
[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.


I have no idea where I am.  I don’t even remember how I got to the place I am in now.  Where the hell am I?! Why can’t I open my eyes no matter how hard I try?  Am I dead? Am I in this coffin covered in pitch darkness, buried six feet deep in the ground? Even if I tried to scream from the top of my lungs, would anyone be able to hear me? I can’t even talk. Why!!? This is just my mind saying random things. Why do I feel like I am being surrounded with silence and having people just standing over me speechless, out of words to say.  Do I have something hideous on my face, that was making whoever was looking at me just so disgusted that they couldn’t even say anything? Maybe something did happen to me…but what? And from who?

*     *    *

“Baeki!!” Her mother said as she walked into the hospital room Baeki had been in. “Oh my poor daughter. What happened to you?!” She kneels beside the bed and takes Baeki’s hand. “Answer me!” She looks at her with worried eyes, wondering if her daughter will ever answer her, and why she wasn’t.

“She’s in a coma.” A husky voice said as it entered the room. “She can’t hear, see, or even know you are here.”

“What?!” The worried mother said, confused.

“Your daughters in a coma. She has been for the last 24 hours, ever since she got admitted here.” The doctor says walking over to check if the machines Baeki was hooked up to were working properly.

“W-will she ever get out of it?” Baeki’s mom started to get choked up from finally learning why her daughter wasn’t answering her.

“We’re not sure. She may get out of it, and…” The doctor paused for a quick second. “She may not.”

Baeki’s mom started to wail. “Oh! Why did this have to happen to you!” She was almost screaming now. “Please wake up, I love you! We all love you! Baekiii!!” Baeki’s father had to pull her mom away so that she wouldn’t hurt Baeki anymore than she already was.

“I understand that you all are very worried but we’re keeping a very close eye on your daughter, giving her the best care and help that she needs. The only we can do is wait.” The doctor said comforting the parents and little brother that had been in the room.

“Alright. Thank you Dr-”

“Kim Tae Woon.”

“I’m Lee Jiyun, this is Shin Woo, and Yeo Hoi.” Jiyun says pointing to her husband and their little boy.

“Nice to meet you all.” Tae Woon bows. “Visiting hours end soon. I’ll leave, so you can spend some time with your daughter.”

“Kamsamnida.” The family bows watching the doctor leave.

Yeo had run to his sister and grabbed her hand. “Baeki! Wake up!” Followed by some words that couldn’t be understood since he was still young and didn’t know many. He was pulling on her hand trying to wake her. He was young and didn’t understand what the doctor had said.

“Yah. Yeo, she’s sleeping. She’ll wake up…shortly.” Jiyun looks at her husband while saying it and starts to cry knowing that her daughter may, and may not wake up.

*     *     *

Two days later…

“Have you guys seen Baeki? She wasn’t at her locker this morning or in class. She’s been out of school for two days.” I said reaching the lunch table all of my friends were sitting at.

“You didn’t hear?” AJ said.

“Hear what?” I answer back as I sat down.

They all looked at each other with that I-don’t-think-we-should-say-anything face. “Guys. Tell me what’s wrong. Why hasn’t she been in school?” I said starting to get really worried because it took them forever to answer my question.

“She’s…” Eli pauses. “In the hospital.” He bits his lips wishing he never said it.

“What!!!?” I didn’t know if I was shocked or mad.

“It’s all over the school. Everyone is talking about it.” SooHyun says.

“How come you haven’t heard of this?” Kiseop chimes in.

“I don’t know! I don’t like to barge into people’s business.” I snapped at Kiseop and I rarely get mad. “How did this happen?”

“She was hit hard in the back of the head as she was leaving the auditorium. Why she was in there, nobody knows.” Kibum says.

“Who did this?” I demanded. I knew who the mastermind behind this is but I wanted to see if I was right.

“Nobody knows. Whoever did this they fled the scene right after. The janitor found her and brought her to the nurse.” Eli said.

My eyes were filled with anger, squinting ready to explode with fire. I knew why her friends had pulled her away. They were bringing her to, Xavier.

“Uh…hyung…are you okay?” Your eyes look like they are about to explode.” Dongho said putting down his fork and looking at me scared that I was about to explode.

“No…I’m not.” I didn’t say anything else, just picked up my stuff and left the café forcefully pushing the doors open with anger, frustration, rage. I was going to look for him but he was nowhere to be found. So I immediately went to my locker, and grabbed my stuff and left. Where was I heading? The hospital. My school was strict and about education and wouldn’t let any student leave.  I had to sneak out a way where there was no cameras, which is impossible since there’s cameras almost every foot. I tried to crouch down, being unseen as I walked passed a few class rooms. Once I reached outside I ran as fast as I could to get off school ground. I steadied my pace into a walk once I was off school grounds and couldn’t be seen. There was only one hospital in Seoul where everyone went to, so I knew she would be there.  The hospital was quite a walk away but I had walked faster than I usually do, because I needed to see her, now!  It was like my own feet were propelling me towards the hospital.  I finally reached it and sighed. I hope you’re okay.  I thought to myself. Obviously she’s not if she’s in a hospital. I walked fast inside reaching the check-in desk.

“Hello. How may I help you?” The receptionist said politely.

“I’m looking for a girl she was brought in here a few days ago.”

“Her name?” The receptionist said looking at me.

“Lee Baeki.” The receptionist typed and was looking for Baeki on the computer.

“She’s here. But I can’t let strangers see any patients unless they’re closely connected to them.”

“Oh well I’m her…uh…” I paused trying to think of something to say, a lie that she would believe. She saw me thinking hard and probably thought I was a stalker of some sort.  “Boyfrriend. I’m her boyfriend. I’m really worried about her. Can I just go see her, please?” I finally said.

The receptionist studied me for a few seconds and saw the worry that I had in my face and smiled. She told me where Baeki’s room was and I followed her directions. I walked fast so that I could reach her quickly. 

I came to her room saw the number, 203. I put my hands on the knob and slowly opened it, walking into a pretty room full with Get Well Soon balloons, flowers, cards and a stuffed animal that was probably from a little sibling she had. Her family had been here already. I walked in slowly trying to not make any noise, so I wouldn’t wake her if she happened to be sleeping. I peered around the corner and saw her in the hospital bed with all these bags and tubes hanging from them going into her fragile skin, and a big gauze bandage around her head. It looked like she hadn’t moved since she had gotten here, because her bed sheets had no wrinkles in them at all.  I had been standing there just looking at her and her bandaged head for a bit of time. I walked over to her and touched her forehead looking at it for a few seconds before I leaned in and kissed it gently.

She looked so hurt from what had happened. I tried to talk to her but she didn’t answer. I figured out shortly by myself that she had been in a coma. She was hit pretty had to be knocked unconscious and not responsive. I really wish I had been the one to find her and not the janitor. Actually, I really wish I had pulled her away from her friends so that she wouldn’t have gotten into this mess in the first place.

“Baeki, this is all my fault. What can I do to ever repay you for this?” I sat in a chair holding her hand in front of my face kissing it softly resting my chin on it.  I knew she couldn’t hear me. I feel horrible about this. I don’t know what to do to make up for this. I thought hard turning in the chair for a few hours, continuing to lay my chin on my hands trying to think about what to do. I finally thought of something. I jolted up, eyes wide open. I looked at her one last time before I left to go to my house so my parents wouldn’t worry. I kissed her gently on the forehead touching it softly before leaving.

*     *     *

One week later…

I had visited her every day, she was still in the same position that I had seen her in the very first time I went to visit her; lying flat on her back head resting on the soft pillows and her arms under the covers.  Before, I went to go visit her today, I had gone to a party store to get a few balloons with special writing on them, a big poster board, markers pink ones her favorite color, flowers, chocolates and a stuffed animal.  I was going to surprise her. She wouldn’t think this was going to happen. I drew on the board what I had wanted it to say and made sure that it was all even and looked nice. I tied the balloons to the corners curling the strings that were left over. I put a few pieces of her favorite chocolate in the stuff animal’s hands. Now the only problem was trying to get this to the hospital not wrecked, and if she was awake, or, out of her coma.

I got a ride from Eli to the hospital. He helped me carry some of the surprises in and up to her room. I opened the door to see if anyone was in there previously, her family had been. Good thing there was room for me to hold up the poster board with the balloons attached to it. Eli left once he helped me carry in the stuff, since he had to go out with his family somewhere, I didn’t care to ask, this was more important. After I got everything set up I turned around to see her bed wrinkled. She’d moved? I could see her eyes twitching. Was she starting to wake up? I smiled and stood in my spot holding up the big poster board with the balloons tied to it in front of me smiling, waiting for her to wake up.

*     *     *

My eyes, they’re starting to open. I finally moved for the first time in a week. I can hear things that I couldn’t before. Am I coming back? I turned to lay on my back and moaned as I could feel the pressure I had put on my head. I laid on the side where I had gotten hit, apparently, since there was a big bandage on it.  I slowly started opening my eyes seeing the whiteness around me, then these red and pink round things just floating in the air. My vision starts to get clearer and I see those floating red and pink things are connected to strings tied to this big poster board being held by this skinny, smiling brunette. The poster board read Baeki, will you go to prom with me?  in big pink letters easy so I could understand it.


This is sort of a long chapter. I kinda combined two chapters into one, but I wanted to add in the prom thing in badly and not wait since mine is on Friday. :D Yaaaay! lol idk. 





Please READ AND COMMENT my other fics as well. ^^

Two World's Collide

Love...B2ST Style

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD