Chapter 7

A Secret Getaway

"Hey, ugh... do you mind if I play a game or two with you guys?" Himchan asked, stepping out of his room. The three of us just stood there in shock. Was he really talking to us?!

"Of course... come on hyung, you can take my place. _____ will show you some sweet moves she's learned" Zelo said, stepping to the side and looking at me with a wink.

"Do you mind?" Himchan asked, staring at me with his big black eyes.

"O-o-of course not. Pick a song."

"Hmmm. How about... Spice Girls. Wanna Be."

"Are you being serious?" Luna asked, nearly spitting out her water.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me, and yes I am completely serious! I know who Spice Girls are! ~If you wanna be my lova, you gotta get with my friends~" he belted, beginning to sing the lyrics to the song.

"STOP!" The three of us yelled, laughing so hard I had to hold my stomach.

"Fine, now let's play" Himchan said, giving me a sideways smirk.


After about an hour more of playing, the four of us were exhausted.

"Alright, who wants a snack?" Luna asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh! Luna noona! I'm hungry!! Please tell me you have cherry tomatoes?"

"Of course Zelo, but let's see if we can make a meal with those, okay?"

Himchan shook his head, sinking onto the couch.

"So" I said, sitting next to Himchan, "what next? It's only 2 in the afternoon..."

"I saw a park when we were driving into the neighborhood. Can we go for a walk?" he asked, standing up and stretching.

"Sure, let me see if Luna and Zelo want to come"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you, alone... if that's okay" he said, reaching his hand out to help me off the couch.

"Sure, of course" I said, putting my hand in his. As soon as our finger tips touched, it was like an electric shock.

"Ouch! You shocked me!" he yelled, pulling his hand back quickly. I had most of my balance taken away after he took his hand back, so reaching for the first thing I could so I wouldn't fall over, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down with me.

"Um... sorry" I said, lightly pushing him away and standing up on my own, turning away quickly to hide my blush. "I'll just ugh... go get my shoes."

"Sounds good..." he said, turning the other way to go get his, tripping over his own feet on the way. "Aish, Himchan you babo..." he mumbled under his breath.

Biting my lip to hold in my laugh, I slipped on my Tom's and waited for him at the door.


"Wait, so you were a fat kid growing up?!" I asked, completly taken back by his statement.

"Neh, I had super round cheeks, like this" Himchan said, puffing his cheeks out as big as they could go while crossing his eyes. I gave out a giggle, looking ahead as we finally reached the park.

"Let's go to the swings. Come on, I'll push" I said, grabbing his arm.

Starting off slow, I eventually had to move my hands to his waist to push him to keep the momentum up.

"Yah, if you wanted to feel my all you had to do was ask politely."

"Shut up, Himchan" I said, taking my hands away so he'd slow down. 

"Awww I'm sorry! Keep pushing, keep pushing! I wanna go higher!" he whined, kicking his feet in the seat like a little kid. Coming to a stop, he spun the swing around so he was facing me.

"I'm really sorry for the way that I acted when I first came here. You don't deserve the attitudes me and the rest of the guys give you. We're all just a little tense, but I really think being around you and Luna and being away from Korea is going to help a lot" Himchan told me, grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze. The harder he squeezed, the more butterflies were released into my tummy.

"It's really no problem. I'm happy to help. I just wish the rest would open up to me more" I sighed, sitting in the swing next to him.

"We've all got our issues. It's how we deal with them that makes us shut off from other people" he said, looking at his hands.

"Well tell me, Kim Himchan, what are your issues" I said, folding my hands together in a rather psychologist like manner, trying to make light of the conversation. He glanced at me quickly, trying his best to smile at my attempt at a joke.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of your problems. You can talk to me, that's why you're here. To deal with insecurities and go home happy" I told him, giving him my hand, leading him to a bench nearby.

"I don't even know where to begin..." 

"Just... start with the first thing that comes to mind." chewing on his lip, he looked up at me and into my eyes. Searching to see if he could trust me or not, he hung his head low, mumbling something incoherrent.

"I'm sorry Himchan, but I didn't get that... say it again?" I said, bending in half to get my face level to his.

"I SAID... I feel very lonely. I don't know, it's stupid" he said, folding his arms and twisting his body so he was no longer facing me.

"What do you mean, lonely? You've got your dongsaengs and your hyung with you almost 24/7. It seems more like you'd want more time to yourself!"

"Forget it. I told you it's stupid, want to go on the slide?" he said, standing up, trying to change the conversation.

"Kim Himchan. You will not leave this bench until you tell me what you mean." Standing up with him, I pushed him backwards so he was sitting back down and I sat on the ground by his feet, resting my chin on his knee, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"Ugh... I don't know, I mean I have all these people around me constantly, they all say that they love me, but none of them really know me."

"You're talking about the fans?"

"Neh. I just wish one day, I could look out at the sea of girls and look at one and finally have that hole I feel in my heart filled."

"That's completely understandable. You have no reason to feel stupid about having those lonely feelings" I said, resting my hand under my chin, still on his knee. "One day you're going to meet the girl of your dreams, and you're not going to know what to do with yourself. I promise, she's out there. There's just a reason you haven't found her yet" I said with a smile, standing up and grabbing his arm, pulling him back towards the house. "Come on. It's about dinner time. I'm sure those kids are hungry."


I nodded to her in agreement, following her away from the park and towards the house.

If only you knew _____. I feel as though I've already found the girl I've been waiting for.

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Chapter 11: Authornim please keep yourself well. God is fair. The rainbow will appear once the storm is gone.
Chapter 12: Get well authornim! Ur the best!
Akitagirl #3
Get well soon!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
It wasn't horrible!
And i think i posted it on here as a comment...
plz update soon! :)
Soon! I would say around chapter 13 maybe?!

Akitagirl #6
They are so cute! Do we get to find out who the mysterious bias is soon?
i just read the foreword and it's
fuqing hilarious.

/subscribed c:
RainaSeoyounKo #8
Is it Block.B??
It was metioned in the more early chappies!
Poor Yongguk...being embarressed like that...i dont even know how embarassing wud even be
anyways Yongguk opened up so thats good,right?
plzz update soon!