Chapter 6 - One More Soju!

Why am I falling for you?


He started to pick out clothes from his wardrobe and asking my opinion on them. Who the hell was she? I told him I didn’t want to be involved in the relationship they had between them but he kept going on and on about her.

“Oh, did you know that she likes me?” He teased

I rolled my eyes and lay down on his bed on my back.

“I think you might want to look away, I’m going to change” he casually said, he seemed to be amused by my reactions.

I turned my head the opposite direction.

“Okay, I see. How will I know that you’re not peeking?” he laughed

“I don’t like you, you don’t like me, why would I peek? I’ve already seen you topless.” I replied to him uninterested.

“YAH! When did you see me ?!” he shouted playfully.

“OMO, I never said ! PABO! I said top-less!” I screamed back at him. I sat up straight away.

“Dude I was joking! Gosh, calm down. Fine then I’ll go change in the bathroom.” He gave me a suspicious look and I mehrong-ed him.

I don’t really like being accused of anything; even though it’s a joke sometimes I have different reactions.

“YAH, we didn’t even study today! You can’t go out!” I tried to find anything that would keep him from going out, I didn’t want him to leave me!

I heard no reply. Okay, I see how it is then. I stayed seated on his bed and waited impatiently until he came out of the bathroom to throw a pillow at him. But as soon as I saw him step out of the bathroom my jaw dropped. He looked so handsome; he looked so yummy in his black v-neck knitted top and his dark blue jeans. I was a 100% sure that my eyes were in the shape of hearts; just like in the cartoons when you see someone so delicious!  

He walked over to the bed, took his phone and walked in the direction of the door.

“See ya!” were his last words before the door clicked back into its original place.

“Yah, if you don’t come back in, I won’t tutor you anymore!” I threatened, my threats were so weak, and I need to work on them.

I took my phone out of my jean pocket and started to dial a number.

“Dara, you’re free right? Okay good, meet me at that ajhumma’s restaurant in 10 minutes. Bye.”

I got up, took my bag and left the house. Psh! He was going to go out and have fun, well so was I! Why should I bother? Fine, Mir, go, go and play with your soon-to-be-girlfriend!


“Dara, pour me some more!” I yelled at her even though she sat opposite me.

“Jess, I think that’s enough, you’re drunk enough right now, I don’t want you to be getting sick.”

“YAH! It’s fine, don’t worry about me *burp* HAHA I burped out loud, isn’t that weird?”

“Jess, please keep it down.” Her face turned bright red as the people around started staring at us.

“AJHUMMA, ONE MORE SOJU PLEASE! Yah, Dara, you know this isn’t fair. I take care of him, I look after him, I help him not get sent back to America, and he goes and meets this, this girl!” my hands had a mind of their own, they moved about so much I nearly hit the person behind me.

After a minute or two I received the soju bottle. I shook it and opened it and started to drink straight from the bottle. Dara smacked my hands making some of the liquid spill on me and took the bottle, and kept it out of my reach.

“Owh, you spilt it on me, stop wasting SOJU!” I moaned, slurring my words.

“Dara, gimme. I want moooooreeee.” I laughed and my head hit the table as I was trying to reach out for the bottle and I couldn’t pick up my heavy head anymore. I was drunk; I was very tipsy and couldn’t look straight.

“Jessica, come on let’s get you home.” She stood up and pulled my hand.

“Aahh shiiroooooo. This is my house.” I moaned like a baby. Woah I never knew I could be this childish, this was so embarrassing but I couldn’t help it. If I was sober none of this would be occurring.

“Fine, give me your phone.” She stretched her hand in front of my face.

I passed it to her and rested my head on the table.

“Hi, yeah we’re at that ajhumma’s shop, can you come pick her up? No, I can’t carry her, plus she’s drunk. Okay, thanks, yeah sure I’ll wait with her.”

“Dara, you’re a bad friend.” I mumbled loudly,

“I tell you all this about him and you ask him to come pick me up? I’m fine I can walk! Come on lets goooo!” I stood up and pointed towards the tents’ ‘door’.

 I began to walk in zigzags, bumping into the stools and the people around me.

“Yah! Jessica, stop! Be careful” Dara shouted at me grabbing my arm to steady me, I let myself lean on my friend.

I was a few steps away from the exit when I bumped into something – or I should say someone - and fell flat on my bum.

“YAH! Look where you’re going.” I was looking down, trying hard to get back up without falling over.

I tried very hard to get up but I think gravity was too strong, so I stayed put on the cold cement floor. I heard the sound of heels shuffling behind me, and Dara slipped her hands under my armpits lifting me up onto my feet with a great struggle. The person was still in front of me, but I wasn’t looking in that direction, my head lolled forward so I was starring at the floor.

“Moveeee!” I said whilst trying to push them out of my way.

The person moved and let me pass, with Dara holding my hand. We got out and stood in the cold night and that person came out again. This time he crouched down in front of me and patted his back telling me to get on. I looked at Dara, looked at him and realised it was Mir from his caramel coloured hair.

“Kojo!” I shook my hand out of Dara’s grip, walked around him and walked on my own in every direction possible. I turned around and shouted

“DARA CHINGU, SARANGHAAEEEE” and I formed a heart with my arms, and turned back around walking in anything but a straight line.

I heard them mumble about something and Mir caught up with me. I looked back and Dara was waving me goodbye, I looked to my right and Mir was casually walking beside me with the same clothes on.

“W-why, why are you here? No one wants you-” I couldn’t finish my sentence; I tripped on air and fell to the ground.

“Oh shhi- Are you okay?” he bent down and placed a hand on my shoulder, I knocked it off effortlessly and got up again.

“Aaaah, SHIBAAAL! You think it’s funny? Okay let’s laugh about it HAHAHA~” Wow, I was a completely different person when I was drunk. Even I couldn’t recognise this person.  He nervously laughed, he was sober, and I wasn’t, what a good combination, in the sense that he could help me, even though I don’t want his help. 

He once again stopped in front of me and bent down, tapping his back again telling me to get on. Well you know what I did? I slapped his back and carried on walking in my funky way telling myself that I had to use both my left and right foot to walk. A little cry of pain escaped from his mouth and once again caught up with me. What the hell did he want? I can walk perfectly straight. After a good 5 minutes of walking (I lived half an hour away from ajhumma’s shop) I began to trip on air more frequently and I kept bumping into him.

“Mir, let’s take a break. I-I think my legs are not working anymore.” I mumbled in different pitches.

“I’ve been trying to piggy back ride you but-” he began to say.

“NEVERRRR! NO!” I shouted. I didn’t want to be picked up if he had a girlfriend. I held my index in front of his surprised face and shook it from left to right.

“Okay fine!” he snapped back.

He grabbed my right wrist, crouched down on the floor and pulled on my wrist making me collapse on his back. He wrapped his arms around my legs and got up, jumping to put me in the right place. I protested but he had a strong grip. I gave up, I was too tired to do anything else, I buried my face in his neck and fell asleep, hands and legs flopping in front of him but he held me tight so I couldn’t fall off.    

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! This is super sweet and cute :D
MomoSuzuki #2
Aw soo cute. :) Great story!
Merohyg #3
Aw~~ that's so nice. :)
Leilaira #4
You're more than welcome :)
MomoSuzuki #5
:) Yay thanks for updating! :)
Leilaira #6
Thank you @RamenLuver118 and Mono Suzuki :DD
You guys made my day !! <3
RamenLuver118 #7
I love this story really much! It's really good . Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon ^^
MomoSuzuki #8
I love this story! Your a great writer. Cant wait!!!!