In love with you

We are the loving family

Old Mr Kim bring up the marriage issue to Old Mr Hwang.

Old Mr Hwang felt unfair to Tiffany as she can have better choice than to choose Taeyeon as a widow with two childrens. But, come to think of his business crisis he has to sacrifice Tiffany's happiness. He has no choice but to agreed to this marriage arrangment. And he's trying to find a suitable timing to tell Tiffany about it.

On the other hand, Taeyeon visited his cousin, Jessica's birthday party at her mansion. Taeyeon Oppa, i'm glad you're here. i missed you so much...said Jessica & hugged Taeyeon. I missed you too, birthday girl. said Taeyeon while hugging Jessica. Taeyeon and Jessica is as close as brother & sister since they are young. She felt sorry for Taeyeon for losing his wife after giving birth to the twins. And she decided to matchmake her best friend with Taeyeon.

Happy birthday, Jessi... said Tiffany kissed & hugged Jessica. Fany, i'm glad you're able to come back to attend my birthday. said Jessica. Come, let me introduce someone special to you. said Jessica and bring Tiffany to Taeyeon. Taeyeon Oppa... meet my best friend, Tiffany Hwang. said Jessica. Oh, nice to meet you, Tiffany ssi. said Taeyeon *smiled*. Nice meeting you too, Taeyeon ssi. said Tiffany *eyes-smile*. Wow, that eyes-smile... she's beautiful. (in Taeyeon's mind). He's cute... (in Tiffany's mind). Both of them clicked with the topic of business and leave a very good impression of each other.


How do you find my cousin, Fany? asked Jessica. He's quite shy at first, but when we talk about career, he's very experience in the business trade. By the way, is he married? asked Tiffany. I knew you will like him, Fany.. said Jessica *teasing*. Yah.... I just find that he's a nice person to talk to. said Tiffany *blushing* See... You're blushing. said Jessica *laughing* Hey, you haven't answer me. Is he single? asked Tiffany. Well, he is single but with a pair of 3yrs old kids. His wife passed away right after giving birth. said Jessica sadly. Oh, sorry to hear that. I feel sad for the kids, they lost their Mommy at a young age. said Tiffany. My uncle & aunt has been taking care of the twins for Taeyeon Oppa since he's always busy with their family business. said Jessica. Oh i see. said Tiffany.

Hi Jessica, happy birthday to you! *muack* Choi Siwon, the good for nothing rich brat from Choi's Enterprise. His father is the no.2 successful businessman for supplychain of 18 supermarkets in Korea. They had some business dealing with Jung's family, that's why Siwon is invited to Jessica's birthday. Thanks for coming, Siwon ssi. said Jessica *faked smile*. It's my pleasure... Oh, hi pretty lady, may i know your name pls, asked Siwon while he looked at Tiffany with his ert eyes. My name is Tiffany... and you are? asked Tiffany with her faked smile as Siwon is well known as a good for nothing rich brat, Tiffany pretend not to know him. My name is Choi Siwon, my family runs almost all supermarkets in Korea. Everybody called me, Junior Choi, the next successor of the Choi's Enterprise. said Siwon proudly. Nice meeting you, Junior Choi. excuse us for a while, said Tiffany & Jessica walked away. Hmm.... her husky voice, y ... i must get her. said Siwon while looking at Tiffany ertly. How dare he kissed my cheeks, yucks! said Jessica while cleaning her cheeks with wet tissue. Fany ah... that Choi Siwon is a jerk. I heard that he sleep around and once he got the girl pregnant, he will abandon them. I could see that, he's targeting you, better stay far far away from him. said Jessica. I know, Jessi. I heard of him too, he's the rotten brat from the Choi's family. Don't worry, I believed i won't see him again after this. said Tiffany *smiling*

In the evening, everybody is singing the birthday songs and Jessica cut the cake... Tiffany walked to the other corner to answer her phone call. Siwon followed and appear infront of her. Hi Tiffany, aren't you lonely here? Let's have some fun... said Siwon and he grabbed Tiffany's hand. Let go of me, what do you think you are doing? said Tiffany angrily. Wow wow wow, the pretty angel is mad, but i love it. Let's get rough then. said Siwon and he try to lay his hand on Tiffany. Don't you dare to touch her! You ... said Taeyeon as he grabbed Siwon's hand before he touch Tiffany and slam him on the floor. How dare you, do you know who i am? said Siwon in pain. I don't care who you are and you're not going to have your way. This is the Jung's mansion, mind you. said Taeyeon. I will always get the woman i want and that's her.... tonight. said Siwon and he grabbed a wooden stick and hit Taeyeon. Taeyeon, while trying to defend Tiffany, he got hit on his left hand. But, he managed to beat Siwon up, punched his face, stomach.. until Siwon falls and lying on the floor with bruises and blood.

The noise aroused the crowd, the guests is walking over to find out what happen. Oh my god, what happen, Taeyeon Oppa? asked Jessica in worry. He... trying to get his hands on Tiffany ssi. I stopped him on time and we end up fighting. said Taeyeon. Yes, He's a jerk. He wants to touch me and... Lucky Taeyeon ssi is here. said Tiffany in anger. *SLAP*... How dare you make a scene in the Jung's mansion and it's my birthday! said Jessica angrliy. Siwon...  see what have you done? You disgraced me! Get out of here now. said Old Mr Choi angrily and he apologized to Taeyeon,Tiffany & Jessica.

Taeyeon Oppa.... Fany ah... you both ok? asked Jessica. Arh... my left hand... said Taeyeon. Oh my god, there's a big bruises on it. said Tiffany guiltly. Oh no, let's hurry to the hospital and had an x-ray. said Jessica. And they went to the hospital for checking, luckily there aren't any crack on the bone and Taeyeon can go home after the treatment. But he can't use his left hand at the moment and needs rest. Taeyeon ssi, i'm sorry to have caused you injured because of me. I'm really thankful for what you have done for me. said Tiffany in tears. Tiffany ssi, pls don't cry. I will help anyone from that beast. said Taeyeon while trying to make Tiffany feel ease. Tiffany hugged Taeyeon. Taeyeon is blushing. Both of them felt their heart beat is un-unsual while hugging.

Taeyeon Oppa, i think you better rest at home tomorrow and skip the outing with the kids. said Jessica. It's ok, i promised them i will bring them out. said Taeyeon *smiling*. But you are injured, how are you going to take care of them? asked Jessica. Can i join you guys tomorrow for the outing? I would like to meet the twins. asked Tiffany which offer to help. Ermm.... sure, you're most welcome to join us. said Taeyeon. Well, it seem like this outing can't be miss... Ok, I will pick both of you and the kids tomorrow at 9am. said Jessica *smiling*. Thanks, Jessi! said both Taeyeon & Tiffany *smiling*


The next chapter will be "outing".... pls comment what you want to see. hwaiting...... :)))


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Chapter 11: Taeny got too many twins xD
Chapter 8: Love this :3
Chapter 11: Thank you for this :)
tipco09 #4
Chapter 11: Thank you for this sweet and fluffy fic, authorshi. I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 11: This story is so daebak*thumbs up* good job author-nim
gabiel #6
Chapter 11: hahaha this story is very nice
i hope u to make a yulsic story too :)
Chapter 11: Haha this is really great one author...
I have so much enjoy to read this fic..
Good for taeny and yoonhyun,, happy ending \(^o^)/
I wish you make the sequel author :)
taenyforever13 #8
Chapter 11: good story......(y) i love the story that happy in the endding hahahaha...... LOVE THIS <3 <3 <3
azanislove #9
Chapter 11: DAEBAK AUTHOR!!!!!
Chapter 11: it is great story
please update