
[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.

Chapter 4: Apology

“Yah!” Beaki yells at Kevin pulling her arm away from his grasp angrily.

“What?” He said. 

“What was that!” She takes a few steps back. She was angry at him for pulling her away from Xavier the way he did. 

“Did you see the way he was looking at you?” He said. 

“You do have to look at someone when you talk to them, you know.” She pauses.

"You don't have to look at someone the way that he was looking at you." He says

“Why? Are you jealous?!” She said giving him an evil eye. 

“Me? No!” He flips his hair. He was lying. She could tell.

“You're lying. Why do you care about the way he was looking at me?” She asks. 

“I-I don’t know.” He stutters trying to really say why he wanted, but the words wouldn't come out.

“Well you should stop being jealous, because we’re not a couple.” She says starting to walk up a set of stairs to go to first period. 

“Wait.” He pulls on her arm. 

“No! Don’t touch me.” She pulls away. “I have to get to class, and so do you.” She walks away and heads to English. 

He just stood on the stairs just watching her walk away. He really did screw up. Why was he acting so jealous? He needed to apologize, now. He ran to to follow her to English. She wasn’t there. He just stood in the door way. All of his class mates looked at him. 

Eli gave him the ‘what’ shrug. He knew something was wrong. 

“Well, Kevin. Are you going to join us or stand in the door way the whole class?” Ms. Lee said.

He looks at her and presses his temple. “Aish. Sorry.” He walks in to take a seat.

Eli had watched him walk to his seat and had one of his eyes squinted. 

“Lunch.” Was all Kevin said to him. Lunch? 

English class eventually ended. Kevin had went to his other classes for the day before it was time for lunch. This had been Kevin’s second to last class before the day ended. 

Kevin walks in the lunch room and goes to the table where the rest of his friends Eli, Dongho, Kibum, Soohyun, and Kiseop had been sitting. He throws his books on the table, sits down and sighs heavily. 

“Dude. What happened to you this morning?” Eli said.

“I’m having problems.” Kevin answers. 

“Well obviously.” Eli says. “Care to explain?”

Kevin sighs. “I like this girl.” 

Eli scoffs. “That’s your problem?”

“Yah! This isn’t funny. Kevin shi is sad.” Soohyun says hitting Eli. 

“No Eli, that’s not my problem. My problem is…she was talking to this Xavier kid.” Kevin says looking up. “The way he was looking at her made me angry.”

“Soo…she can’t look at any other boys except you? That’s kind of shallow, Kevin.” Eli says stuffing his face with the schools gross food. 

“I didn’t finish.” He says looking at Eli. “I walked over to her and pulled her away from him. She got mad at me and walked away to our English class. I was going to apologize but she wasn’t in the class.” 

“So you’re saying that you’re..” Eli was cut off by Kevin.

“Jealous? Yes.” He says looking down at the table playing with his hands. 

“Wait. What’s this girls name?” Eli asks putting his utensil down and looking at Kevin. 

“Lee Baeki.” Kevin answers.

All the boys gasped at the sound of her name. 

“What?” Kevin said looking at all of them. 

“She…she…is the prettiest girl in this school. And you have a crush on her hyung!” Dongho said. His face started to light up with shock.

“You guys have known this since our first year of high school. Why are you all freaking out about this now?” Kevin asks. 

“We are just shocked that you still like her. Since you move from girl to girl a lot.” Kibum said.

“Well, I do.” He pauses. “But you guys, I have to apologize to her. I feel like such a fool for pulling her away like that. What do I do?” Kevin said pleading for his friends help. 

Soohyun the romantic, talked and told him the proper thing to do. “Kevin shi, do you see her any other time during the school day?” He asks. 

“Yes. Before she leaves school. I wait for her by her locker everyday because I walk home with her.” Kevin gasps. “I didn’t yesterday. Oh! She’s probably mad at me for that too. Aish!!!” Kevin presses his fingers to his temples again. 

“Hyung. It’s okay. We all make mistakes. Even me.” Dongho says with a smile trying to cheer Kevin up. 

“Okay. When the last period bells rings for everyone to leave school go to her locker and tell her that you are going to walk her home today. If she doesn’t approve and walks away then just follow her. The only way that you can get to talk to her is if you follow her even if she doesn't want to talk to you." Soohyun said. 

“Will this work? She seems really mad at me.” Kevin said looking at him with a worried face. 

“Believe me Kevin. I’m the master. Just do what I say and you'll be fine.” Soohyun says patting Kevin’s back.

“Okay. Thank you hyung.” Kevin says with a smile. 

“Kevin shi fighting!” Dongho says. Everyone at the table looks at him because he was the only one that said that. Dongho looks away from being embarrassed and finished his food.

The bell had rung and everyone rushed off to their last class. Kevin couldn’t pay attention at all in his last class. He was thinking to hard how to say his apology to Baeki, making sure that he said it right and didn’t make more of a fool of himself. Eventually the class had ended and he ran out of the class down flights of stairs and hallways coming to the hallway where her locker was. He saw her standing there with her bunch of friends. 

“He did what!?” One of Baeki’s friends asked. 

“You heard me. He pulled me away from Xavier. Like he was jealous or something.” Baeki said putting her stuff in her backpack. 

Kevin had seen her and her friends. He gulped hard and started to walk towards her locker. The closer and closer he got the more her friends saw him. Before he was a foot away from them they all ran trying to get away from this jealous immature boy, like the rest of the boys in the school.

“Don’t you just hate guys sometimes?” Baeki said. She turns her head to the left the side Kevin wasn’t on. “Girls?” She turns around behind her. They had vanished

“Yes. I do hate guys sometimes.” He says. 

She turns her head and jumps from being startled. She put her hand on her chest from the shock. She rolled her eyes as she opened them. 

“What do you want?” She says forcefully closing her locker because she was mad.

“I came to walk you home.” He says. 

“Oh really? Now you decide to walk me home.” She crossing her arms in front of her chest. 

“Yes.” He says. 

“Why didn’t you yesterday? Hm?” She looks at him with an angry face. 

“I…uh…” He was cut off. 

“Hah. I have no time for you. I have to go. Bye." She starts to walk away. 

He remembers what Soohyun had said to him. If she doesn’t approve and walks away then just follow her. He snaps out of it and runs to catch up to her. 

“The reason I didn’t walk you home yesterday, is because a teacher forced me to stay after. If I didn’t I would have gotten a detention.” He says to her blocking her way before she pushed the school doors open to leave. 

“You’re lying.” She moves to the right and left trying to move away from him but he just mirrors her moves and blocks her. 

"No, I'm being honest." 

She stomps on the floor. “Aish! Can you move! I need to get home.” She says. 

“Sure.” He moves but followers her out the school doors. 

“Why are you following me? Can’t you see that I don’t want to talk to you at the moment.” She says walking away from him not acknowledging that he’s behind her. 

He scoffs. “I told you. I’m walking you home.” He walks next to her. “And I came to apologize.” He says stopping in front of her once again. 

“Did you really?” She says not amused. 

“Yes. I’m sorry for not walking you home yesterday and pulling you away like that.” He pauses. “It’s just that I-I…” 

Cliff hangerrrrrrrr!!! 
Lol I bet you know what he's going to say next. xD 
And yes even if he's in high school, I put all of the U-Kiss members in the same school. They're all in their late teens so. lol 
This is a crappy chapter. Sorry Dx
Commentssssss pleaseeeee! :D 

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD