Trouble Maker

Me?! A Μember of Α KPOP Girl Group?!


You and Myungsoo were in a place far away from the others while the other students did the

same. "I think it's fine here." you said looking around. "Yeah." he checked the place while

holding the speakers in his hands. "So let me set this.." Myungsoo took out his mp3 and

place it on the right position to connect with the speakers. He played the song. 


You rubbed your head awkwardly. "You know the steps right?" Myungsoo asked you. 

You nodded. "Ok position." Myungsoo restarted the song and he run to his position. You were

feeling uncomfortable with the dance. *You can do this!* you blew air out of your cheeks.


After a lot of hours practicing and having your face all red from the contact with Myungsoo

you decided to stop. "I think that's enough for today. It's 8:00pm already we must meet

the teachers." Myungsoo said looking at his clock. "Alright." you said slapping your face.


While going back you met with Baekhyun and Jiae. "Baekhyun oppa!" you said. He looked 

at you. "Oh how was practice?" he said. "Fine you?" you said. "Well we're trying." he looked

at Jiae annoyed. "Yah!" Jiae shouted and left first. "What happened with.." you pointed

at Jiae as she was leaving. Baekhyun shrugged. "Let's go." Myungsoo said and you followed.


It was dinner time. "While eating I'm going to tell you details for tomorrow performance."

the teacher told as you took a big bite of your fried chicken. Baekhyun wiped the dirt that

was in the side of your mouth and chuckled. "Thanks." you smiled and continued.


"So the stage will be infront of the beach. They built an awesome stage that you will get to

see tomorrow night so if I see anyone of you going there in the morning or afternoon. 

You will be disqualified!" she shouted as she spit rice. "Sorry." she innocently smiled.


"Oh I forgot and you're outifts are in each tents." the teacher continued. You froze while 

eating. *I have to wear short dress and high heels!* you made sad face and continued eating

while mumbling words. "Let's just hope it's pants." Jiae said. "How I wish!" you said.


"Goodnight!" you said and all of you went to each others tents. You were sharing with Jiae.

"Ok let's see how it is." You opened your tent. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" you grabbed the 

grey dress which was until your tights and the super high heels. You moaned. "What is this?!"


"Teacher!" you shouted. "What?!" she shouted and came to you. "What is this?! I couldn't

wear something that would show less skin?!" you said. "Sorry but this is a challenge you

must accept everything that is given to you." she winked and left. "Aish!" you messed your hair.


Jiae suddenly clapped laughing. "It's nice why you don't like it?" she said and went to the 

tent to see her outfit. She took it out. "Wow I like my outfit!" Jiae said smiling widely.

You just pouted. *As the teacher told. This is a challenge!I'm going to wear it!* you thought.


Morning came. You woke up as the sun hit the side of your tent. You rubbed your eyes 

and glanced at Jiae who was behind you. *What time it is?* you looked at your clock.

*8:00?! WE MUST BE UP FROM 7:30* "Yahhhh Jiae-ahh!We're lateee!" you shook her.

"What?!" she stood up and stepped out of the tent you followed her. "Where is my

toothbrush?!" Jiae shouted. "I don't know!" you said as you were finding yours. 


You change your clothes and quickly run to the activity area with Jiae in the back. 

"Where is Jiae and Eunmin?" Baekhyun asked Myungsoo. "There not here?" he asked.

Baekhyun shook his head. *Those girls they must have overslept.* 


"There!" Baekhyun pointed. You were running. "We're sorry." you two said and bowed a lot of

times. "You're late." the teacher said. You two heads were lowered. "As punishment you two

will have to clean all the plates in lunch." the teacher said crossing her arms. 

"Yes." you said. *Oh man!* you two thought and went to your places. 


"So today I'm giving this day free since later night is the performances. Practice hard!Fighting!"

she pumped her fist in the air. "Fighting!" you all said. "It's all your fault!" Jiae said.

"Yah Why mine?!You were the one who didn't put alarm in your phone!" you said. "You too!"

Jiae attacked. "Enough girls. It's both fault!" the teacher calmed you down. "I'm sorry."

you said and sighed. "Tell sorry too." Baekhyun said. "I'm sorry." she looked away.


"Come on Baekhyun let's practice!" she said. "Later Eunmin." he smiled at you. You smiled.

Suddenly a hand grabbed your wrist. You saw the owner. "Let's practice too." Myungsoo said.


Finally it was night. All of you arrived at the stage blindfolded. "Aish why they have to put

handkerchief in our eyes." Sungyeol complained. "Ok we're here take off your handkerchiefs!"

the teacher said. "Tada!" she raised her hands. "Nice right?" You all were amazed. 


The stage was right infront of the beach. The moonlight was shining in the stage and 

candles we're everywhere. "Wow so pretty." you admired the place. "Yeah." Myungsoo agreed.

"Now go change and when you're back the judges will be here." she said and went to change too.


"Me first" Jiae said and went in the tent. You waited for some minutes and she came out

with make up and her hair styled. "Good luck." she said and left. You went in. 

"Ok fighting!" you said and put the dress. Luckily Jiae didn't take her curling iron and make

up so you used it. "I think this is ok." you rubbed your head and went out. 


You went to the beach as the teacher told. Everyone's face were amazed by your stunning

beauty. "You're so beautiful!" Woohyun slung an arm around you. "Yah!" Myungsoo shouted.

"Myungsoo being overprotective." Woohyun shook his head and took his arm off you. 


You were trying to lower your dress. Baekhyun saw it and went to his tent. "Here." he handed

you a long jacket. "You can take out it when you will dance." he said. "Thanks oppa really."

you said and wore the jacket. "Now I feel comfortable!" you said smiling. 


"So let's meet the judges!" the teacher announced from the microphone. You all clapped.

"First we have Ms. BoA!" she told. You cheered. Many were fans of her. BoA kindly waved 

her hand. "Thanks for coming BoA. Next we have JYP!" you clapped again. "And lastly we have

JYJ Jaejoong!" You cheered loudly. You were fan of him too. 


"Ok let's start. First we have Jiyeon and Gongchan!They will be dancing BoA's Only One!"

You clapped. They were really good. The performances of each pair was great. Now it was the

turn of Baekhyun and Jiae. "Fighting!" you said. Baekhyun smiled at you and went to the 

stage. "Baekhyun and Jiae will be dancing Taeyang's I Need A Girl." you cheered loudly.


In the whole performance Baekhyun was looking only at you. You were just there clapping

and not noticing it. They finished. "And lastly we have L and Eunmin to dance Hyuna and 

Hyunseung's Trouble Maker!" *It's time.* you took off the jacket and handed it to 

Baekhyun who smiled at you. Jiae on the other side was annoyed. 


The song started. Myungsoo started whistling and doing his steps. The chorus came.

And you two dance passionately together. The students started whistling and cheering. 

Your part came and everyone was shouting like crazy. The judges were impressed too.


Myungsoo was looking at you and you looked at him. It's like you expressed your feelings

through this dance. The dance finished with the two of you having your faces really close 

to each other. The judges and the students stood up and cheered. 


"Thank you!" you said and went off the stage with Myungsoo. "That was great!" Hoya said.

You smiled. You were searching for Baekhyun. *Where is he?* you wanted to find him but 

students were surrounding you. *I'm sorry oppa.* you thought sadly. 


 The jugdes told their comment to the pairs until in reach to Baekhyun and Jiae. 

"Your dance was really good but something was just missing. You two didn't have that

feeling of a pair. While you two were dancing you were not looking to each other but

to a person. But it was really good." JYP said. Baekhyun and Jiae nodded.


"Now let's go to L and Eunmin." "Ok this is my first time I saw siblings this passionate

dancing with each other. It's like you were not siblings and like lovers that confessed their

feelings to each other right there. It was totally awesome. And I love your facial expressions."

BoA said and clapped. You and Myungsoo looked at each other. Myungsoo's ears turned red

while you were blushing. Baekhyun saw the two of you and lowered his head. 


"It's time to annouce the winners. I have here the envelope...And the winner is...........

L and Eunmin!" the teacher announced. You jumped and without knowing hugged Myungsoo.

He hugged you back smiling. "You two are going to have higher grades now." the teacher said.

"Let's clapped for them!" Jaejoong said. "Thank you!" you bowed with Myungsoo. 

Baekhyun tried to smile while Jiae had her head down. 

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Chapter 50: A very nice story!
thesecond_cl #2
Chapter 50: Omo this is awesome authornim!
Fighting on your other stories!!
Chapter 50: ahh so cute author-nim!! i didn't thought that myungsoo is the one adopted but i'm happy they're together! loving the story author-nim!
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 50: So Cute!!!

Wow! That was an unexpected twist to the story... Myungsoo was the adopted Kim, where Eunmin was the legit Kim... LOL

Great job authornim :D I really enjoyed reading it ^^
Chapter 14: This story is so COOL!! I feel like I'm Eun Min!
avantgarde #6
Chapter 50: i totally love the story :) cant believe i read it all in 3hours only >.<
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 50: aww nice story, thanks :D so glad they ended together.