[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.

*le sigh* I'm loosing interest in this fic. I'm too lazy to update. Even-though I'm on my summer vacation and on my computer the whole day I'm just.....too lazy to write anything. So what I'm trying to say is I'm going to close this story. Or mark it as complete because I'm just waaaaaaaaaay to lazy to update. I'm sorry to the 8 subscribers that I have I just...don't feel like writing this anymore. Don't hate me. D: I hope you understand. 

Sorry. ): 

P.S. If I do write's probably going to be a short story or just one shots. Cuz they're a lot easier to write than looooong stories

Thanks for reading and commenting, I appreciated it. ^^ <3 

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD