Chapter 4 - Don't leave me

Why am I falling for you?


Chapter 4

I took small steps in his gigantic room once again; I looked around and found my bag untouched in the same position I had left it in. I walked to it and looked around the room, where did he go? There was not even a whisper in the room. I picked up my bag and walked over to his bed looking at the pictures displayed on his bed side table. He looked so adorable when he was a child, so innocent, completely different from the image he portrays now. Wait, what was I doing? I was supposed to be leaving; I walked with my head down towards the door leaving his room once again, when I heard his bathroom door slide open. I completely froze, the sounds of his steps were wet; he had just come out of the shower, the scent of body wash filled my lungs.

“Why are you here?” His voice low once again and hurt(?)

I took in a deep breath and walked out of the room quickly, forgetting to close the door, I didn’t even turn around to look at him. Footsteps were following me down the stairs, I quickened my pace, I just wanted to leave, I didn’t want to see his sad face, I wouldn’t have enough control over myself.

“YAH! I have something to tell you!” He shouted behind me.

I turned around quickly, “What?!” my voice sounded hysterical, there was a ball building up in my throat that I tried to swallow down.

He came closer to me and held my hands.

“My dad wants me to move back to America. He’s saying that my grades aren’t improving.” His head was low, and only a whisper escaped from his plump lips.

“Well you can’t go back, I still haven’t finished with you. And it’s because you don’t try hard enough, when I teach you, you take it as a joke, always on your phone texting people not paying attention to what I am saying to you. Obviously you haven’t improved because you only do as you wish.” I replied in a calm tone. I scared myself; I thought I would have shouted at him which would have been natural considering it’s me.

“We’ll find a way to convince your dad that going back is not an option. But please let go, I have to go.” I spoke in monotone. I don’t know why I acted that way, maybe because I was scared that he didn’t like me in the same way I did.  This whole time I’ve been speaking to him, I paid no attention to him because he only had his towel on meaning that his milky wet skin would be on display and I would have wanted to touch it, to feel the heat radiating from his body and smell the sweet scent of his cinnamon body wash.

Just like that I left his house, not turning back once.


   The next day I went to his house and walked up the stairs, knocked on his door and entered without permission. The room was empty; I walked over to the coffee table and saw a note:

Dear Jessica, I’m sorry about my actions yesterday, but I am starting to like you. I am sorry I am being so straight forward and I am also sorry if it scares you but I just had to let you know. Anyways, what I am supposed to tell you is that I may not be here for a few lessons, I sort of ran away from my dad. He is so stubborn and it is hard to change his mind. I hope this gives you enough time to figure something out.


I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled his number, voicemail.

“Yah, Mir, pabo! How can you leave a note on your table? What if your mum or sister came in the room and saw your note? What would they think? Why didn’t you text me? Ahh anyways, stop being childish and come back home. I’ll be waiting for you.” I hung up. I picked up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. On second thought, I took the note out of my pocket and realised something, he had confessed that he liked me. I set that thought aside; he was probably drunk while writing the note.

I don’t think his parents knew exactly where he went so I wasn’t going to ask, but I had a feeling I knew where he was. I left my bag at his house so that as soon as I find him we could start with our work. I was determined to make up for those two grades he lost. I walked out of the house and began to run for the bus stop, he is mad, that child is mad, why would he do that? If he doesn’t get what he wants he runs away? It worries me to think he would do such a thing.

A good 45 minutes later, me out of breath and sweating, I arrive at the uni’s basketball court (which is also the PE room in a completely different block – on its own). I could hear voices, loud voice; it was definitely boy’s voices. I tried to catch my breath before I quietly made my way to the room; I hid behind the door and peeped through the little window on the blue painted wooden door. I saw him and a group of boys, they were all talking at once so I couldn’t make out what they were saying or talking about. One of the other boys punched Mir; Mir fought back and started to hit the other boys as well.  I was in absolute shock, I wanted to go in there and break up the fight but I was too scared to get caught in it. The fight got more intense until the leader of the boys group stopped everything; he walked up to Mir and was talking to him. They were still too quiet for my ears to absorb their words. I could just about make out this:

“Yah, Mir, you’re not all that. Stop acting like you are big! Yeah sure you studied abroad, BIG ING DEAL!” the boy spoke with a loud voice. He seemed like the type of boy who was dopey, and only cared about having fun, but who was also very caring. Does my description make sense?

“I have nothing against you though. Why are you up in my face! YOU JEALOUS?!” the last few words Mir shouted. I’ve never seen that much anger in him.

They argued for ages. The other boys all sweaty from the fight were getting impatient. Things started to heat up again, one of the boys, who was tall and had short wet black hair, took something out from his pocket. He ran towards Mir, his hand went up in the air, something shone in his hand. He jabbed the shiny object in Mir. The leader had a shocked expression on his face; he hit the guy a few times,

“YAH MICHYEOSSEO?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!”He screamed at the guy before they ended up running away.

Red fluid came out from Mir. 


Hey guys :) 
this is my second uptade in (nearly) the same day... 
I'm going on holiday so i might get a little carried away with the holidays and not update as much BUUUUTT don't worry, i'll try very hard to keep my 2 uptades a week promise :D 


thank you guys so much for reading!!! and thank you for the two comments!!!! you dont understand how happy i got when i saw that i had 2 comments xD


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Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! This is super sweet and cute :D
MomoSuzuki #2
Aw soo cute. :) Great story!
Merohyg #3
Aw~~ that's so nice. :)
Leilaira #4
You're more than welcome :)
MomoSuzuki #5
:) Yay thanks for updating! :)
Leilaira #6
Thank you @RamenLuver118 and Mono Suzuki :DD
You guys made my day !! <3
RamenLuver118 #7
I love this story really much! It's really good . Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon ^^
MomoSuzuki #8
I love this story! Your a great writer. Cant wait!!!!