First Meeting.

[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.

Monday morning, the first day of her senior year. Lee Baeki hated Mondays. She just wanted weekends to go on forever. She hadn't slept well last night and had a very hard time getting up. It was dark still so her body had thought that it was still night time. She never wanted to get up, but she had to so she did. After stretching as she stood up from her bed, she went to go grab a pair of clothes. The weather was supposed to be warm with a lot of sun, so she thought of wearing a floral skirt and a fancy top. Baeki loved wearing skirts it showed her long thin legs. She finally hopped into the shower and got ready for her first day as a senior. 
                                                                                * * *

It was also his first day as well, senior year. Kevin hadn’t slept at all last night either. He was too busy thinking about how much he wanted to see her. How much she changed, hopefully in a good way. He sighed as he got up and went to his closet. He picked out something casual but nice looking for the first day of school. He was doing this for her. Kevin put on a casual, but plain shirt with jeans that had minor tears here and there. He took forever looking at himself in the mirror, making sure every hair was in its place. Nothing sticking out anywhere unwanted. He was acting like those preppy girls who needed to look pretty at all times. Well, he was known around school as THE pretty boy. When girls walked past him in the hallway they all stopped and stared with hearts in their eyes. But he didn’t fall for any one of them, he only fell for her.
                                              * * *

They had arrived at school schedules in their hands, looking around at the signs in the school trying to find where their classes where. She had found her room, first period English. She would be learning how to speak English better, even though she spoke it pretty well. She walked down the hall a little further and turned to go into the room when she saw a slender woman with long black hair and a slim face standing in front of the students who were already seated. She must have been the teacher, she thought to herself. As Baeki walked through the door the teacher smiled at her, Baeki smiled back and continued to find an empty seat. She put her books down and just as she got comfortable he walked in. He came in with his books at his side next to his hip, like all the guys carry them. The teacher smiled at him. 

“Well hello Kevin.” The sound of his name coming out of made the blood rush through Baeki’s veins.

“Hello Miss. Lee.” Kevin said with his high pitched voice and a smile as he stood next to her.

“Kevin’s my star student.” She says as she patted him on the back. He smiled. Baeki looked around the room to see if there were any open seats where he could sit it. There was one, and it was the seat right next to hers.

“Go take a seat Kevin.” She pointed to where Baeki had been sitting. “There’s one right there.”
Kevin gulped not knowing that she was in this class. He nodded at the teacher and made his way to sit down. She felt her face flush a bright red. Now was his chance to talk to her since she wasn’t surrounded by her girlfriends.

“Hello,” he said with his sweet voice and a smile.

“He-hello,” she stuttered.

“I’m Kevin.”

She giggled inside. How does he think I don’t know who it is? She thought to herself.

“I know.” She said trying not to laugh at him. “I’m-” She got cut off by the teacher.

“Attention! Attention!” The teacher says loudly. “Class, everyone quite down.” Nobody listened to her. They were all too busy telling each other what they had done over vacation. She had walked over to the light switch and turned it off. It grew dark, and everyone stopped talking. 

“Okay, now that I have all of your attention.” She turned the lights back on in a flash blinding the students’ eyes which had just gotten adjusted to the darkness.

“Hello everyone!” She says with a smile. “I’m your English teacher for this year. My name is Miss. Lee Eun. But you can call me Miss. Lee or Miss L.” She paused to look over at someone. “And not just, Miss.” 

She points to this kid who has black hair parted from the right side reaching all the way across his head. “I’m talking to you Elison.” He became embarrassed as everyone started laughing at him. Even Kevin with his high pitched laugh.

“This year you all will be learning how to become more fluent in English. Like Kevin Woo here.” She seemed to really like him. Was she…flirting with him? Gross. 

She had continued to talk about the rules and regulations for the class, explaining them in great detail so that all the trouble kids would understand. Also that if they didn’t follow these rules, consequences would be taken. Before she could even finish the bell rang for everyone to go to second period. All the students immediately rushed out of the room.

“Have a good first day and BEHAVE!” She tapped Eli as he walked out of the room. He stared at the ceiling and sighed. He hated being picked on. 

