
[PG-13] Good vs. Evil.


Chapter Seven: Confusion

Baeki had arrived at school and was at her locker.  She worried that he would come over to talk with her.  If he did how was she going to approach this? What Xavier had said to her made her think, if Kevin will leave her. But they weren’t even dating. What does she mean by leave? What’s going to happen if he does…leave?

“Good morning!” Said a sweet voice. He did go to her locker.  He was standing right next her.

She didn’t know what to do. To talk, or not to talk. She bit her lip blocking any words that might slip out.

“Baeki? You aren’t talking. Is there something wrong?” He leans in closer trying to see her facial expression.

Words slipped out. “I’m fine.” Was all she had said.  She closes her locker and walks around him trying to go to her class.

Something is suspicious with her, he see’s it. He pulls on her arm, making her stop walking. He turns her to face him. “No. You’re not fine. Something is wrong.”

“I told you…” She pulls away from his grasp. “I’m fine!” Her voice was loud. She starts walking away.

“No!” He stops in front of her. “You’re not.”

She starts walking towards her right, he blocks her. She goes to the left, he blocks her.

“Ugh!” She stomps on the ground loudly causing a scene. “Just leave me alone.”

“No. I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” He says worried about her.

Kevin was the type of person who cared about people.  He didn’t like to see them upset.  If they were upset by something, he wanted to talk about it with them and not have them suffer all day thinking about it Even if it was a short conversation he wanted to talk.  He knew something was wrong and upsetting Baeki, he felt bad for her. All he wanted to do was talk it out with her. Was it because of him?

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She looks away. “I need to get to class.” She bumps into his shoulder making him move so she could pass.

She walks up a few set of stair and goes into her English class. She didn’t want to deal with him, so she had sat in a student’s seat, which hadn’t been in school. She sat on the other side of the room, away from Kevin.

Kevin walks in and see’s her sitting on the opposite side of the class. He just continues walking into class and goes to sit in his assigned seat.

Eli looked back at Kevin seeing an empty seat where Baeki was supposed to be sitting, but wasn’t.  He knew something was wrong.  Kevin wasn’t his normal happy self.  He wanted to go over and see why he was like that, but didn’t. He waited until later, the right time to talk. 

*     *    *

It was lunch time. Eli, Dongho, Kiseop, Kibum, SooHyun, Aj and Hoon had all been at the table munching away on their food. Kevin walked in a few minutes later.  Kevin dragged a chair from another table and put it at the table where his friends were and sat down, not looking at any of them.  Eli saw the sadness and confusion in his face. Actually, every one of his friends had seen it.

“Okay, Kevin you’re not your usual self. What’s wrong?” Eli said getting kind of annoyed that Kevin was acting this way, again.

“Yeah hyung. You look really sad.” Dongho said.

“It’s her.” He says drawing circles with his fingers on his notebook.

“Ah. Baeki.” Soohyun says. “What’s wrong with her? She seems like a very nice young lady.” Always knowing the right words to say.

“She is. That’s why I’m confused.” Kevin answers pressing his temples.

“Confused? About what?” Eli says putting food into his mouth.

Kevin sighs before explain what happened this morning.  “I don’t know. Just this morning she was really avoidant to me. I went to her locker to say Hello but she didn’t answer.” He pauses to take a breath. “Then when I ask her what’s wrong, she says nothing and that she’s fine. But she won’t tell me what’s wrong. Then today during English she sat in a different spot and not next to me, where her assigned seat is.” He looks at everyone at the table. “Did I do something?”

SooHyun talked. “Kevin shii, maybe she needs some time alone.”

“Yeah. Something is obviously upsetting her.” Kiseop says.

“Maybe you should just leave her alone, until she turns around a little bit.” Kibum said.

“But I walk her home everyday. So how’s that going to work out?” Kevin says. He had asked a good question.

“She’s old enough to walk home by herself, and she knows where her house is, so she’ll be fine.” AJ says trying to up Kevin’s mood a little.

“Yeah, just give her some time Kevin.” Hoon said putting a smile on trying to make Kevin smile a little.

*     *     *

Hours had passes and the school day was over. Baeki had been at her locker taking what ever school supplies she would need and putting them into her backpack. She didn’t expect him to show, and he didn’t.  She closed her locker and walked home, alone. Or so she thought. As she was just about to walk off school grounds she felt a poke on her shoulder.

“Hey.” Xavier said.

Baeki gives him a little smile, still not her usual self.

“So, did anything happen?” He asks. He had seen the whole argument; he was playing off not knowing anything.

“Yes.” She said looking down at her feet.

“Tell me.” He looks at her wanting to know if his “evil plan” had worked.

She explains to him what she did when Kevin came to her locker this morning.

“Good. You did the right thing. I’m proud of you. Just keep doing it.” Xavier says putting his arm around her back.

Both of them didn’t know that Kevin was watching them from far behind. He had seen Xavier move his arm around her back and place his hand on her shoulder. This angered Kevin. Before he did anything he wasn’t supposed to, he just turned down the next street and continued on his way home.   

Baeki had arrived at her house. “Thanks for walking me home.” She says turning to look at Xavier.

“Your welcome. I saw that you were all by yourself and I didn’t want you to walk alone so I thought I’d join you.” He pauses. “Well, enjoy the rest of your day.” He says as he walks back the way that they came, going home. 

She walks up her long driveway and goes into her house.


Yes my plan is working. Before you know it they will no longer be a couple or even friends.  He laughs evilly continuing to walk home.


Drammaaaaa. Lol. 

This is a really y chapter. >< I'm sorry. I wrote it in school and this was all I could think of.




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Two World's Collide

Love...B2ST Style

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Umm.. about your little explanation... Word is never installed on any computers. You have to download stuff like Microsoft Office, it doesn't come with the new computer.. only Internet Explorer.
:>> YIE. ">
OOOH!!!! :DD<br />
YAY Kevin gonna confess now?
i honestly hate alexander so much in this fic. xDD
Your story clicks to me. And yes, it's good. And so ,you should update. :))
it does go a little bit fast.. not enough drama.. D: i thought that boy was gonna come out again at the end of this chapter. ._.
Does it really sound like yours mandy?? :((( i dont want it too. D: i was scared it was going to.
@Amanda one can only hope so. ;D LOLOL i still am in the midst of writing my first chapter. xD