Cafe Run In

Minzy One Shots Collection (Featuring EXO)


“There is nothing impossible for me in this world”-Tao

Those words were all a lie once I laid my eyes on her. She was the one. But, she was impossible, no matter how many times I tried to get her attention, she never looks my way.

I sat down in an antique tiny café waiting for her… like always. She would constantly come here with sweat pouring off her smooth skin, her wearing athletic gears as if she came back from a marathon, and her ordering the same thing, a tall latte with blueberry muffin.

I sat a close distant from her table, observing her quietly and watching her every move. Most people might think I’m some kind of stalker and yes I may appear to look like a crazy ert looking at her, but I can’t help it. Something is luring me into her. I tried countless times approaching her, but they all seem to fail.

One day, I accidentally bumped into her in this old rusty café. I tried to form the words I’m sorry at her, but it just won’t come out of my mouth. I must have looked like a weirdo in front of her, no wonder she laugh at me leaving me their staring at her like the clueless fool I was.

For the past few months I sat down in the same table waiting, staring, and admiring her. Yes, she was a beauty, and yes I might have developed feeling without knowing her name or number, but that doesn’t
mean I’m a freak. Right?

Today was the day. I will confront her, and talk to her like a normal civilized human being. I will no longer watch her from a distant.

I saw her take a seat at the table she always sat on. I got off my seat straighten up my posture making sure I at least looked decent as I made my way over to her.


Every single day I would go to this vintage café and order my usual, after the gym. And every single day I would see the same guy who sat down a few table away from me. I never really looked up at him, but I always sense that he was staring at me. He was weird, but after my little run on bump encounter with
him, I found him a bit cute.

Today it seems as though something was off about him. I saw that he stood up straighten himself, making his way closer to my table. Wait? Was he coming towards me? Oh no, but I smell like sweat, and my hair was all over the place. Please don’t come near me! Not today at least.


“Hi, do you mind if I take this seat?” I asked her. I was now standing in front of the chair next to her, hoping that she doesn’t laugh at me again and doesn’t make me feel like a fool.

“Huh, ah sorry this seat is taken”. She replied back averting her gaze away from mines. She aimless twirled the straw of her drink making herself seem busy.

What? Did I hear her right? Did she just reject me? That easily!

“Excuse me sir, I would highly appreciate it if you leave me alone”, Now she was staring at me with murderous eyes.

Ah, now that stung. She really did reject me. No one in this planet has every reject me like that. She had some major guts. But, what was I supposed to do stand there like a clueless idiot again, No. I sat down next to her taking a piece of her blueberry muffins. I noticed the way her eyes followed my every move.She was glaring at me giving me the what-the –hell –do-you –think-your-doing look.

She moved the muffin away from me, looking at me as if she wanted to punch me in the face. “Okay, I said to leave me alone, not make yourself comfortable”. She took hold of her muffin and latte drink ready to get up.

Great Tao, you ruined your chances of getting to know her. I took hold of her hand before she got up to leave.


What the hell is his problem? Laying hands on me as if I’m his property. Who the hell does he think he is?

“Let go of me” I told him, slowly indicating my voice was filled with threat.

“No, I don’t want to. Until you tell me your name” He answered back smiling from ear to ear. Ah, so this was his way of flirting. Pfft, he could work on that area a little bit more, if he wanted to win a girl’s heart.

“My name, what if I don’t want to?” I asked him, arching one of my eyebrows.

“Don’t act cute, If you don’t, I’ll just have to hold onto until you actually do” He said tighten his grip on my hand.

Huh so, you want to play like that, eh. Two can play this game. I made myself more comfortable in my seat, relaxing my shoulders.

I stared at him in the eyes, on second thought he didn’t look Korean. I mean he wasn’t bad looking either. “Fine, what’s your name? Are you even Korean?”

He looked a little taken back that I accepted his little request.

He loosens his grip on my hands. I tore my eyes away from him looking down on his hands even though his appearance seems rough. His hands were smooth and gentle against minds. Maybe if I gave him a chance to explain himself, he may be someone I might like to be around. Wait? What am I talking about?


Snap out of it Minzy. You can’t fall for him.

I tore my gaze away from his hands and looked back up to see him gawking at me. Well, this was now awkward. Why was he quiet all of a sudden?

He seemed to sense the uncomfortable aura that was building and decide to speak up. “Sorry, I um…my name is Tao, and I’m Chinese. I just moved to Korea to seek out career opportunities”.

I nodded my head. So he was Chinese, not bad at all. Why I’m doing this again? What’s wrong with me? Why am I examining him as if he’s on the list of my future potential boyfriends?

I snapped out of my thoughts looking back at Tao. “Ah so you’re Chinese, what’s career are you personally looking for”.

Tao let go of my hands, I guess he felt at ease and knew now that I wouldn’t escape. “I kind of want to be a kungfu instructor, as of right now.”

