The Engagement

We are the loving family

Next day morning, the twins knocked on Taeyeon's door. Daddy.... Daddy.... open the door. said the twins. Taeyeon was awake by the noise and he open the door. Wae...... asked Taeyeon *sleepyhead*. Mommy Mommy..... said the twins. Before Taeyeon could say anything, they already barged into his room looking for Tiffany. Daddy.... where's Mommy? asked the twins as they can't find Tiffany. Mommy is not here, she sleep in the guest room yesterday. said Taeyeon. Wae.....? asked Hyunny innocently. Daddy, did you bully Mommy? asked Taengoo sounded angry. No, i didn't. Why would i, Taengoo? said Taeyeon *curiously*. Why Mommy not sleeping with you? asked Hyunny. Ermm...... Hyunny.... i..... said Taeyeon doesn't know how to answer to his daughter. Daddy, go bring Mommy back here.... said Taengoo in demand while he's pushing Taeyeon to stand up and Hyunny joined him. Wait....babies. I haven't wash up. said Taeyeon.

After Taeyeon has done washing, the twins quickly get him to bring them to the guest room, where Tiffany is. Daddy.... faster. said the twins while pushing Taeyeon. Arasseo...... said Taeyeon. Knock knock..... Fany, are you awake? asked Taeyeon while knocking the door. (The door opened). Hi, morning Tae... said Tiffany. Mommy........ said the twins. Morning, babies..... said Tiffany *eye-smile*. Taeyeon & the twins went into Tiffany's room. Taeyeon walked over to the chair and continue his sleep. Tae, you looks tired, why don't you sleep more? asked Tiffany. I was looking at some files last night. The babies woke up me, they thought their "Mommy" is in my room. said Taeyeon *smiling* Oh..... said Tiffany *blushing* and she turned to the twins. Babies..... Daddy needs to work and he's tired. Try not to disturd him, ok? said Tiffany *eye-smile* Ok, Mommy. said Hyunny nodded her head. We have Mommy, we will not disturd Daddy. said Taengoo happliy. Mwo......? Taeyeon is taken aback by what his son said. Tiffany & the twins laughed.

Old Mr Hwang walked pass Tiffany's room and saw this happy scene. He knocked on the door to get their attention. Knock knock..... Good morning everyone. said Old Mr Hwang *smiling*. Morning, Mr Hwang. said Taeyeon quickly stand up. Morning, Daddy. said Tiffany *smiling*. The twins looked at Taeyeon with a curiously look. Babies.... This is Old Mr Hwang, which is Mommy's Daddy. said Taeyeon. Good morning, Grandpa Hwang. said the twins. Oh.... "Grandpa Hwang" i like this...babies, I didn't get to know you both yesterday. What's your name? asked Old Mr Hwang *smiling* My name is Taengoo Kim, we're 3 years old. I'm older. said Taengoo. My name is Hyunny Kim, i'm younger. said Hyunny. Oh! You both are twins... You have a pair of cute twins, Taeyeon ssi. said Old Mr Hwang *smiling* Thank you, Old Mr Hwang. You may call me Taeyeon. said Taeyeon *smiling*. Ok, sure. said Old Mr Hwang.

After the breakfast. Old Mr Kim, Old Mrs Kim, Old Mr Hwang, Taeyeon & Tiffany was sitting in the living room. I supposed there won't be any objection or excuses for their engagement from now on huh..... said Old Mr Kim *smiling* while looking at Taeyeon. Dad, i agreed to the engagement with Tiffany. said Taeyeon and he looks at Tiffany. Tiffany, how about you? asked Old Mr Hwang. Daddy, i agreed to the engagement with Taeyeon too. said Tiffany *blushing* That's great, we can ease our mind now. said Old Mr Kim & Old Mr Hwang *hi 5*. Hey, you both are elders... behave. said Old Mrs Kim *smiling*. We are too happy..... said the two old mens. Let's plan for their engagement now. said Old Mrs Kim *happily*

The engagement was announced to both Kim's & Hwang's families and business partners. Both Taeyeon & Tiffany don't intend to hold a grand event about this so they invited only their family members for their engagement party in the Kim's mansion. Old Mr Hwang informed Tiffany's sibings to fly over to New York for the celebration as the Hwang's family is located in Los Angeles.

