

"You all did a great job! Seriously, I'm not just saying this to keep your spirit up, but you all did really great!", Leeteuk shouted out as Super Junior was back in our dorm after that concert. Everyone gave him a round of applaus after he had finished his honest speech.

"Guys, I have to announce something.", Eunhyuk said and clapped in his hands to get everyone's attention back, "My mum asked me, if we wanted to do a little party at my home. She said, it would be something like an 'encouragement/hwaiting-dinner-party' for our hard work lately. It would be this Saturday. Everyone is invited to come with their parents and siblings", he smiled at his fellow group-members. Some members already said, they didn't had time this weekend, some others called their parents to see if they had time as well. Kyuhyun also called his parents and luckily, they were all free, also his sister Ahra could come, which made him happy, because he hasn't seen his sister a lot lately. As Kyuhyun told Eunhyuk, that he and his whole family would come, he recieved a happy hug from him. It really seemed like it was something important for Eunhyuk. As Kyuhyun went into his room again, he saw at the corner of his eyes, that Ryeowook talked to Eunhyuk right after him, and he heard, how he told him, that he and his mother would come. 'Yes! Nice! Just that perfect concert and now, I can also spent some free time with him. That's what I call luck. And my cute Wookie can see his mother again after a long time. He sure is really happy about that. Hopefully, I'll see him smile a lot that day.', Kyuhyun quietly smiled to himself before he entered his room, ready to bash down a few other players at Starcraft.


Time flew by due to their hectic schedules and before everyone knew, it was already Saturday, time for the encouragement-dinner. Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Shindong, Leeteuk and Yesung were able to come, which weren't all the Super Junior members, as Eunhyuk had hoped to come, but still, it was enough for a nice chatting-round. As they all arrived at Eunhyuk's parents' house, everyone got out of their van and immediately got greeted by everyones' parents. It was nice seeing them all together again: Leeteuk with his proud mother and father, Donghae with his caring mother, Eunhyuk with his still a bit shy, but also loving parents, Sungmin with his cute and little hyper-active mother and father, Ryeowook with his mother, who at the first look seemed to be distanced, but cared and loved him a lot as well.
“Long time no see, dongsaeng”, Kyuhyun heard a nice voice behind him and he knew by heart who it was. He turned around and warmly hugged his older sister.

Yeah, true, it's really been a long time. But it's not my fault, your always in Europe for concerts and for your german studies. I still don't understand, why you need to learn that way too complicated language”, Kyuhyun said with a frown, but he also couldn't hide his smile, which showed, he didn't really mean, what he said.

Hehe, my brother is narrow-minded like always”, Ahra said and laughed softly afterwards, also clearly showing, that she was joking.

Narrow-minded? I went to more places and performed in front of more people then my small, but yet so old sister did! You are the one, who is narrow-minded, just focusing on Europe and Germany!”, Kyuhyun laughed and tipped his sister against her forehead.

Germany is in Europe, fool! You probably went to more placed, but still, you know nothing about geography”, Ahra countered and sticked out her tongue. Eventhough they teased each other like this, they knew, they missed each other during the long time.

Okay, we should go in now! Can I ask all the mothers to help me in the kitchen for the last preperations, please?”, Eunhyuk's mother said out loud, and so, everyone went inside the house.

It's really a nice house, Eunhyuk has bought for you.”, “The decoration is really lovely.”, “I wish my kid would be so kind one day, too hahaha”, “We should cook extra-delicious today! My kid lost so much weight!”, “My Sungminie is the cutest, right? Right?”, the mothers started to chat with each others as they were in the kitchen. Everyone else sat down on the sofa or the table to chat with others. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun have coincidantly both sat down on the large sofa. They talked a bit with Kyuhyun's father about his university. Ryeowook really seemed to be excited to talk to Kyuhyun's father about his business and work there, which made Kyuhyun happy being able to observe that scene. 'Wookie really fits perfectly into my family. He's nice to my mum, he talks politely to my dad and he treats Ahra well, too. Ahh~ I really should make him mine and mine alone. He fits so perfectly to me.', Kyuhyun thought and a pleasent smile spread on his lips. After about 15 minutes, every member plus their family members gathered at the huge table and started eating the lovely prepared, delicious meal in a joyfull, happy environment.

After the meal, the crowd of people scattered themselves in the whole house. Eunhyuk and Donghae got into a more quiet part of the large house, sharing the moment together with each other, away from the tumult, enjoying the quiet moment with no one else but their loved ones. Other members like Leeteuk and Sungmin stayed with their families in the living-room, talking and discussing about recent events, future plans and perspectives. Ryeowook and his mother haven't met for a quite long time, so both of them went into a quiet side room and talked to each other one by one.

You lost a lot of weight recently. It's not good for your health!”, Ryeowook's mother said stricly, as she sat down next to her son on a well-cushioned bench.

I know. It was for the promotion photoshoot. You know how harsh they are, when they just find one millimetre of fat.”, Ryeowook said light-heartedly. Eventhough he didn't like his mother being so strict to him, he still knew she did all the criticism, because she cared for him.

You're stressed so much you can't even take proper care of your eating!? You should take care of your sleeping-time, too! The bags under your eyes are horrible to look at”, his mother continued, worryingly pulling up her eyebrows.

