Chapter 5 - I am jealous

Why am I falling for you?


I burst through the doors, the sound of the heavy doors hitting the wall echoed through the big empty room. He was crouched on the floor and didn’t move an inch. I ran towards him and slid in front of him.

“Yah, yah! Mir look at me!” Words came out of my mouth like a running tap. I cupped his face with both my hands.

I patted my hand on his swollen and bleeding face. His eyes rose to meet mine, I could see the pain he was in. He had one hand on the wound and the other on the floor, preventing him from lying on the used pale wooden floor.

“Come on, we have to get you home” I was panicked; my hands were shaking my words came out in different tones. It made him laugh that I was in such a state.

“Yah, yah don’t laugh, you’ll only get weaker.” I panicked  

He rose on his two feet and began to walk even before I could say another word. I quickly followed him and put his left arm over my shoulder.

“If you need support or if you feel that you’re too weak, just lean on me.” I shot a smile at him and carried on walking slowly beside him.

“Jessica, I’ve done this many times before, and no one was here to help me. I’m fine thanks.” His words were so gentle.

Even after saying that, he didn’t move his arm from my shoulder, and would occasionally act as if he needed my support. He would put his whole weight on me for a second or two making me buckle, he would laugh every time, he always caught me off guard and when I had a chance of falling face flat on the floor. Well, after all, he is taller than me, and he’s a guy, I’m not supposed to be carrying him.


We got to his house. His shirt was soaked in a deep crimson red. He was tired and out of breath, I didn’t think he could have made it all the way to his house, but he did.

“J-Jessica, we have to go through ... the window.” He was stuttering.

“Mir, I can’t., I told your mum that I would be back in a bit, I’ll go through the front door and meet you by the window.” I whispered in his ear.

I entered the code, the door opened for me and I literally ran up the stairs to meet him at his opened window. I could see his red stained hands on the frame, I held onto them, tightly, and started to pull him up. I was literally dragging him through the window as he had no energy to use his worn-out muscles. I kept on pulling until he fell flat on me, with both of us crashing on the little carpet next to his white couch. His limp body was on top of mine, he sighed and got up with great effort and sat on the edge of his bed.

“I have a first aid kit in my drawer, and I have the extra bandages in my bathroom.” Talking seemed to exhaust him.

I did as he told me; he took off his shirt revealing his blood-smeared skin. I gasped at the site of the wound; he rolled his eyes and told me to hurry up. I took a wet towel and cleaned his pale bruised skin. I took out a cotton ball and soaked it in the antiseptic liquid, I started on his little cuts and then moved on to his gash, I very lightly swept over it and he flinched and started to curse. I carried on taking care of him until I wrapped around the bandage around his waist. I tightened it and he cursed again. I got up and washed my hands from the blood, when I came back to his room he was lying down on his bed without a top, left arm covering his eyes. His once clear skin was now covered in purple-ish bruises, his perfect plum lips had a cut and his left cheek was red from when he had gotten punched.

“Should, hmm, do you need anything?” I asked whilst walking over to his wardrobe and taking out a new t-shirt.

He nodded.

“You.” He replied.

I was confused, I think he was tired, it’s tired talk I’m sure of it. I threw the t-shirt on his face and he wore it without looking at it.

“Excuse me?” I questioned.

He sat up and patted the space next to him telling me to sit down. I shook my head and his eyes grew in a threatening way. I had to give up and sat down on the edge of his bed. He pulled me to the middle of the bed; I was surprised he still had enough energy to pull me. He made me cross my legs, put a pillow on them and rested his head, all of that was done in complete silence. He made himself comfortable and held my right hand with both of his hands. My left hand automatically rose and began to caress his caramel coloured hair.

 “Jessica, did you talk to my dad?” he asked in a soft tone, almost whispering.

“Yes I did, he said he has changed his mind, and he will give you another chance.” I replied.

“Chongmal? What did you say?” he seemed curious.

“I said, Ajhussi when you sent your son over to America it only made him worse, if you send him there again you never know how much worse he could get.” I smiled as he pouted.

His phone rang and he picked up without hesitation.

“Hey Jaehwa. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Meet you in a bit.” He shot up and began to rummage through his wardrobe.

“Mir? Mir! Odil ga?” I shouted at him, he wouldn’t pay attention to me.

“I’m meeting up with this girl, why? You jealous?” he laughed his toothy smile.

“HA! No, I’m happy the way I am! But you need some time to recover, remember, you got stabbed -” I lied to him and to myself. Who was I kidding? HELL YES I WAS JEALOUS, but he doesn’t need to know that. I couldn’t finish my sentence properly, just remembering him getting stabbed makes my stomach feel queasy. 


HELLOOOOOOO GUYYSS it's meee again xD
It means a lot to me!

I'm gonna try to update 2 more times in this week.. just because I feel that i am taking too long to update..

I hope you enjoy the rest of the story xD

BTW I'm thinking of writing another story i have the plot and i have one character but i dont know with who that character is going to be with ... so if you guys can just let me know what group you want there to be with my already made up charater that would be very helpful :DD

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! This is super sweet and cute :D
MomoSuzuki #2
Aw soo cute. :) Great story!
Merohyg #3
Aw~~ that's so nice. :)
Leilaira #4
You're more than welcome :)
MomoSuzuki #5
:) Yay thanks for updating! :)
Leilaira #6
Thank you @RamenLuver118 and Mono Suzuki :DD
You guys made my day !! <3
RamenLuver118 #7
I love this story really much! It's really good . Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon ^^
MomoSuzuki #8
I love this story! Your a great writer. Cant wait!!!!