Slowly But Surely

New Love


The next day, Xian Shu Hao made sure that she'll be earlier than that ugly prince. On the other hand, Wang Zi doubts if he still have a face to show this day because of what happened yesterday.

“That girl really is extremely annoying!! Why is it like this? How did she win? How?!!!! It’s so maddening! I hope something will happen so that I cannot come to school...Aishhh! That girl is really an obstacle in confessing to GuiGui. Whatever. Whatever that Shu Hao will do, is just useless. I'm the guy here.”

Wang Zi went downstairs. He saw Aaron eating his favorite bento but he just ignored it even if he also loves bento. Whatever. He doesn’t care. Anyways, they're already not friends.


“Eh! Wang Zi....want to eat your favorite bento?”

“No. Thanks. I am not hungry.” Wang Zi directly replied and brought his bag with him. And slammed the door.

“So.....he's still mad at me.” Aaron said.


While walking, Wang Zi thought,

“I am obviously still mad at you...stupid.”


“Huhuhu...Now I have these dark circles around my eyes. Consequences after watching my favorite T.V show last night...................Is that Wang Zi??? Why is he not going to school with Aaron?” She frowned as she scratched her head.

“Eh! Wang Zi! Wait! Wang Zi!!!”


Wang Zi's POV:

Who's calling me? It's a girl's voice obviously.......but, this one is very familiar. Cute...and a bit sharp................................................GUIGUI?!!


Normal POV:

Wang Zi turned to look who called him. And he’s right. It’s GuiGui. He stopped. He felt like his heart skipped a beat. GuiGui? Calling him? Impossible! They aren’t even friends.

When GuiGui stopped in front of him, Wang Zi looked at her.

“Eh! What’s with that look?”


“Eh! What’s wrong with you?” Gui Gui yelled.

“Huh? Uhh…why did you call me?”

“Nothing. I just want to go to school with a ‘friend’. You know...I don’t want to be alone.” She replied.


“Let’s go!” Wang Zi just nodded. Seems like he’s mesmerized by GuiGui’s cuteness, huh. Well, let’s see.


While Aaron is speed walking (so you’re still afraid to be late for school :>), he saw Wang Zi…………………..with GuiGui. Wait, WANG ZI WITH GUIGUI?!!

He rubbed his eyes to see if it’s really true. But unfortunately, it’s real. Wang Zi is going to school with Gui Gui. Aaron suddenly felt something painful yet strange in his heart. It’s like, his heart broke into pieces…million pieces. Ouchie. Seeing Wang Zi with Gui Gui. That means something.

“So Wang Zi already confessed to Gui Gui…and now, they’re walking together, happily. Despiteful. Wang Zi is now Gui Gui’s boyfriend. And I lost to him.” He gave out a very deep sigh and looked down. All of his hopes we’re lost. He felt like floating and senseless. But as it is, he continued walking while looking down. He don’t want to see them.


When Wang Zi and Gui Gui arrived together, all eyes we’re staring at them.

“Why is Wang Zi with Gui Gui?” Ru Zhi whispered to Cai Shi.

“I don’t know. Why are you asking me?”

“I mean..we’ll just let Gui Gui flirt at Wang Zi? Then at Aaron?”

“Of course not. I have a better plan. And I’ll tell you later.” Cai Shi smirked and glared at Gui Gui.

Ru Zhi went back to her seat and glanced at Gui Gui once again.


“Hhh! What a wonderful new day.” Gui Gui muttered as she stretched her arms.

“Flirt.” Ru Zhi thought.


Meanwhile, Aaron arrived. He quickly went inside the classroom and glanced at GuiGui. As he sat down, he zipped open his bag so that it will not be awkward. And so that he’ll look like busy. Even though, he’s heart is still aching after seeing the two of them.


Gui Gui got something in her pocket. And as always, she read her fortune:


“Think of your decisions more than a hundred times so that you’ll not end regretting it.”


“Think? Of my decisions? A hundred times? How do you do that?” she mumbled.


Suddenly, someone knocked on Class 07’s door. It’s Ashton. ASHTON CHEN.

“Ashton Chen?!!” Shu Hao thought.

“Ah,, eh…erm….where is student Xian Shu Hao?” he asked. Then everybody turned and pointed Shu Hao which is having a jaw drop scene again. He headed towards Shu Hao’s seat that made her eyes widen.

“Oh. Shu Hao. Here’s your cap. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t take it. You just left it.” He explained.

“He he. Silly me. T-thanks.s for returning this…A-a-a-ash-ht-ton C-ch-chen… he heh.” She stuttered.

Ashton returned her cap while giving out a bright smile.


“Bukeqi. Zai jian!” Ashton went out to classroom 07 leaving Xian Shu Hao smelling the cap.

GuiGui opened her doodle notebook and got her pencil out. She likes to draw cute characters in her notebook. She drew the little green men’s head then it’s eyes. Next is the toughest part for her………….the body. XD She always gets stuck on that part. GuiGui opened her bag and looked for her eraser.

“No eraser?!” she scratched her head. She turned at Shu Hao.

