
[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.


Chapter Eight: Rumors

Kevin’s P.O.V.

Did I do something wrong? All I’ve been doing is being nice to her. I say hello in the mornings when she’s at her locker. Walk her to all of her classes. Even walk her home, the opposite way from where my house is. Something’s not right.  There should be no reason why she is mad at me. I didn’t do anything to her…not that I know at least. Maybe, it’s that kid that I always see with her now.  What’s his name? Xavier, that’s it! Maybe he’s the mastermind behind all of this.  All of this, ignoring me and not acknowledging me, making ME feel like the bad guy.  This is starting to really frustrate me.  When I find this Xavier kid hanging around with her again, I’m going to tell him that this evil plan he has going on, it’s not working.  No one can take Lee Baeki away from me.

*    *    *

Days had passed and the same ignoring me, sitting on the opposite side of the room had still been going on. Today? Today would be different. I saw her at her locker, she had been with her group of girl friends smiling and gossiping about who knows what.  I debated whether to go and interrupt them.  She had seemed to be laughing and in a better mood than she was yesterday. That was probably only because she was no where near me.  She had looked towards where I had been standing, at the end of the hallway leaning against the wall with my shoulder.  She immediately looked away once she saw me.  I guess she had told her friends bye because she was now walking towards me.  Her hair was flying back away from her face while she walked past people quickly. She glanced at me and then looked away. I froze up. Was she really going to come and talk to me? Was her hating on me over? As she was walking towards me I took the opportunity to talk to her.  I pulled on her arm.

“We need to talk.” I said as I pulled her outside to the courtyard our school had. 

“Yah! Kevin where are you taking me!?” She said with an annoyed attitude trying to get out of my grasp, only making my grip stronger. “We’re going to miss class!!”

I didn’t care about missing class. I wanted to get to the bottom of all this.  I pull her along as we walk to a part of the courtyard where we can’t be seen. I had seen a table with a bench.  I dropped my books down and sat. She hesitated to sit down or not, but eventually she did.

She folded her arms looking at me with quite and annoyed face. “Why did you bring me here?”

“We need to talk.” I answer looking into her beautiful yet annoyed face. 

“About?” She said rudely.      

“Why you’ve been ignoring me, for the past few days.”

“I wasn’t in the mood to talk. And I’m still not.” She rolls her eyes and gives me the cold shoulder.

“Oh really?!” Had she not seen that I was just watching her? “Well then, explain how I just saw you talking to your girls. You were laughing and everything.  Not in the mood for talking, huh?” I had such a good comeback that it made her turn her head and look at me speechless.

She fully turns around to face me and sighs. “Fine! The reason that I haven’t been talking to you…” She pauses. “Is…I’ve heard things Kevin.”

“About what?” I really wanted to know.

“You!” She says loudly.

“From who?” I already knew who was saying these things. I wanted to make sure I was right.

“I can’t say.” She says looking down at the table. 

I go to her side of the table, looking down at her. “Baeki you have to tell me who, so I can stop these rumors.”

She looks up. “He’s going to kill me for this.” Biting her lip she says. “Xavier…”

My body started to tense up.  I could feel my eyes start to squint, my hands making themselves into fists.  I knew it! I knew it was him! The biggest part of me wanted to get up from this bench go find him and tell him a piece of my mind.  Oh so badly.  I regained my composure realizing that I hadn’t asked the most important question.

“What is he saying about me?”

“Things.” Was all she said.

“What kind of things?” I asked putting my hand on her back.

“Horrible things.” She breathed in deeply. “Things like, you’re a heartbreaker and I liar. And that you move from girl to girl just like that.”

Rage built inside of me. Why was he saying these things about me? He doesn’t even know me! “So why were you trying ignoring me and  wanting me be no where near me?”

“He told me to.” She puts her face in her hands embarrassed to have fallen for his evil plan.  “He told me how you start treating girls nicely, how you start making them like you and then when the girls heart starts to beat uncontrollably because they are so in love with you, that you…”

“That I what?”

“You…” She pauses. “Break their heart.” She turns to look away. “I was avoiding you because I thought that if my heart started to beat uncontrollably that you’d…break it.”

Is she saying that she likes me?

I could tell me asking her all of these questions was upsetting her.  So I was going to tell her what I really wanted and had been waiting to tell her.  I had said this already before but then it was rushed. Now was the perfect time.

I touch her chin and turn her face towards me. “Everything he had said about me, it’s all a lie.  I don’t go from girl to girl. Honestly, there has only been one girl that I have had my eyes on since freshman year.”

She lifts her wondering, but teary eyes looking at me.    


Sorry if it's short, but I thought that this was a good way to end a chapter. Cliff hangerrrr xD I do a lot of these. Haha. I should be able to update this and my other stories more since I'm on spring break now, so...yeah. :D 




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Two World's Collide

Love...B2ST Style

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD