Friends and enemies

Dear life, you [Latest Topic: I hate love;]


My eyes stayed glued to my blaringly bright screen as I comprehended the fact that someone had actually taken the time to write for me- no matter how short six minutes could actually be. I absorbed the words that the writer had confessed like an alcoholic to rum.
It was another one about ty friends. She sighed and tapped her index finger against the cold wooden table before her.

The letter reads:
I have this friend, she's like it's all about her. It's all about her, if I talk something else. She's like bla bla bla bla bla. We fought yesterday and guess what people blamed me. They just came with, "What the did you do!?" I'm like what no hi? No,"____ are you okay?" Do they even really care about me?! When I didn't gave them an answer, they left me. Like literally! I mean where's the part of cheering me up!? I'm always the bad guy in this! EVERY SINHLE ING EVEN IF I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! ERGH!
And they're the people who so called are my "friends" or "best friends" or "sisters". They treat me like , none even show me what is a true "friendship" just backstabber and other .

Now I can't say that I have master knowledge of all that is friendship, but here I go.

First let me start off by saying this: a majority of your friends now, will gradually fade away. Despite the fact that you guys may be obnoxiously close to each other today, bottom line is that it doesn't take much to piss someone off or change them. Whether it be them finding a new group of friends or telling her that her hair is truthfully hideous, friendships can easly turn into friends. Haha see what I did there?

And with this, I can only tell you, my lovely sender, that everyone has had to deal with ty friends, or breaking relationships.

I have had my fair share of bad friends. Actually, if we made an analogy to pizza, my slice of ty friends would make up at least half the goddamn pizza. Because of that, I can't say that I have any beastfriends or, dear god, sisters.. One is enough.

I prefer to have many acquaintances, those who don't know every detail of my life, because in the end I feel like having a best friend is simply superficial, superfluous, and unnecessary. Sometimes I do want one; however the pain of having someone who can easily stomp over you isn't an attractive trait. In my opinion, I'd rather get close to someone when both they and me have matured.

From what you have told me, I can't see anything you've done wrong. But if your friend is so selfish and awful, I don't understand why you hadnt confronted it sooner. And even despite this, how you went accross talking to her could have been a major factor in why the fight went so badly and what she may have told your other friends.

I completely understand that friends, or people in general, can be so irritating that you want to pull your eyelashes out or pluck your eyebrows off, but it really could have turned out differently depending on how the argument started.

Be confident, but not accusatory. That will only push your friend to respond with anger. Just be yourself, sincere, and straightforward.

If the argument still ends badly or shes being a , there's not much you can do. Try to hold back and ignore it. I have a really strong personality, so I used to equate ignoring with cowardness. This is not true. Ignore it, but let her become agitated and flustered herself. Hey, chances are, seeing you calm and laughing with other people will probably piss her off even more.

And after you deal with this, there is, of course, the herd.

They will bombard you with questions and ignorant accusations, but the best thing for you is to be clear about it. Don't beat around the bush and say it. Don't make the girl look like a . That'll only make you look back. Just like in a persuasive essay, state your claim, but in reference to your opposition. I think this. I understand her side but acknowledge the fact that she....

Overall, I can only say that friends are a difficult thing to deal with.

My advice comes from my own experiences and personality, so it may not work for you.

But in the end, I encourage you to be straightforward, and not to hasty.

I hope it ends well, or that you learn from the experience because chances are, you'll enconter something like this again.

Hey, you know what they say: "practice makes perfect".

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Thank you!
I apologize that I haven't been responding to some of the letters you folks have sent me. I shall respond to the next one tomorrow. (:


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I LIKE~~~~
Chapter 33: Mwhahaha I like your action plan.
I seriously hope it works out
Chapter 33: omg story of my life: very single time I make the same old mistake of telling my friends who I like and it always somehow gets to the guy so embarassingi can't even.

He's such a douchebag >:( it would be fine if he left it at 'there's another girl I want to go to prom with', he didn't have to go on like an a**hole gosh.
Chapter 32: Good luck with your applications! I hope you get into at least one of your first preferences! ^^
Chapter 32: I'm in my last year of school... then college..
I'm already super stressed out about getting in, because I'm not a great student academically.
But if you tried your hardest, then you shouldn't have regrets.
lametardedx33 #6
Chapter 31: Uhm, I think I'm kinda in the same position as you, having feelings of attachment towards somebody quiet? I guess what I did w you can ask a geoyp of friends to go with you? as to muster courage and start talking to him. If you're afraid of rejection, then maybe you can ask mutual friends to go with you? I think that makes everything better and less awkward
Chapter 31: I have no good advice other than making sure he has space..
Like you not the annoying girl in a cliché fanfic that hovers around him 24/7.

I would also judge the situation, but there's no harm in asking him to prom.
The worst he could say is no.

Hope it goes well for you ^^;
Chapter 31: Aww asking him to prom using candy. It's a cute idea ^^ . I don't know if you should go for it because what if the outcome is negative? Do you notice if he has liking towards any girl?
I would analyze first then confess, but on the day before prom just in case he asked someone.
Try asking him if he's going to prom first.

I think your relationship with him is kinda cute. He's quiet and you usually talk to him first. He sounds adorable somehow xD
It's kinda weird how he doesn't seem to make an effort to talk... Is he like that with everyone?
How long have you guys known each other?

Anyways I hope you will be happy no matter what. ^^
Chapter 30: the more costly one ^^; Since it's not a huge price difference
Chapter 29: I love how you compared lies to laughing gas XD
but it's true