Chapter 8 - What is right and what is wrong?

Why am I falling for you?


I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling, what? This isn’t my ceiling! Where are all my pictures? The bed felt really warm and comfy, a bit too comfy and too big for it to be my bed. Where was I? I sat up and rubbed my eyes a few times before I realised I was in Mir’s room. Wait, what?! Mir’s room? What did I do last night? My heart started racing at the thought of doing wrong. I looked around the room to see that Mir was sound asleep on his white couch, with half, no, one third of the cover on him and the rest hugging the floor. I peeled off the fluffy blue cover and walked towards the couch. He looked so angelic whilst sleeping that you wouldn’t think he was the trouble-maker type of guy. I crouched down beside him, my hand rose and played with his messy hair. My hand stopped in mid action, what the HELL am I doing?! I started to panic, what would my mum do? Did she know where I was? What if she has a heat attack from hearing that her innocent daughter slept over a guy’s house, and not just any guy, but this was MIR who we’re talking about! With those thoughts running around in my head I stood up, grabbed the closest pillow on the bed and hit Mir with it. Hard! He began screaming and dodging my hits.

“YAH! Jess, stop what are you doing? What happened?!”

I stopped hitting him, mainly because it was still the morning and I started to get a shooting pain right above my eyes, and also the fact that I was breathless.

“Whyyy am I here?!” I pointed at myself, “WHAT DID YOU DO TO- no, you didn’t, did you?” in that split second I became histerical

“What do you mean ?” he replied with a rough voice, “Oh, OH, OH NO, I would never, you’re not my type of girl.” He joked around, and for that he received another hit and he hissed.

“Okay, question. What did I do then? Because I wouldn’t be here, sleeping over for no reason.” I was still hurt  from his previous mean joke.

“Nothing.” He has a cheeky smile on, this made me get even more worried.

“You’re worrying me! Stop it! What did I do? Did I do anything to you?” he reached out for my hand and held it tightly.

“Does this help?” he asked.

What the hell was he doing? Now is not the time to be messing about, no matter how much I would have wanted to. He squeeze my hand a little more and only then did a little flashback come to my head, I remember holding his hand, but why? This was going to be a long day of trying to remember things that happened last night. I remember being drunk and Dara and falling and ermm, yeah. Wait Dara! She could help me!

“Where is my phone?”

He nodded with his chin towards my phone. I my heel and snatched my phone from the table and dialled the number.

“Jess! You okay?” Dara said on the other side.

“Yes, yeah I am good. Dara, do you by any chance know what I did or didn’t do last night?” I asked quickly. I was too pumped to actually care about the shooting pain in my head.

Mir, on the other hand picked up the pillows and his scrunched covers and planted himself on his bed.

“Hmm, sorry Jess. Buuut I can tell you this, you were drunk out of your mind and I called Mir to come pick you up, and you walked off because you didn’t want him to take you home, you kept arguing that you weren’t drunk that you could go home on your own, but I got really worried and I don’t think I should have called him, but you kept talking about Mir, and I really wanted you to ‘kiss and make up’, you know, so I thought that it would be the best options and I went with it and I am so very sorry.” She took in a deep breath, I cant belive that she said all this in one go! I think she broke the world record!

“I am really sorry, from the bottom of my heart, my apology is sincere! I am such a bad friend!” she carried on babbling on.

“Yah, Dara, it’s okay but try and help me remember.” We carried on speaking for a while before we hung up.

I slumped on the bed next to Mir, and shook his shoulder,

“Mir.” I cleared my throat “Yah mir what did I do to YOU?” emphasising on the ‘you’

He sat up and huffed,

“You. Didn’t. Do. Anything! Well not to me at least.” He puffed out looking straight ahead.

“Fine, be like that, i’ll just have to get it out of you.” I said as I slowly started to approach him.

He had a questioning expression imprinted on his face. I held my hands out in front of me and started to wiggle my fingers. His eyes grew wide, he tried to get up but it was too late, I had already attacked, I was tickling him and he tried to suppress his laughter but wasn’t successful. Tears began to form in his eyes and I started to laugh at his facial expressions. After a good two minutes of tickling, I stopped and let him catch his breath.

“Listen, you didn’t do anything wrong to me so stop worrying!” He was lying belly down on his bed with a red face.

“No, but by that it can mean anything because it’s Mir who’s saying it.”

He started to laugh, stopped, looked at me and laughed again. I threw myself on the bed and buried my face in his pillow, I spazzed a little, hitting the bed with my arms and legs and then sat up because a light bulb had just been in my head.

“Where you the one that took off my jacket?” I gasped


“And did you look?” I covered my chest with my arms

“Psh, what would I be looking at? There is nothing there!” he pointed in the direction of my chest, I turned my torso away.

Why was he making jokes at a time like this? I need to know the truth because when I am drunk I can do stupid things.

“Yah, stop making jokes abo-” he cut me short

“Oh my goodness, Jessica please stop it. You didn’t do anything wrong. What is wrong in getting drunk and having someone help you? Aissh chongmal.” He pushed the pillow that blocked his path and slammed the bathroom door, loud.

I heard him let his frustration out a little before he opened the tap. I sat still on his bed, not knowing what to do, feeling awkward and decided to wait for him to come out. After a while the bathroom door slides open and he steps back into the bedroom wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and a white towel around his neck with his hair still dripping with water.

“Mianhae.” I whispered

He kept doing what he was already doing, which I guess was looking through his clothes I guess.

“Oppa mianhae.” I repeated in a normal voice this time, yet I still got ignored.

He gave me a look and began to rummage through his clothes once again. I couldn’t do this anymore, I cant see him pissed off like that, but I do have a right to know about my actions. I quietly got off the bed and made small steps towards him. I extended my hands out and gave him a tight back hug,

“Oppa mian, chongmal mianhae! I didn’t mean to piss you off.” I buried my face on his back

He froze and became very rigid.

“kwinchana.” He mumbled.

His warm soft skin was again my cheek, it felt so right! He lifted his arms and turned around giving me a proper hug.

“Mir, I’m sorry if I did anything wrong last night, you know, when you’re-”he stopped me from talking.

He lifted my face up and planted his lips against mine. I was surprised but I should have know that something like that was going to happen. He kissed me deeply as if his life depended on it, but I knew that this was wrong. I quickly pulled away and held him at arms length.

“Geumanhae.” I whispered, I could feel my face flush red, “we... you shouldn’t do that. Erm I’m gonna go back home now. My, my mum must be worried. Hmm i’ll see you this evening.” I hung my head low, grabbed my stuff and literally ran out of his room without looking back.

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! This is super sweet and cute :D
MomoSuzuki #2
Aw soo cute. :) Great story!
Merohyg #3
Aw~~ that's so nice. :)
Leilaira #4
You're more than welcome :)
MomoSuzuki #5
:) Yay thanks for updating! :)
Leilaira #6
Thank you @RamenLuver118 and Mono Suzuki :DD
You guys made my day !! <3
RamenLuver118 #7
I love this story really much! It's really good . Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon ^^
MomoSuzuki #8
I love this story! Your a great writer. Cant wait!!!!