Chapter 10

A Secret Getaway

The next morning, everyone woke up fairly early, gathering around the table for breakfast.

"Yah, _____-ah, when are we going to go out of the house more?" Jongup asked, taking his new seat next to Luna.

Daehyun, still the sour puss about being in the house, pushed his food around his plate, his face in his palm. "We're never going to leave this house. We're stuck inside... This is our new torture" he mumbled under his breath.

Narrowing my eyes at him, he shoved a mouthful of eggs into his mouth quickly, breaking eye contact.

"Didn't manager hyung mention that Disney World was here? Can we go there noona?! CAN WE PLEASE GO NOONA IT'S THE PERFECT WEATHER AND THERE'S NOTHING TO DO! NOONA NOONA NOOOOOOONAAAAA-"

"YAH ZELO CUT IT OUT." I yelled at him crossly...

Looking at all the boys with their looks of hope, I had no choice but to agree.

"Be ready and at the van in half an hour... AND NO LONGER! DO YOU HEAR ME HIMCHAN???"

"Ne, _____-ah..." he whispered, coming closer and closer to me after the others scurried to their rooms to get ready. "I hear you, loud and clear" he whispered, pecking me on the nose with his lips. Eyes wide and face red, I turned and rushed to my room to get ready, hearing Himchan chuckling lightly.

"Oh my goodness" Zelo said, looking up at Cinderella's castle. "Noona, I want to meet all the princesses!"

"Okay, but first I have to lay down some rules with you guys," Luna said, pulling us all to the side.

"Now, _____ and I want to make sure you have fun, and I know you're all going to be excited, but we need to stay together. You guys don't know much english, so if you get lost you're not going to be able to find us. We will do everything there is to here, but you have to make sure you DO NOT LEAVE THE GROUP. Is that understood?" All the boys nodded happily, excited to get into the park.

Bright colors everywhere, enormous balloons, children whooping wildly with sticky hands and faces, dragging weary parents from the exit of one ride to the long, seemingly endless and winding beginning of another. A wonderful array of sweets, buttery popcorn soaking with bright yellow butter, the roar and woosh of a low-flying roller coaster, the chug chug chug as it ascends the mountain of rails... It was too much for me.

This place, with all the magic that it brings... It's no wonder it's called the happiest place on earth! And the way _____-ah's face glows when she talks about her favorite rides... she's just perfect.

"Himchan!" she yells, grabbing my hand and dragging me to a photobooth. "Will you take a picture with me please?" I look around at the other guys; Zelo, Jongup & Luna, and Yongguk give us thumbs up, while Daehyun and Youngjae give us wary looks. "Okay okay, just don't pull my arm off!"

Sitting in the booth, we both got ready for the snapshots to be taken. First, a goofy face. She pulls the sides of out and sticks out her tongue, crossing her eyes. 

"Come on! I'm gonna look like an idiot if I'm the only one doing this!" Laughing as she slurs her words with her face stretched out, I poke my nose to make it pig like, and puff out cheeks, crossing my eyes as well. *SNAP*

"Okay okay, do aegyo this time!" I tell her. Putting a peace sign up to my eyes I smile as she does her 'bbuing bbuing'. *SNAP*

"Don't laugh at meeee I'm not good at this!" she says after the second picture was taken.

"No, I think you're perfect at it." I say, kissing her cheek. *SNAP*

"Yah! You caught me off guard! That was our third picture!"

"MAKE SOME ROOM FOR US, HYUNG!" Zelo yells, squeezing himself, Jongup, Luna, and Daehyun in with them.

"Come on kids, we've got an entire park to explore", Yongguk chimes, peeking his head into the photobooth, airing out our newly printed pictures.


Author's Note :

oh my glob .______.
i've been gone for too long, and I feel like I owe all you lovely followers an explanation as to why I've disappeared...

1. I broke up with my boyfriend
2. Finals and all that jazz was piling up and I thought I wasn't going to be getting my Associates Degree (which I did, thank goodness)
3. I got kicked out of my house by my step mom, so I had to go sleep on my mom's couch for two weeks, but I'm now in an apartment with three of my friends
4. There's this guy I've been seeing, I've fallen head over heals for him, but he has a girlfriend... So I've been doing a lot of sulking :|
5. I didn't get my WiFi fixed until about 2 weeks ago
6. I got the full time position at work, so I've been a busy bee

SO... have patience with me, my dears... things are settling down a bit so I'm definitely coming back.

Just wanted to get this to you guys to let you know that YES I HAVE RETURNED AND I'M NOT DEAD.



I know it's short, but I hope you guys are enjoying the story!

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Chapter 11: Authornim please keep yourself well. God is fair. The rainbow will appear once the storm is gone.
Chapter 12: Get well authornim! Ur the best!
Akitagirl #3
Get well soon!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
It wasn't horrible!
And i think i posted it on here as a comment...
plz update soon! :)
Soon! I would say around chapter 13 maybe?!

Akitagirl #6
They are so cute! Do we get to find out who the mysterious bias is soon?
i just read the foreword and it's
fuqing hilarious.

/subscribed c:
RainaSeoyounKo #8
Is it Block.B??
It was metioned in the more early chappies!
Poor Yongguk...being embarressed like that...i dont even know how embarassing wud even be
anyways Yongguk opened up so thats good,right?
plzz update soon!