful movies and dramas after one another, Luhan wanted something else. He wanted to have a relationship, something that was meaningful and could last forever.

He walked around the hotel; the same hotel where he once dreamed of becoming a director came true, the same one where he first encountered her. He wondered if her office was still here. He made his way through the familiar path that led him in the direction of her office.

He was now in front of her office. Luhan didn’t know whether to knock on the door, or make a nonchalant performance by just opening the door and surprising her. His heartbeat started to rise as his stomach felt did anxious flips. Luhan was wrapped around his thought thinking about her, that he wasn’t aware of the girl standing behind him.
The girl lightly tapped her fingers onto Luhan’s shoulder.


Luhan felt a small poke on his shoulders. He spun around quickly, surprised to see her. Her appearance was rather different than he remembered, her hair was still short, but now was light shade of brown. She was wearing casual clothes, but one thing about her that remained the same was her open hearted smile.

Luhan clumsily returned her smile. He could feel the sweat dripping off his palms.Two years ago, he would have called himself crazy for having feelings for a girl that he barely got to know in an hour. But, now he was full of self-assurance, he knew deep down he like her, no scratched that, he fell in love with her.  He fell in love with her laugh, her smile, the way she bit her lower lip, her aura, and everything about her.

Minzy looked at Luhan confused He was looking at her, but his mind was somewhere else. She waved her hand in the air in front of his face to catch his attention. Her hand was quickly caught by his. She stared up at him to see him looking at her, staring at her intensively.

“Minzy-ah” Luhan whispered enough for her to hear. The words escaping his mouth, her name for 2 years that all he thought about. Her. How she was doing? How did she manage these two years? Did she think about him? Is she in a relationship? Does she feel the same way as he did?

“Luhan, I see you became successful” Minzy said softly started off the conversation. Her voice ringed inside his ears. He dropped her hands away from his embraced quickly, awkwardly eyeing her.

He had to confess to her. She was all he thought about for the past 2 years. No other girl has caught his attention except for her. He took a deep breath as his eyes searched hers. “I have something to tell you…”

Minzy bobbed his head as if telling him to continue.

Luhan nervously scratched the back of his head but not removing his eyes away from hers, “I fell in love with you, wait no I love you.”

Minzy let out a heavy sigh as if she was holding her breath in the whole time. “Luhan I-"

Luhan held up his hands cutting her off shortly, “I know this is all of a sudden, I just wanted to let out my feelings that I’ve been trapping for the past 2 years.”

Minzy mischievously smiled at Luhan, “You’ve fell for me, huh?”

Luhan nodded his head. Hoping that she’ll accept him, and tell him she had the same felling as well as him.

Minzy slowly pulled Luhan closer, pulling him into a tight hug. Minzy slowly closed her eyes and whispered the words that Luhan had desired to hear for years. “Oppa…I love you too”.

Luhan tighten his arms around Minzy, for the first time in his life, he was happy. Happy that he meet her, happy that he fell for her, and happy that she loved him back.

So Minzy was just like his alarm clock, the one that he ignores and turns off constantly, the one that he would distant himself away from, and the one that was too soft for him to hear at times. But now she was loud, ringing inside his heart fully waking him up and making him want her, closer and closer near him…forever.

This was definitely the start of a new beginning in his life.


...with her. 


A/N: Sorry for the late update, I've been busy lately. I know this chapter is kind of rushed and I didn't really make a good Luhan &Minzy one-shot, which I'm highly disapponted in, with myself. But I'll make the other one-shots worth reading! Thank you guys for your support, The comments made me really happy:) I'll update as soon as possible!

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Okay I lied, I admit it:( Lay's not next Sehun is! So be prepared:0 I'll update today or tommorow! -thanks


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Chapter 14: lol minzy and suho couple name minho lol that was funny ^^
Chapter 2: You need make sequel...
Chapter 15: I'm wait just wait for you fanfic...
Update please.....
Chapter 15: for kaiminzy?
Yes yes yes pleasee
Uminabilah #5
Chapter 15: Update please
update soon pls > <
neanyoshida #7
Chapter 15: Waaaah I'm so excited for the Kaiminzy chapter! XD And a chapter with the whole EXO? <3
Aera21 #8
Chapter 3: pls make a sequel for Chanyeol Minzy smile like an idiot pls~!!! i can feel minzy slowly fallin for chanyeol tho, she just kinda feel insecure to show it~ minzy chanyeol ftw
Chapter 15: Are you going to do all the members chapters and end it? Please don't.
So far i really love Tao x Minzy, Sehun x Minzy, Kyungsoo x Minzy, Lay x Minzy.Can't wait for Kai x Minzy. Please update asap! :)
taeminzylover #10
Chapter 15: woa \^o^/ my loved couple is KaiMinzy but now I love XiuMinzy too ^_^ ahhhh~~~~