The Birth of YUNJAE Fans Club

My Cute Little Devil


"H-hello!". Changmin smiled as he looked down.

"D-did you saw it?". Junsu asked nervously.

By it, it surely means the scene where Junsu was kissing another guy.

Changmin silenced for a second but then nodded afterwards.

"Ya! That was embarrassing!". Junsu blushed as he tried hiding his face. "Don't tell anyone,okie?"

"As long as you won't tell mine then sure". Changmin answered.

"Ha! That won't be a problem! I am the KING of Secrets!". Junsu replied coolly.

Changmin laughed and was joined by Junsu.

Afterwards, Junsu asked changmin to sit on the nearest bench. Changmin afterwards told Junsu his purpose.

"OHHHHH....". Junsu cheerfully reacted after Changmin's explanation. "So your little brother wanted to work in my Cafe because he wants to be with Jaejoong?".

Changmin nodded.

"And....your little brother is in love with Jaejoong but Jaejoong doesn't know about it?!".

Again, Changmin just nodded.

"And..and...your little brother act so cute and innocent but the truth is he is a erted guy who wants to and do erted stuffs to Jaejoong?".

Uhmm....Again, Changmin nodded.

"KYAAA!!!! That's soooo cute!!". Junsu giggled as he hugged himself. "What's your little brother's name?".

Changmin paused for a moment. Yunho will surely kill him and worst, post his cross dressing pic on twitter once he knew about it. But Junsu seems to be a person who can be trusted so Changmin answered Junsu.

"Yunho....My little brother's name is Yunho". Changmin answered with a forced smile.

"Ohh..Yunho,eh?". Junsu paused for the moment as he was in a deep thought. "Hmm..Yunho and Jaejoong ...that will make....". Junsu smirked as he thought of an idea. "Yunho and Jaejoong makes...YUNJAE!!". Junsu shouted and giggled.

Changmin rolled his eyes.


"Yes! It's the combination of Yunho and Jaejoong's name!". Junsu answered eagerly. "It's cool right?".

Changmin's Body frozen. ".."

Looks like Changmin was wrong to trust Junsu.

"This is the birth of YUNJAE's fan club!!". Junsu cheerfully shouted as he clapped his hands and run back and forth.  "YunJae FOREVER!".

With that, Changmin face palmed himself.

"I'm sooooo in a deep ".

[End of Flashback]

Whatever Changmin learned about that accident, it was surely;

not to believe someone who has a duck and a dolphin voice.


Changmin's new Motto.




Ughhh..I hate myself. I made another short Chapter T.T

I wasn't suppose to double update today (I wanted to update ONCE everyday)

But end up updating again (lol)

Well...sorry again guys T.T


LOLOLOL...Some of you got it :P

The one kissing Junsu was...

*drum rolls*


Nah..dun wanna spoil it  XD


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Dunno if this is a spoiler but...Yunho's the TOP everyone!! hehehehe..


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Chapter 31: Oh author-nim do stop apologizing. This story is very cool and funny. I had fun while reading it XD
It takes away stress ya know :D
Thank you for the story *_*
JHeroJ #2
Chapter 31: This was cool... do continue writing
Chapter 31: I love this fic soo much! It was soo hilarious! And you should stop apologizing because its really really good! I think this is the first yunjae fic i read that was written by a boy (not that its a bad thing) i think more boys should write fanfictions. Any way i really enjoyed this fic and hope that in the future you will write another one. = ̄ω ̄=
alexian #4
Chapter 31: It was a very nice story, too much comedy, lil like spices in food n never boring... it made my day...thanks author nim
Allurica #5
Chapter 31: You should stop apologizing for the story to be uninteresting is very funny lol. I am not a fan of short chapters and fluff, but it is one of the few exceptions that I enjoy reading. I like the way how Jaejoong interacts with the author and that becomes the end of story; it is unusual. Thank you for writing!
bluesavanna #6
Chapter 6: poor minnie...
i can't imagine changmin with that dress..ohmygodsun!!
THANK YOU ......i decided to write that on every writter's wall, that i read and loved one of his fanfics because i found many incomplete stories on my track list........i loved your " my cute little devil" since your wall is closed i write here
Chapter 31: i love it this fanfic so cool !
nanu5934 #9
Chapter 22: Hahaha LOL "say yes if u don't wanna die u bastard" Jaejoong's mom's is sick!!!! Soooo coolll <3
Chapter 13: Poor minnie, yunho called him pet orz
What what what... lols, now 2u battle is begin, who is the winner >< *ofc Jung Yunho* *slaps