Wedding Day part 1

Our Promise

-Month later-

It was the day of Jessica and Donghae's wedding and everyone was getting ready for it. People were making sure the decorations were in the correct spot while others were making sure the all the food and cake had arrived. 

The 2 love birds were in their dressing rooms getting ready for their big day.

Donghae POV

Today was finally the day, the day I get to marry my childhood friend. Who would have thought one promise could lead us to this moment. First I meet her and become friends with a big promise then she leaves for 15 years, making me think she died then after 15 years past she comes back but as a different girl for awhile then we fall in love with each other and now we're getting married. All of this thinking started making me nervous,

"What if I mess up or fall while walking!?" i thought to myself then my stomach started having that feeling when you get nervous but at the same time I was really excited.

-knock knock-

I got up to see who was knocking at the door and when I opened it, it was Eunhyuk and and Siwon. "Oh Eunhyuk, Siwon come in" I said while letting them inside, "Are you ready for your big day hyung?" Siwon said while Eunhyuk was fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Of course I am! just a little nervous but I can manage"

"Our little Donghae is getting married before me~" Eunhyuk said while still fixing his hair

"Yah! What do you mean our little Donghae?! We're the same age!" We started laughing.

Jessica POV

"I'm so nervous~ but so excited"  I said while holding my stomach, it had that butterfly-like feeling.

"It's okay Jessica!" Tiffany said while fixing my dress.

"FIGHTING!" Yoona yelled while fixing my hair, I laughed and said, "You guys are right, I'm glad I met you guys"


"My friends are coming over, I wanted you to meet them also Yoona is one of them" Donghae said while making food. I smiled and said, "Oh! I'm excited to meet them"

-5 minutes later-


I ran to the door and opened it. Right when I opened the door someone ran to me and hugged me, it was Yoona. "Jessica! I'm really sorry for what happened to us in the past!"

"It's okay, I hope we can become good friends" 

"Neh~! me too!" Then she broke the hug and I invited to others inside. After we all went to the living room they started introducing them self.

"Yo! I'm Lee Eunhyuk"

"Annyeonghaseyo I'm Choi Siwon, nice to meet you"

"Hello I'm Tiffany Hwang but you can call me Fany, Are you from America?"

"Im Yoona, but you call me Yoong!"

I gave them a bright smile and said, "Annyeonghaseyo I'm Jessica Jung, and no I'm not from America but I lived there for 15 years before. I hope to become good friends with all of you!" After I gave my introduction everyone was agreeing on becoming good friends with me until Donghae interrupted and said, "You should have introduced yourself using Lee instead of Jung" Everyone had a confused face for awhile then their eyes widen and they yelled, "ARE YOU GUYS GETTING MARRIED!!?"

Donghae and I laughed and agreed while everyone was congratulating us.

~End of flashback~

I stood up but I was still feeling nervous. I tired to walk to the large mirror then I started feeling light headed then everything went black.

Author POV

While Jessica was trying to walk over to the large mirror to see how see looked she suddenly fainted. Yoona ran to her while Tiffany stood frozen and shocked.

"Jessica! Jessica! Wake up!" Yoona yelled but no response, again she yelled but still no response. "Get Donghae NOW!" Yoona yelled at Tiffany and Tiffany ran out to Donghae's room. She knocked on the door loud and hard and Donghae asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's...It's Jessica...she..FAINTED!" Tiffany yelled at Donghae with a shaky voice, when she yelled Jessica's parents also heard and rushed to her room, Donghae also rushed to her room. When they got there Donghae ran in and picked up Jessica, he kept calling her name but she still didn't answer. Her parents were also shocked and scared, Jessica's dad went to Donghae and asked, "You don't think it's because know..?"

Donghae looked at him with a scared look and said, "I hope not.."


Sorry for the late update Dx

I've been so busy and also I've been having some internet problems but now I'm free and the internet has been fixed !YAY!




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Chapter 11: awwwwwww the happy ending was much much much more happier ^_^
Chapter 11: ; ;...... Awww!!!~~
Chapter 11: Awwh I cried during the sad ending :'(
But was very happy with the happy ending :)
I really loved this short haesica story :D Thank you for it <3
Chapter 11: I'm kinda confused they died and they were alive agaiin??????
I love that they ended up together but it's very sad that they both died.
I love both endings....they are the best.....
smurfette #7
I like the sad ending that both of them died. I think if the only one can survive, he or she cannot live happily. It's so cruel for the alive one.

The happy ending's so cute. Finally, they could be together after waiting for so long. :)
noooo :( but the way you write it , it's sooo sweet :) . love it . can't wait for the happy ending ! XD
TT_TT.....they became angels.....
They both died?! NO!! But at least, you didn't let just one to die 'cause it'll be hard for the other one.