Chapter 1 - The beginning

Why am I falling for you?


(Jessica’s POV)

I heard the soft knock on my door and I knew it was my mum.

“Come in Umma.”

I turned around to face my mum, the old door creaked open and my mum’s face popped through the small space between the door and the frame. After a second of her being in that position she entered my room with light steps and stood in front of me.

“Jess, you’re back on for tutoring.”

I nodded with a bright smile and turned back to face my books. The light in my room was very dim because most of it was concentrated on my books.

“I was walking back from the shops and I bumped into Hara, and she asked me if you could tutor her son for the final exams.” She carried on.

I nodded again; I didn’t really care how she got the ‘job’ for me I was just interested at the fact that I was going to be working once again.

“Okay so where do I go?” I asked her once she finished her story.

“Tomorrow at 5.” That was the last thing I heard before I heard the soft click of my old door, she didn’t even answer my question.


I was woken up the next morning with my phone singing in my ear.

“Nae?” I answered with my croaky voice. It was Ajhumma asking if I could make it today, I said I could and ended the call to get ready to leave the house.

We live 5 minutes away from their house so I guess that will be convenient for me, but as for uni,I live a good 45 minutes away, and on my way there I always meet up with Dara and we finish the journey to uni together.  I’ve been tutoring people for the past 2 years, sometimes your get very nice students that are willing to at least try and co-operate with you, other times you get people who couldn’t care less, and that’s when you have to be harsh with them and put them in line.

~flashback of last month~

“Noona, can we skip today’s lesson? I need to go out with my friends.”

“What?! There’s nothing called you NEED to go out with your friends, you see them in school.” I emphasised on the word ‘need’.

This was not too long ago, when I was tutoring a trouble maker and a bit of an air head student called Lee Joon. He was a college student who had re-took the year because of his extremely low grades and when I say low I mean low. Yes, he wasn’t one of the brightest but he was one of the sweetest. However there were some very difficult kids, I remember this one time I was tutoring these two boys, both in their first year of college. I really don’t know how I managed to make them pass their A-Levels but I managed to and I think I really deserved a medal for that, the amount of times I had to be physical with them cannot be counted on your fingers.


“Oi, Jessica stop daydreaming and sit down.” Dara tugged on my sleeve.

I hadn’t realised that we were already in the lecture room and up to our seats. I put my bag on the table and looked around the big room, some people were asleep and others were sitting on the tables chatting quietly waiting for the teacher to show up. I sat down in my seat and the door swung open and hit the wall with a bang.

“I’m not late!” Obviously it would be Mir who else would it be. He skipped to his seat and threw his empty bag on the floor; the girls all crowded around him calling him oppa, errghh, I mean what is so special about him? Yes, sure he is the most handsome guy in our class, but why crowd around him like there were no other boys in the class? What about Jung Byung Hee, he is very good looking, but the down side to this is that he is Mir’s close friend, meaning that there is a great possibility of him being a bit of an air head.

As usual the English teacher arrived late to our lesson, the lesson ran smoothly with Mir, as usual, not paying attention and throwing little pieces of paper around the room and trying to sweet talk the English teacher by playing his aegyo card. The day went by really quickly and before I knew it, it was time for me to go to Hara Ajhumma’s house to tutor her son. I made a quick trip to the toilet to fix myself up before leaving, as I opened the door, I bumped into a taller body than mine, I apologised and bowed, when I looked up it was Mir. He looked down at me and brushed his jumper. I felt like punching him, how dare he! I don’t have diseases why is he brushing his top?

“You should look where you’re going.” He mumbled in a smug manner while walking away.

I was only able to let a breath leave my lungs before he rudely walked away and I stomped away towards Ajhumma’s house.

I was so angry and I had a feeling I would lash out at my new student on the first day, which in my opinion, isn’t a positive way to start, but what could I do? Then again I will have a good first impression, he will know not to mess with me, and he will definitely know that I am not a push over.   I could only think about Mir and the way I wasn’t able to reply to him when he was rude to me. Just because I’m not all over you don’t mean you can talk to me in that way! Just because you’re older than me by 5 months didn’t mean he could disrespect me! Okay I think I went too far with my thoughts because I could see my new student’s front gate and I was raging. After a few more steps I arrived at the gate, took a couple of deep breaths and pressed the door bell.

*Ding ding dong, ding ding dong*

The lock bleeped and the fancy black gate was unlocked.

The first chapter YAAAY *-*
let me know if it was good xD
i shall post the next one veerry soon :) 


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Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! This is super sweet and cute :D
MomoSuzuki #2
Aw soo cute. :) Great story!
Merohyg #3
Aw~~ that's so nice. :)
Leilaira #4
You're more than welcome :)
MomoSuzuki #5
:) Yay thanks for updating! :)
Leilaira #6
Thank you @RamenLuver118 and Mono Suzuki :DD
You guys made my day !! <3
RamenLuver118 #7
I love this story really much! It's really good . Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon ^^
MomoSuzuki #8
I love this story! Your a great writer. Cant wait!!!!