Chapter 8

A Secret Getaway

Sitting at dinner, I noticed something peculiar.

Himchan decided to sit next to me, with Zelo on my other side. After Himchan's session with me at the park, I wasn't too surprised by this. What DID catch me off guard was the fact that Jongup was sitting next to Luna, nearly right on top of her. Just staring at her... While she was eating... just staring...

"Yah, Moon Jongup. What's gotten into you?" Daehyun asked from the other side of the table. 

(think of the table as kind of like a picnic bench. Daehyun, Youngjae, and Yongguk are on one side, while you, Himchan, Zelo, Jongup, and Luna are sitting on the other)

"Wha-huh? Oh, um... nothing... nothing..." Jongup mumbled, looking back at his food, shoveling it into his mouth quickly.

I shot Luna a questioning look, only to be returned with a shrug and a deer eyed look. 

"YAH! I asked you a question! You answer your elders when they're talking to you!" Daehyun shouted, clenching his fists.

"NOTHING IS WRONG WITH ME. We're on vacation, I don't want to be stuck in my room all the time, so I'm trying to be social. If that's a problem for you, well that's just too bad!" Jongup yelled, earning a shocked look from everyone at the table.

I don't think I've ever heard him so passionate about something before, even if it was out of anger, Yongguk thought.

Throwing his fork and napkin onto the table, Daehyun got up and stormed off to his room.

I feel like this is going to be a normal thing... Luna and I are doing our best... that's all we can do.

With that, Youngjae and Yongguk left the table, Youngjae retiring to his room, and Yongguk to the back poarch.

"Alright well. I'm just going to clean up the dishes since it seems as though everyone is done eating" Luna said, grabbing everyones plates.

"WAIT. Um, noona, I'll help you clean up. _____, you take a break... Zelo will help too" Jongup told me with a smile.

"Oh, okay. Thanks..." giving Luna a raised eyebrow look, I nudged my head, signaling for her to come over to me.

"Hey Himchan, can you give us a second?" I asked. He told me he wanted to show me something in his room, so he gave me an 'okay' sign with his hands and walked away.

"I'll be in there in a second guys... What's up ____?" 

"I think someone has a little crush!" I said in English.

"What?! WHO!?"

"Jongup! On you!"

"NO NUH UH. NO WAY. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! NO" Luna stuttered, instantly turning as red as Zelo's cherry tomatoes.

"Oh my glob, and you have a crush on him too! Don't you! Oh my glob, this is too cute. Luna and Jongup. AHHH! His last name! This is too perfect!" I fangirled. (Luna is italian for moon... get it? Moon? Moon Jongup? Luna??!! sorry, I know it's cheesy...)

"Shut up... I'm going to go wash the dishes now!" she replied, walking back to the kitchen. 

Giggling to myself, I turned back, looking towards the poarch and at the figure outside. With a sigh, I made my way out to join him.


Noticing a person join me outside, I turned my music up and turned my body away from them.

"I don't want to talk."

"Good. I don't either. Just because I came out here doesn't mean I want to socialize" _____ said, almost aggressively. This girl, she's got herself a smart mouth.

Taking one of my headphones, I focused again on the blank notepad on my lap. How long have these pages been blank?

Without you, I don't know what to write about anymore.

"It's pretty out here, isn't it?" ____ says in almost a whisper, looking up at the sky. "You can see the stars so clearly here. There's not that many places in Orlando where you can see them so well."

"Yeah, whatever..."

Another few minutes of silence, and she tried to start conversation with me again. 

"So, what's with the notepad?"

"It's none of your business."

"Is it for writing music?"

"I said it's none of your business."

"Have you written anything since No Mercy? I'd love to be your guinea pig, if you'd like. Just to do a test run."

I snapped. She flinched at the level my voice reached, clearly shocked by how fast my temper had escalated. In all honesty, it surprised me as well. I could see the hurt in her eyes, and I instantly wished I could take it back. Standing up quickly so I wouldn't see the tears beginning to form, she reached for the door to go back inside.

Reaching for the door handle, she paused. "I'm trying to be your friend, Yongguk. I understand that you don't trust me, and you clearly don't want to be here. I'll do whatever I can to make this trip better for you, but if you ever decide to cooperate just a little more with me, this could be a great memory for you." Sniffling lightly, she turned the handle.

"Wait." I said, turning around in my chair and reaching for her hand. "Please, come back."


Seeing the pain that was in his eyes, I came and sat back down next to him, turning my chair so I could look at him.

"Bang Yongguk, what's going on with you?"

"I don't know. I'm such a mess." He whimpered, bending his body in half and covering his face. For being such a tough guy on stage, he had some outrageous emotions. 

Hearing him begin to sob, I dropped to the floor in front of him, pulling him out of his chair so he was sitting with me, pulling his head onto my shoulder so I could pull him close. Rubbing his back and his head, I tried to soothe him.

"Shhh, shhhh... Whatever it is, you have to stay strong, you can get past this. You don't have to talk about it, whatever is wrong, but it might feel better to get it out" I offered as the crying began to cease. 

Looking up at me with a tear stained face, he took a deep shakey breath and began...

"I loved her. I loved her so much it hurt. She's been the inspiration for all my songs. I just... I just can't believe it happened like this."

"What happened? What happened, Yongguk?"

Taking another deep breath, he told me how all this animosity began.