“Eh, Shu Hao, do you have an eraser?”

“……….I don’t have. Glue, you want?”

“No thanks…tssss. Do glue and eraser have a connection?” She turned to Wang Zi’s direction. Aaron is about to let her borrow his eraser when Wang Zi butted in. Wang Zi handed his eraser to her. Shiiiisshhh. Aaron looked down and secretly kept his eraser with that dissappointed look.

“Thanks, Wang Zi.” Wang Zi smiled.

GuiGui randomly looked at Aaron then continued her drawing…She didn’t even care on his teacher blabbering some things about their previous meeting. Aaron looked really bothered and disappointed. The class this time is so silent.


After class, Wang Zi came near to GuiGui because he heard that Shu Hao’s going to the cafeteria.

“GuiGui……….can I talk to you at the rooftop, now?”

“Now?” Wang Zi nodded.

“O.K” GuiGui smiled. Both of them went to the rooftop, silently. Awkwardly. They didn’t bother talking to each other. It’s just so silent. When they arrived, it became more awkward.

“Ah….eh…” Wang Zi stuttered.

“What?” GuiGui asked.


“Say it.” GuiGui said.

“AH………..GuiGui I like you.” He finally spoke. He clearly said it. He confessed! Party Party! Ok. No reason to have a party.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He said in a monotone voice.

GuiGui was just shocked. Eyes wide. Really wide.

The truth is, Shu Hao and Aaron are just listening their conversation whil hiding. Shu Hao took Aaron with her. Aaron had no choice. They followed the two of them at the rooftop and heard it. All of it. This time, Shu Hao frowned.

“That ugly prince! I told him to not go near GuiGui! That bastard! I think I’m gonna punch him in the face, seriously.” Shu Hao waited for Aaron to answer. But he didn’t answer. She looked at Aaron who really looked hurt after hearing Wang Zi’s confession.


Aaron's POV:

I'm wrong. He just confessed now. (sigh and looks at GuiGui and WangZi sadly)


Back to GuiGui and Wang Zi

GuiGui just said something to Wang Zi.

“Wang Zi…………….i really value our friendship, even though we’re still not that close to each other. BUT…………..can we just remain like that?.....................I am sorry.” She softly said.

“Oh........Then................I’ll accept and respect your decision. Even if I didn’t win your heart,,,I’ll always be right here for you.” (ok whatever Wang Zi)

Well, the fan girls….Ru Zhi and Cai Shi are also listening to their conversation.

“I really wanna strangle her! Flirt! Flirt! Flirt!” Ru Zhi said.

“Shut up! Somebody might hear us!” Cai Shi said.


Back to Aaron and Shu Hao

Aaron stood up and ran silently. Shu Hao chased him to the corridors.

“Eh! Where are you going?” Shu Hao asked Aaron.

“To the library.” He directly replied.

“You aren’t going to go after her?” Shu Hao protested.

“For what?”

“Comfort her and stuff?”

“No thanks.” Aaron said but in his mind, he really wants to go to GuiGui.

“OK! Go wherever you want! Anyways, you don’t need my help! Despicable humunganoid!” Shu Hao yelled.

Aaron just proceeded to the library and reached for a book. He didn’t know that GuiGui also went there after what happened a while ago.


“KYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T WANNA LIVE IN THIS PLANET ANYMOREEEEEEE!!!!!!!Rawr!!!” GuiGui screamed.

Luckily, she’s the only one in the library. The bookkeeper went outside and she’s not afraid to be alone because DUH! She’s a ghost herself.

Suddenly a figure was in her front…… It was Ru Zhi and Cai Shi making angry gestures in front of her. GuiGui stood up, shocked.

“R-ru Zhi..Cai Shhi…why are you here? What do you want?” she said in a trying to be polite but scared tone.  Ru Zhi crossed her arms and raised her right eyebrow. They looked at GuiGui insultingly. They came closer to GuiGui………….GuiGui stepped back.

“Simple. We want you to stay away from Wang Zi!” Ru Zhi said.

“But….how do you do that?......We’re classmates….” She replied.

“Hello! Are you stupid??! Just stay away from him or else……..”

“Else what??” she asked.

“Or we’ll do this to you!” They furiously charged to her and grabbed GuiGui's hair that made GuiGui say 'ouch' causing her loose her balance and bump on the bookshelf that caused the boxes above it to fall. Then she fainted, because she fell to the ground she hit the pile of boxes causing it to fall onto her.. The two who bullied her was shocked and cupped their hands on their mouth and quickly left like nothing happened.

Someone heard all of it. At first, he was just listening to their conversation when he heard a loud THUD. He went to its direction and saw GuiGui lying there, unconscious. He knew that the fan girls did this to her.

“GuiGui wake up!” But there’s no answer. So he managed to carry her though she’s a bit heavy. He carried her to the infirmary; well the infirmary is just a few turns from the library.


At the infirmary

That someone placed GuiGui at the bed carefully. Then the nurse suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Oh! What happened to her?” the nurse asked him.