Steph..... Congratulation! said Michelle *smiling* hugged Tiffany (Tiffany elder sister). Thanks, Sis. said Tiffany *eye-smile* patted Michelle. Congrats, my little sister. said Leo *smiling* hugged Tiffany (Tiffany older brother). Thanks, Leo. said Tiffany *eye-smile* patted Leo. Tae, this is my elder sister, Michelle and my older Brother, Leo. said Tiffany *smiling* while introducing her sibings to Taeyeon. Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Kim Taeyeon. said Taeyeon *smiling* shaked hands with Michelle & Leo. Congrats to you both. Finally, my little sister has found her beloved. She's very fussy, you know. said Leo *smiling*. Leo....... said Tiffany blushing and slapped on Leo's arm. Thank you, Leo. I have no worry about that. said Taeyeon *smiling*. That's great, Taeyeon. said Michelle *smiling* 

Fany..... oppa...... said Jessica *smiling*. Jessica, you're here. said Taeyeon *smiling* Congrats to you both, finally... said Jessica *happily* Thank you, Jessi. said Tiffany hugged Jessica tightly. Thanks, Jessica. Because of you, we got to know each other. said Taeyeon while looking at Tiffany. Yah...... you guys are meant to be together, just look at the twins... they loved Tiffany. It's fate. said Jessica *smiling* So, do you intend to go back to Seoul after the engagement? asked Jessica. Yeah, we will be leaving in a week. said Taeyeon. Mmm..... i will miss you both. said Jessica *whined* You can always visit us in Seoul. Either Taeyeon's house or mine for you to choose. said Tiffany *smiling* Mwo.... you mean you both are not going to stay together in Seoul? You're already engaged. asked Jessica *surprised*. We are not married, Jessi.... said Tiffany blushing and slapped on Jessica's arm. Neither you're staying with your Dad in Seoul, you might as well move in with Taeyeon oppa. Hmm...... Oppa, take good care of her. Hwaiting! said Jessica *smirk*. Don't worry, Jessica. I will. said Taeyeon *smiling*. Tiffany is blushing.

Taeyeon leaded Tiffany to the centre and get everyones attention. Thank you everyones for attending our engagement today. I'm glad to have Tiffany with me together with my twins. Hence, I would like to say something here....... said Taeyeon and he turned to Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang, my fiancee. I will protect you with love, trust, faith and take good care of you. I promised. said Taeyeon *smiling* Tiffany is touched and had tears in her eyes. She hugged Taeyeon tightly. The guests is touched too and all clapped their hands with blessing. We would like to thanks our parents for their understanding and blessing to us. said Taeyeon and both of them bowed to their parents with thanks.

When Taeyeon and Tiffany get married, i will hand over the business to my son. And i will return to Los Angeles for my retirement. said Old Mr Hwang to Old Mr Kim. Let the young generation take over, we should enjoy ourself now. said Old Mr Kim *laughing*. True true.... said Old Mr Hwang *smiling*.

After the engagement party, Taeyeon drove Old Mr Hwang, Michelle, Leo and Tiffany to their hotel. Tiffany will pack her luggage and stay at Taeyeon's house for a week until they go back to Seoul.

