
[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.

Chapter 3: Jealousy.

Baeki had ended up safely at her house from walking home, alone. She wasn’t in the best of moods. 

She had walked through the front door of her house and slammed it shut as she stepped inside, making a scene. 

Her mom had run to see what the loud sound was. Once Baeki saw her she ran upstairs trying to get away from getting yelled at. But she failed. Her mom had caught her even before she reached the last step. 
“Yah! Baeki!” Her mother yelled looking up at her. 

Baeki had sighed heavily and turned around while she shuffled down the stairs. 
She stood in front of her mom who had her arms crossed in front of her chest with this frustrated look on her face. 

“What was that for?! You do know that your brother is trying to sleep right!” She says with an angry tone. “I took me numerous tries just to get him to finally sleep. He just fell asleep not even five minutes before you came home. And you do this?!” 

“Yeah. So.” Baeki says not having a care in the world. 

“What’s wrong with you!” she pauses. “You, young lady will not have and attitude with me! You got that?” Her mom says pointing at her. 

Baeki didn’t want to explain how her day had went and how she had come to this rare attitude, but she had to and she felt that it would explain a lot. 

“Mianhae Umma.” She said looking down at her feet. “I just had a very bad day and it’s getting to me.” She starts to tear up a little from all the stress, confusion and drama that happened to her today. 

Her mom regains her composure from yelling at her daughter. “My poor daughter.” Her mom lifts her head up. “Come. Let’s talk about it. Yes?” Her mom says pulling Baeki and starts walking towards the living room. 

“Can we not.” Baeki says as she stops walking and stands next to her mom. “I just want to be left alone. Okay?” She finishes. 

Her mom nods and smiles. “Well your father will be home soon, and the supper is almost ready. You hungry?” She asks. 

“Mm…no not really. But thanks.” Baeki smiles and makes her way up the big stairs to her room. 
She didn’t want to do anything but sleep this day off. But she had homework. So she finished that and dozed to sleep hoping that tomorrow was going to be a better day.
* * *
I really scared her. Making her thing that Kevin is a heart breaker. Hah! No body would ever want to be his girl friend. I mean look at him, he’s super scrawny and he pretties himself up to much. Is he trying to become a girl? Now I just have to do a little something to make him feel my wrath and be confused as well. I have just the plan.
* * * It was the morning and Baeki had been all set to leave the house and be on her way to school. She grabbed her backpack, came out of her room, went downstairs and said a final goodbye to her parents before she went out the door and to school.

She was listening to her iPod and smiling whenever a song she liked had started to play. She was enjoying herself and how the day was going so far. Maybe this was going to be a better day? 

She steps foot in the school and immediately is swarmed by her friends. They all had apologized for being nosey and asking her every possible question about if she had a boy friend or not. 

She didn’t feel like talking to them. They had started becoming increasingly annoying over the past few days. She walked fast to get away from them and went straight to her locker. Someone had been waiting by her locker. She smiled with happiness, it must have been him. She walks calmly and gets closer and closer to her locker only to realize that the person standing there wasn’t Kevin. She started to look around to see if she was in the right hallway. She looks at the locker numbers and she was. 

The person who was standing in front of her locker was this strikingly handsome boy with his hair parted to the left side. He was wearing ripped jeans and a stripped blue and black T-Shirt. He didn’t look like a high school student. More like this jock college student.

She was nervous to approach the boy who she hadn’t seen before. “Uhm, excuse me?” She said with a low tone touching her hair. Nervous habit she had. “You’re in front of my locker.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.” The handsome boy said as he moved a little bit away so she could access her locker.
She smiles. “It’s okay.” She does the combination and opens her locker. Before she stuffs her whole back pack in, she remembers what Kevin had said to her. She takes her books out first and then puts her back pack inside her locker.

“Oh, by the way I’m Xavier.” He says with a big smile. 

“Hi Xavier. I’m Baeki.” She closes her locker and looks at him. “I haven’t seen you before. Are you new? Is this your first year?” She asks him holding her books in front of her. 

“Me? Oh no. I’ve been in this town ever since I was a little itty bitty baby.” He laughs at himself trying to be funny. 

She smiles. “Hm? I wonder how I haven’t seen you then.”

“I’m just a ninja like that.” He smiles at her. 

He seemed like a really nice, sweet kid. They talked for a few minutes just waiting for the first period bell to ring. They talked about things they liked. Places they loved to go to. What their after school activities where. If they had any jobs. All the little conversation starters. 

What ever “Xavier” had been saying to Baeki had been making her laugh every time. And Kevin had seen everything. He had been watching this Xavier kid from a little ways down the hall. He knew this kid wasn’t real. He just had this gut instinct that Xavier was, a fake. He hated the way Xavier had been making her laugh. It was like he was flirting with the girl Kevin had his eyes on since the beginning of freshman year, and Kevin hated this. It filled him with rage. His eyes started to squint from his jealousy and anger. 

The bell had rung for first period. This was the perfect time, and Kevin used it wisely.

He walks down the hallway and reaches for Baeki grabbing her arm with his hand. 

He looks at this so called Xavier kid. “We have to get to class now.” He pulls Baeki away from Xavier.

“Bye Baeki. It was nice to make a new….FRIEND!” Xavier yells making sure Kevin hears it. He see’s Kevin pulling her down the hallway as they walk to their first period class. “And making Kevin jealous! Hah Hah Hah!” He says to himself as he walks away with an evil smile. 
Lol I changed Xander's name to Xavier. So corny. xDD 

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD