Chapter 3 - Intoxicating

Why am I falling for you?


Chapter 3

I’ve been his tutor for a whole month now and I can honestly say that his English has improved by a lot.

“How come you’ve been abroad to learn English, and you claim to be fluent in English and yet you can’t read a sentence properly?” I questioned him.

“Yes I can!” he was defending himself. “I can speak English but I just can’t read it, I find it too difficult.” he pouted. I couldn’t help but laugh at his unusual burst of cuteness. He would normally do this to our English teacher just to get away with not doing work in the lesson

He was manly but he had his random aegyo moments that were very unpredictable and I really liked that. What has happened to me? I’ve always thought that he was the most arrogant yet beautiful person in our class, I was one of the odd girls that didn’t like him because ... because, I actually don’t know why I didn’t. Oh well it doesn’t matter now, I like having him around, sometimes we bump into each other on our way to uni which is ever so rarely because he’s always late to the lessons.

“Jessica, let’s take a break” he crawled to the couch and lay down.

“Can I use the toilet?” I asked him, he nodded and I skipped to the toilet needing to get rid of excess fluid.

I think I took quite a bit in the bathroom because when I came out he was softly snoring, I couldn’t help but sit on the floor near the couch. I rested my arms on the free space near his face and lay my head on my hands. I studied every single one of his outstanding features, the plump shape of his lips, his slightly stained rosy cheeks, his flawless milky skin, the way his adam’s apple slightly moved as he swallowed. My heart was jumping inside me, my hands slowly rose and came so close to his face; I just wanted to caress his silky skin, but I quickly pulled away, what if he didn’t feel the same way that I feel towards him? I couldn’t help but question myself.

This was wrong, I shouldn’t be doing this when there is a girl that likes him a lot, and I shouldn’t even be this close to him. I got up from the floor as quietly as possible and as I took my first step to leave him sleep something tightened around my right wrist, Mir’s long fingers wrapped around my skin, I stopped and looked back at him, his eyes were still closed. He suddenly pulled on my wrist; I was off balance and landed on his chest, noses touching, hearts beating in unison at a fast pace, burning skin to burning skin. He opened his eyes slowly; I stared into them for a second before reality struck me. I tried to wiggle out of his tightening grip on my wrist to get up but he embraced me with both arms around my back, my face was crushed in the hollow of his neck and with each breath I could smell his sweet skin. But this was wrong.

“Yah, Mir.... let, let go” I stuttered, I never knew he had such a strong grip.

“The more you resist, the longer I will hold you” he mumbled softly in my ear sending a warm shiver down my spine.

I tried to not resist, which was the easier option. I lay on top of him, still as a statue too scared to move in case I hurt him or it’ll probably be me how will get hurt. He lifted one of his hands and placed it on my hair, it slowly and softly, this felt weird, but in a nice way, but it was still weird. I made myself more comfortable, it started to feel nicer and less bizarre, my heart was jumping so much inside of me and I wouldn’t be surprised if he could feel it against his chest. He tapped my shoulder and I moved off and sat on the couch instead of lying on top of him. He sat up and looked deep in my eyes.

“Erm, shall we start again with the work?” I said quietly clearing my throat.

 I think he barely heard me because he didn’t move an inch. His warm stare became intimidating and I had to look away, he was doing something to me with his stare and if I hadn’t looked away I don’t know what I would have done.  It became really awkward, I could feel his heavy stare, and it was as if he was burning a hole through my face. He turned my head, forcing me to look at him and without any warning he began to lean in, my brain blanked out, things seemed to happen in slow motion. I closed my eyes tightly; I didn’t want to see what he was going to do as I said before he could be very unpredictable with his actions.

The room was quiet, too quiet for my likings. He placed his hands behind my neck guiding me towards him until I felt warm skin against my lip. His skin was burning under my touch, his lips tasted so sweet and he was intoxicating me. He moved closer until his chest leaned on mine once again feeling his pounding heart against my ribs. He began to lean on me forcing me to lie down as he gently landed on me, lips still in action, not once breaking off the kiss. His warm tongue traced along my lower lip asking for access which I granted without hesitation, his tongue made contact with mine as they began a dance of their own. I hadn’t realised that my fingers where digging into his back wanting him closer to me. His breathing was irregular and so was mine, how could I not be? With his passionate kiss and his hands caressing my skin, how could I be relaxed?

He began to my shirt, and I broke off the kiss. This was going too far and too fast. I grabbed his hands stopping him from ing another button, I looked at him and to my surprise his shirt was fully ed, when did this happen? I started to sit up and he got off me, I was still holding his hands in the same place. His cheeks were flushed, he had a sweat bead trailing down his neck to his chest, he was still panting and he had a worried look on his face.

“I- I’m your tutor.” I paused and looked into his eyes, “I’m supposed to be helping you study, and not d-doing this.” My voice was small.

I was scared, I liked him, I wanted him for myself, but I don’t want to be used. As soon as I let go of him his hands flopped to his sides, he let out a deep sigh got up and started to re-button his scrunched shirt. I stood up with shaky legs threatening to collapse under my weight, I walked over to the coffee table and packed my books in my bag.

“Where, what are you doing?” His voice was full of concern.

“I should probably go. I wouldn’t want things to be awkward.” I whispered, I didn’t dare to look at him.

“Wait, what? Awkward? It will become awkward if you leave.” He pleaded.

I shook my head in disagreement, I stood up straight, bowed and left the room. I technically ran out of the room, I was hoping he would be behind me, you know just like in those dramas where the guy runs after the girl and blah blah, but when I turned around his bedroom door was closed. Disappointment. I got to the bottom of the stairs, put my shoes on but I felt light, a bit too light. I had forgotten my bag on his table. I contemplated on whether or not I should go get it but in the end my legs guided me back to him room. I got to the top of the stairs, let out a heavy breath and knocked on the door. No reply. Knocked again, still nothing, so I opened the door and let myself in.

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! This is super sweet and cute :D
MomoSuzuki #2
Aw soo cute. :) Great story!
Merohyg #3
Aw~~ that's so nice. :)
Leilaira #4
You're more than welcome :)
MomoSuzuki #5
:) Yay thanks for updating! :)
Leilaira #6
Thank you @RamenLuver118 and Mono Suzuki :DD
You guys made my day !! <3
RamenLuver118 #7
I love this story really much! It's really good . Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon ^^
MomoSuzuki #8
I love this story! Your a great writer. Cant wait!!!!