I know, I know. But they got better, right? The last time, they looked even worse”, Ryeowook chuckled and smiled cutely.

'How can he smile like this? His mother is bashing him continuingly and he just smiles at her like nothing happened. He really seems to miss his mother a lot lately and now he's happy with whatever they talk about, my cute little Wookie with his innocent smile.', Kyuhyun thought. He was standing outside of the room in the hallway, eavesdroping on their conversation. He actually wanted to go to the bathroom, but he incidentally heard Ryeowook and his mother talking, and he just had to eavesdrop them. He felt a little excitement, because he normally wouldn't do such a creepy and weird thing, but he probably would need some insider-information to win Ryeowook's heart for him, so he said to himself, it was okay to do a little spy-action.

You're right, they got a bit better. But still, in that state, how will you find a pretty girlfriend like this? All the girls will laugh at you, when you look like this. When will you finally get a girlfriend?”, Ryeowook's mother continued, halfway bashing her son, halfway really worried and nearly whining about his future on-going. As Kyuhyun heard that question, he tensed up. This was a delicate, awkward, intimate topic for overhearing someone, but also an interesting one, expecially for Kyuhyun. His hands started to sweat a bit and his heart started beating faster. He felt an unknown nervousness, and by every second Ryeowook didn't answer that question, the tightness in his chest became stronger.

Soon, mum. I think, I will get a girlfriend soon. She's really cute, pretty and elegant and I think, she likes me, too. She's also from the entertaiment-business, so I think, she might understand my schedule and duties well, when I don't have much time for a romantic date sometimes. But I'm not ready to confess my love to her yet. But I think, I soon will and then, I'll have a really great girlfriend!”, Ryeowook brightly smiled at his mother with a shy little blush on his cheeks.

Ryeowook's mother clapped happy in her hands: “Aww, my little Ryeowook really seems to be in love with a cute girl! I hope, everything goes well. I don't want to see my baby alone anymore.”.

Kyuhyun stumbled backwards a few steps, eyes widely opened in shock. He had to take a grip on the wall to not fall down on his knees, shortly before tears started to form in his eyes. He gulped hardly, trying to swallow all those tears, which he succeeded in, but he still had to bite his lower lip hard to stop his chin from shivering. Another gush of tears tried to escape his eyes and now, one tear succeeded against him, running down his cheek. Ryeowook liked a girl?! And he was already in the state of soon confessing to her?! Kyuhyun's heart broke into millions of pieces. He wanted to run away or just scream, to make his sudden sadness some air, but he couldn't. The strangulation around his heart didn't let him. 'So this is it ... no ... this can't be it. I ... I love him. He can't like someone else...But he does...', in Kyuhyun's mind were a thousands of thoughs, but he couldn't form one correctly. He suddenly heard steps coming closer and he quickly wiped the tears, which uncontrollably were running down his flushed cheeks, away.

Dongsaengie~ What are you doing here? Didn't you want to go to the bathroom? Too much world-wide experience, so you can't even find a normal toilette anymore?”, Ahra brother playfully, as she saw him standing here in the hallway.

Hm, this has to be it”, Kyuhyun said, still not completely at his sence. Ahra was a bit confused about her brother's sudden mood-change and him not teasing her back, but she also knew out of years of living together with him, that it would be better not to ask about it.

For the rest of the day, Kyuhyun stayed quiet. He was deep in thoughts and not really in the mood to talk to anyone anymore, mostly sitting a bit away from the group of members and their parents. He also avoided every tiny bit of contact to Ryeowook. He instantly looked away, whenever Ryeowook came into his view. When the older one sat down near him, he quickly got up and went to another place or he found an excuse to leave the room. No one realized Kyuhyun's weird behaviour, because the house was so overfilled, that it could also be just coincidence, that Kyuhyun always got up then.

After a long afternoon, the Super Junior members had to say goodbye to their families again, because they had to return back to their dorm for some sleep due to a quite early practice on the next day. On their drive home, Kyuhyun quietly sat in the very last row of the van, alone, staring outside, still in thoughts, but non of the members realized it, because they were either too occupied to happily talk to each other about the day or they already took a little nap. Kyuhyun sometimes took a look over to Ryeowook, who was one of those, who took a nap, and Kyuhyun silently wiped a little tear away every now and then, when he couldn't hold them in anymore. 'Ryeowook, please don't love someone else. It hurts so bad...', Kyuhyun thought and let out a deep sigh, before he stared out of the window again, drowning himself in thoughts.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 11: Por favor espero la actualización! TT
Chapter 11: Please update!
Chapter 11: It's really a long time since you update this story. But never mind, I will wait for you. :')
lixian971 #4
Chapter 11: wow.. it's been a long time since you are updating this story kkk
but it's ok author ssi, school is more important :D
author ssi, can you give some 'enter' and more space? i feel so confused when reading it. kkk
but i love the story, keep writing ^^
thank you~
superannesnow #5
Chapter 11: this is too saddddd! i dont like this ;p
kyuhyun dont be soo sad ^^
cheer up. why cant you just confess to wookie
let him know your feeling
katharine #6
Chapter 10: Poor bb kyu.. who the heck is the girl wookie bb?