“…………..She……the pile of boxes fell onto her then she fainted.” He replied.

“Ohh……..Kay. Just stay there. And if she’s already awake, give her a glass of water…..and anything she needs. Ok?” He nodded and looked at GuiGui. He caressed her head and made sure that the nurse is already out.

Then he said these words:

“I’m sorry GuiGui. I wasn't able to protect you..but this time, I will. I’ll not let anyone harm or bully you again………Because.......... ‘I like you’…….so much. I don’t want to lose you again. I won’t let you be sad. I’ll stay by your side forever.”

He said the 'I like you' part softly.

At that moment, GuiGui is already awake but her eyes are closed. She just kept it closed for no reason. She heard him spoke. And unknowingly, someone is just listening to them. You can already guess it. It’s Xian Shu Hao. At first she really wants to enter at the infirmary because she had an upset stomach. But when she heard someone's voice, she stopped and hides.

After that, that someone caressed GuiGui’s head again and kissed it. He stood up and walked heading outside. When he left, GuiGui opened her eyes and smiled because she knows who that someone is. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep for it’s so comfy there. After one hour, she woke up, and quickly looked to her left and right. No one’s there. She turned to her right again, and saw a small strawberry cake. She quickly sat down………and yeah…..ate the whole cake. XD


The next day, when GuiGui opened her locker, she saw a cute and huggable stitch stuff toy. Her eyes shined and grabbed the stuff toy. She hugged it and looked at her back to make sure that no one saw it. And HA HA ….finders keepers!

Aaron secretly glanced at her and tittered. 

GuiGui quickly sat at her seat and smiled at Stitch. Then she turned to Shu Hao.

“Eh! Shu Hao! Did you gave this to me?” GuiGui showed the stuff toy.

“No! Why would I spend my money for that thing? I’d rather buy food at the cafeteria.” Shu Hao replied.

“Hmph. Mean!” GuiGui frowned.

Then she turned to her table and stared at Stitch who’s also staring at her. XD Suddenly, Teacher Na Dou cleared his throat after saying Good Morning and found out that no one’s listening to him.

“Okay class, Listen! I’ll just have to announce something interesting…”

“Interesting?!” the whole class said.


“Say it! Say it!”

“Ehem. Ehem. Okay….we, class 07…..will have a fieldtrip!!!!! Yeyyyy!!! Party Party!!!!!!!” Na Dou exclaimed.

“Yippeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the whole class rocked.

Shu Hao raised her hand.

“Student Xian? What?”

“Eh, laoshi……………we should use the love partners thingy! So that each partner can take good care of each other. And so that you’ll not become so busy looking and guiding us during the fieldtrip.” Shu Hao suggested.

“Nice suggestion!” everybody said.

“K eke ke keke…I made this plan so that Aaron and GuiGui will have time for each other. K eke k eke…Never mind my partner. I don’t need him. Danson??? Ew.” Shu Hao muttered.

After Shu Hao said her suggestion which was quickly approved by their Teacher, Aaron and Gui Gui’s eyes met...........................


Yeah!!! After one month! I'm finally back...XD XD XD Thanks reading another chapter of New Love ;D And please do comment.

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uh....guys... me, the author finds the title awkward.... XD forgive me if the title is weird XDD


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Chapter 10: WWWWAAAAOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shu Hao is so amazing ^___________________^
She beat Wang Zi xP hahaha .... poor our prince, lol
I guess Aaron & GuiGui owe Shu Hao this time ^-^
Hopefully GuiLun will make a quick move before another third wheel appears again >.<
goldenstrawberry #2
I am getting crazy and crazy each passing day!
I wonder why only few people comments on my story.......
must be becuse of few Guilun moments.
aaaahhhhhh whateverZ!
I love Ashton Chen!!!!!
parteh parteh!
goldenstrawberry #3
Tang Zhi Hui!
Chapter 9: noo....they are not the same person..ashton chen is boy...XD look at the foreword XDD
wintxry #5
Chapter 9: I'm so confused....
is Ashton Chen and Wang Xin Ru that same person?
Please explain to me
Chapter 9: Oh Hohoho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The love triangle is getting so intent xP more and more excited haha xDD
Wang Zi is going to confess? hum... will it be a succeed confession? I hope NOT LoL .....
Man O.o Ashton Chen and Wang Xin Ru are finally here --> ._. OmO
Chapter 8: OHHHHHHHH GOSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOu just made me getting so impatient >.<
Humm.... btw, who was secretly listening to Aaron and Wang zi's conversation?? O.o
Is it Gui's best buddy?? lol
Trying my best and patiently waiting for your nest update ;)
Chapter 7: Yeah so they are falling for each other RIGHT?? ^____^
YES, THEY ARE <-- hahaha ... keke that's my wish XDD
Imagining Aaron is blushing the whole chapter is so cute^^
Waiting for your next update :D
hh....i'm so sad.... i can't update these following days because of so much projects and outputs to be passed this week...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
Chapter 6: Hahaha I really like Shu Hao character
She is so funny XDD
She keep stalking GuiLun all day :P