“A kungfu instructor, that’s unique.” I replied back placing my hands onto my laps.

Tao put his hands under his chin and stared bashfully at me, “Yeah, do you want to know my deepest secret?”

I replied back be shaking my head up and down, begging him to continue on. What was getting into to me? Why did I find this man suddenly amusing?

Tao smiled brightly, I felt my inside turns. What was this feeling? A bad stomach ache? Maybe it was the latte I drank?

“Okay, I know I’m handsome and all-"

I started laughing, this guy was sure cocky. “You sure have confidence in yourself”.

“Of course I do, anyways as I was saying “Don’t let me good looks and confidence fool you though.” He said.

I looked at him seriously. “Why is that?”

“Because I’m scared of ghost movies, I usually tend to cry a little here and there.” He lowered his voice embarrassed. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this, when I don’t even know your name, though?”

Minzy wanted to laugh, but couldn’t. He was right she hasn’t introduced herself; she was a stranger to him. “My name Is Minzy, and one fact about me that’s obvious is I like to exercise”.


Yes, she finally let me in. Her name was Minzy, nice! And she loved working out, well that explain her hot curvy body.

She seemed shyer now, than before. And I’ve caught her looking at me couple of times. This was wonderful; at least I knew that she was interested in me.

Now that I have got her to know me little bit, it was my turn to leave. If I leave now, there was a high possibility that she’ll held onto me begging me to stay. And if that happens then that means my plan as worked out, but if she doesn’t come after me then, she was definitely an impossible case.

I pushed my chair back and stood up. “Well then, Minzy it was nice meeting you, but it is my time to leave. Bye.”

I walked away. Hoping for her to stop me…but she didn’t. I was already outside of the café empty hand. I was disappointed. I literally could fell my heart drop. Just ing great, I fell for a girl that didn’t even care that I existed.


He left just like that, in a snap of a finger. Just when I was getting to know him, and maybe actually genuinely starting to like him and wanting to get to know him more, he left me alone. Maybe it was my name. Did my name turn him off? No. that couldn’t be it, I, mean his name was different, so why did it matter?

Maybe it was the fact that I was soaked in sweat, oh my god do I smell? I lifted my arms and smelled under my armpit. Nope, I smelled decent, not too smelly. Ah, I’m so confused. What should I do? Well I get the chance to see him tomorrow?


I was dragging my feet on the ground, depressed, and still thinking about her. Yup, I admit I already established feelings for Minzy. I was about to cross the street until someone took hold of my arm and pushed me back hard. I was about to do some of my kungfu treats on them, but when I turned around I was facing Minzy. I saw that sweat was dripping off her forehead and landing on the bridge of her nose. Judging for the looks, she must have ran all the way here to catch up to me.

“I ran here to tell you that I wanted to get to know more, I know this may make me sound like I’m some kind of weirdo, but I like you. Yeah I’ve may have gotten to know you for less than a minute. But who knew 2 sentences from you could make me want to know more about you, I just…” She trailed on and on.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I want to kiss her. Everything about her was tempting. I closed to the distance between us, and placed my lips against hers.

At first I could sense she was surprised by my sudden action, but responded quickly against my touch. She wrapped her arms my neck as I pulled her in closer and closer, tangling my lips against her. It felt amazing, my body was getting heated and her lips, her body, and everything about her. I wanted more, I was yearning for more.

I pulled my lips away from her, but didn’t move by body. I gentle touched her soft cheeks and whispered under my breath, “I like you too, a lot.” I kissed her forehead, then her cheeks, and finally back to her lips.

So, I finally got the girl, and here I thought she was impossible to make mines, but I finally got her. Yup, like I said everything in this world is possible for me. I make the impossible happen.



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Okay I lied, I admit it:( Lay's not next Sehun is! So be prepared:0 I'll update today or tommorow! -thanks


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Chapter 14: lol minzy and suho couple name minho lol that was funny ^^
Chapter 2: You need make sequel...
Chapter 15: I'm wait just wait for you fanfic...
Update please.....
Chapter 15: for kaiminzy?
Yes yes yes pleasee
Uminabilah #5
Chapter 15: Update please
update soon pls > <
neanyoshida #7
Chapter 15: Waaaah I'm so excited for the Kaiminzy chapter! XD And a chapter with the whole EXO? <3
Aera21 #8
Chapter 3: pls make a sequel for Chanyeol Minzy smile like an idiot pls~!!! i can feel minzy slowly fallin for chanyeol tho, she just kinda feel insecure to show it~ minzy chanyeol ftw
Chapter 15: Are you going to do all the members chapters and end it? Please don't.
So far i really love Tao x Minzy, Sehun x Minzy, Kyungsoo x Minzy, Lay x Minzy.Can't wait for Kai x Minzy. Please update asap! :)
taeminzylover #10
Chapter 15: woa \^o^/ my loved couple is KaiMinzy but now I love XiuMinzy too ^_^ ahhhh~~~~