When Taeyeon & Tiffany are back to Kim's mansion. The maids helps carry Tiffany's luggage to the guest room where Tiffany is staying and the twins follow. Tiffany ssi, your luggage is in the room already. said the maids *bowed*. Thank you, Ahjuma.... said Tiffany *smiling* Hmm..... you looks tired. Go take your bath and have a good sleep. said Taeyeon. Yeah... i still need to unpack my luggage. said Tiffany. Do you need my help? asked Taeyeon. It's ok, nothing much. I can handle. said Tiffany *smiling* They intertwined their hands and walked up to the room. When Taeyeon walked to his room, he saw the twins with Tiffany's luggage. Tae..... i don't see my luggage, did Ahjuma put in the wrong room? asked Tiffany. Yeah, it's in my room, Fany ah......  said Taeyeon *laughing* Mwo............ how come? asked Tiffany while she walked to Taeyeon and she saw the twins holding on to her luggage. What are you doing, babies.... asked Tiffany *laughed* Mommy luggage in Daddy's room.... yes.... said Taengoo and Hyunny clapped her hands. No babies.... i can't sleep in Daddy's room, not now.... or you both wants to go to my room over there? asked Tiffany *smiling* Ok, Mommy. We will follow you. said the twins happily and they rolled the luggage out of Taeyeon's room. Mwo......... hey, you guys can't just leave me here. said Taeyeon *whined*. Mr Kim, you have always sleep alone, don't you? asked Tiffany *teasing*. Yes, Mrs Kim. Only that day, i was hugging you when i woke up. said Taeyeon *teasing*. Yah...... that doesn't count. said Tiffany *blushing* (she slapped Taeyeon's arm) And who is Mrs Kim here? asked Tiffany *teasing*. Both Taeyeon and his twins pointed at Tiffany. Taeyeon laughed loudly as he saw his twins reaction together with him. Tiffany is blushing and tickle the twins. Ha ha.... Mommy.... said Taengoo. No no....ha ha.... said Hyunny.

Old Mr & Mrs Kim walked pass the room. Babies..... you should go to sleep now. Don't disturd Daddy & Mommy. said Old Mrs KIm *smiling* Grandma.... we want to sleep with Daddy & Mommy. said the twins *whined*. Daddy & Mommy is tired after whole day of entertaining. Be good and go back to your room, ok? said Old Mr Kim *smiling* Babies..... be good, Daddy will bring you both out tomorrow. said Taeyeon. Mommy coming with us? asked Taengoo. I want Mommy to go together. said Hyunny. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and she nodded her head. Yes.... Mommy is coming with us. said Taeyeon *smiling*. Ok, we will go sleep now. Goodnight Daddy & Mommy. said the twins and they follow their grandparents. Finally...... i can have a break. said Taeyeon tired. Then you better go back to your room and sleep early, Tae... said Tiffany while doing the unpacking. Can i enjoy this moment with you now? said Taeyeon and back-hugged Tiffany. Tae..... the door is open. Behave yourself. said Tiffany *blushing*. Arasseo........ said Taeyeon and he closed the door. Now, i can stay longer here huh.... said Taeyeon *smirk*. You dork...... said Tiffany *shyly*.


Dear Readers, how about this chapter? I have more time to write during weekends and today is a holiday in Singapore. *long weekends* bravo!

Upcoming, Tae & Fany is going back to Seoul. What should i focus on? Hmm..... the progressing of their loves? Drama.....No no no.... some of the readers will strangle me huh.... muahahaha! Ok, let me think.... i will update maybe in 3 days time. Need to think for more interesting and loving moments for them, isn't it.

Waiting for your comments, Readers....... Hwaititng! :)))))) 


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Chapter 11: Taeny got too many twins xD
Chapter 8: Love this :3
Chapter 11: Thank you for this :)
tipco09 #4
Chapter 11: Thank you for this sweet and fluffy fic, authorshi. I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 11: This story is so daebak*thumbs up* good job author-nim
gabiel #6
Chapter 11: hahaha this story is very nice
i hope u to make a yulsic story too :)
Chapter 11: Haha this is really great one author...
I have so much enjoy to read this fic..
Good for taeny and yoonhyun,, happy ending \(^o^)/
I wish you make the sequel author :)
taenyforever13 #8
Chapter 11: good story......(y) i love the story that happy in the endding hahahaha...... LOVE THIS <3 <3 <3
azanislove #9
Chapter 11: DAEBAK AUTHOR!!!!!
Chapter 11: it is great story
please update