"Jieun. I've loved her since the day I met her. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way she'd giggle at my lame jokes or my horrible aegyo. The little touches on my arm when she wanted my attention. Everything about her was perfect... All the members have known about my feelings for her since the beginning. 

     About a month ago, we were scheduled on Inkigayo with Secret, the girl group associated with our entertainment company, was there. She was there with the other girls, looking as beautiful as ever. I don't know what Zelo was thinking..." he said, shaking his head and clenching his fist. 

Resting my hand on his clenched palm, I got him to look at me, giving him a reasurring smile. "Go on."

"I mean, I know he didn't mean for it to turn out this way... But he got hold of a microphone... he pulled both of us up onto the stage, and told everyone, right there on the stage, in front of all these fans... he told everyone about my feelings for Jieun, how in love with her I was. I've never wanted to kill someone like I wanted to kill Zelo that night. 
     I looked at her, waiting for a reaction. I was hoping for something positive, but all I could see on her face was embarassment. Seeing the awkwardness between her and I, Zelo brought the other guys on stage to try to loosen the crowd a little. Fans were livid with my confession and seeing how she reacted. She was so angry with me. I remember she grabbed my collar, hiding behind the guys, and yelled at me. Telling me how much of an embarassment I was, and how she would never date me.
    That's when I lost it. I grabbed Zelo, shaking him. Remember, this is still all on stage. Everyone is seeing this.
    The guys saw this and started taking sides. Yelling at each other, embarassment's flying. Eventually there were no sides, we were all just so angry at each other, and it got way out of hand. Security had to come and seperate all of us. I nearly punched Zelo in the face..."

Almost in tears, I pulled him closer, letting him rest his head on my shoulder again. I could hear the regret in his voice.

"I wish I could take it all back. I wish I reacted differently instead of getting so hot headed. I was so hard on Zelo, and I still am. Himchan's the only one who managed to stay somewhat neutral through it all, but I can tell all the anger is wearing on him too. I managed to turn Daehyun and Youngjae against each other. And that's a difficult task. They're best friends. And Jongup, well he's even more of a social clam now too. He doesn't do well with conflict, and I put him right in the middle of it all. I'm such a horrible leader... the worst" he finished, crying into his hands again.

"Bang Yongguk, you are anything but a horrible leader. Listen to me" I said, lifting his chin.

"Having your heart taken from you like that is not an easy thing to get over or deal with. Believe me, my heart still needs mending because a person took my heart and stepped on it. Everyone goes through difficult times and trials, everyone makes mistakes. You still have your family. You still have B.A.P, no matter how upset they all are. You've already got three of them opening up to Luna and I! That's fantastic!" I told him, giving his shoulders a light squeeze. "And now, you have Luna and I here for you, no matter what, and no matter where you go" I said, earning a small smile and a light hug.

"Ugh, why didn't we talk sooner?" he said, wiping the tears from his eyes and sitting up straight.

"Cause I was too afraid you would my soul from me."

"Yah! I'm not a Death Eater, and this is not Harry Potter. You're such a dork," he said, ruffling my hair and standing up, offering me is hand.

"It's good too see you smile. Give the boys a few days and things will be normal. Four down, two to go!" I said with a fist pump of encouragement.

"You're so strange... Thank you for listening _____... I feel a lot better. I'm going to bed now. I think tomorrow, I'll sit down with the boys and talk."

"Yongguk, that sounds like a fantastic idea." Giving him a good squeeze goodnight, I left to go back to the kitchen, before heading to Himchan's room, while he headed to his room.

Seeing him happy makes me happy. Ah this is turning out to be such a good night! 


Laying in bed with my guitar again, I listen to everyone get ready for bed and the light snores of Youngjae. I replayed their conversation in my head that I over heard from the window in my room. I knew how bad Zelo's actions had hurt him. But there was one thing that just picked away at my brain. I couldn't help but be curious and slightly concerned.

~"Having your heart taken from you like that is not an easy thing to get over or deal with. Believe me, my heart still needs mending because a person took it and stepped on it."~

What happened to her? And why did I get the sudden motive to find out who this guy was and beat some sense into him?

Himchan... don't fall in love so easily... don't let your heart get broken, arasso?

A light knock woke me from my thoughts.

"Himcham, can I come in?"


Author's Note:
Aish... Sorry for taking so long to update! I went through all the other chapters and did some proofreading. Special thanks to msawkard for pointing out what I needed to work on. I really do appreciate it!

Oh, and I'm guessing you guys are pretty curious about what happened to you, huh?

Well I will say that your heart was crushed by another idol, and that his band or the company he is signed under was mentioned in an earlier chapter.
Try and guess, I wanna see if you guys can get the group and/or the idol correctly!


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Chapter 11: Authornim please keep yourself well. God is fair. The rainbow will appear once the storm is gone.
Chapter 12: Get well authornim! Ur the best!
Akitagirl #3
Get well soon!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
It wasn't horrible!
And i think i posted it on here as a comment...
plz update soon! :)
Soon! I would say around chapter 13 maybe?!

Akitagirl #6
They are so cute! Do we get to find out who the mysterious bias is soon?
i just read the foreword and it's
fuqing hilarious.

/subscribed c:
RainaSeoyounKo #8
Is it Block.B??
It was metioned in the more early chappies!
Poor Yongguk...being embarressed like that...i dont even know how embarassing wud even be
anyways Yongguk opened up so thats good,right?
plzz update soon!