Baeki’s next class was math. The teacher did the same exact thing that Miss. Lee had done. After class was over she continued to all of her other classes where it was the same routine. Going over rules and regulations, getting sheets for parents to sign asking them if they understood what the class will be about and if they approve of their son/daughter taking it. 

Baeki’s first day had been easy. Currently, she was in her last class waiting for the bell to ring. It was a good thing she had one of her friends in that class. They could gossip, like all teenage girls do. They would talk about how their day went and if they saw any cute boys. The bell finally rang and Baeki said goodbye to her friend as she walked outside. 
Her parents believed in being fit and getting exercise, of which she certainly didn’t need. So Baeki didn’t drive or take the bus home, no…she walked. She walked out of the school zone and onto a straight away street, but it had no sidewalks so she had to stay as close to the curb possible so cars wouldn’t hit her. 

As she was walking she thought she heard something from behind her. It was very faint, so she thought it was just her imagination so she kept on walking. She heard it again. “Hey! Wait up!” This time it seemed closer, so she turned around and found him. He was the one who was calling out to her. He was running towards her and as he reached her stopped putting his hands on his knee’s panting.

“A-are you okay?” She asks worried.

“Yeah…I…just…need…to…catch my breath,” he says taking one last deep breath. “Man, you walk fast.” He said looking up at her, still with his hands on his knees. This made her smile.

“I’m sorry.” She said. 

He smiled. “Do you mind if I walk with you?” He stood up from panting.

“Uh…s-sure.” She was nervous. As she started walking, he followed but moved to her left side walking more in the street, shielding her from any cars. 

“So, you sit next to me in English class,” he said. 

“Yep.” She refrained herself from looking at his angelic face or else she might break into millions of pieces like a glass vase. 

“How are your classes? They’re all good?” He asked looking at her. She blushes from seeing him look at her from the corner of her eye. “They’re good. Most of them at least.” 


“Well there’s this one class, math. The teacher sounds mean.” She said looking at her feet. 

“Who’s your teacher?” He asks. 

“His name is….” She totally forgot what his name was. “Uhm, his name. Ugh! What’s his name! I know it, I do!” She started hitting herself hoping that it would pop out from wherever it was hiding.

“Don’t hurt yourself.” He laughs. “Tell me what he looks like.”

“He’s…a bit on the heavier side, starting to go bald, has a beard that looks like he hasn’t shaved in decades.” She uses her hands to show him what he looks like. 

“Oh. You mean Mr. Gyul?” He says. 

“Yeah! Him!” She said. Kevin laughed. 

She stopped and turned to look at him. “Wait? Do you know…every teacher in this school?” She asked.

“Do I know every teacher? What do you mean?” He asked putting his hands in his sweat shirt jacket.

“You know our science teacher and now my math teacher. It’s like…you’re stalking me.” She couldn’t believe she had just said that. 

“Stalking you? No, I know them because I’ve had them before.” He continued walking.

She stood there thinking to herself, when she noticed Kevin was ahead of her she ran to catch up with him. She finally stopped in front of a long walk way to this big house.

“Well, this is where I live.” She said.

“You have a big house.” He said smiling at her. 

“Thanks. I better go; my parents are probably worried about me. Thank you for walking me home Kevin.” She smiled and started to walk towards the door. 

“Wait! I didn’t catch you name.” He called out. 

She stopped and turned around. “Lee Baeki,” she said with a sweet voice. He knew her name but having her say it made his heart beat fast, pumping blood through his veins. 

“You’re welcome. It was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow, Lee Baeki.” He said as he walked away.
She smiled hearing him say her name. She watched as he walked away. Her eyes close and she breaths in and out smiling to herself. 

* * *

Ah. I see that you two are starting to communicate. Maybe you will become more than best friends? Maybe I will do a little something to Kevin that will make Lee Baeki worry since she won’t see him every day. 
Hmmm. What to do…what to do?

Weeeee. First chapter. 
Watcha think? Like it? Hate it? Want more??? >D 


Comments are appreciated~ ♥

P.S. Sorry if some of the names in this chapter don't make any sense. I sort of made them up. xDD

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD