All night long and we're closer

We are the loving family

Taeyeon's room.... The twins jumped on the bed the moment they entered the room. Hey babies, how many times must i tell you not to jump on the bed? said Taeyeon (put his hands on his waist). The twins pouted and they run to Tiffany, Mommy..... Daddy is angry with us. No... babies, Daddy is not angry, he's just worry, what if you both had a fall and hurt yourself? Daddy will feel heart pain, if his loves one are hurt. The twins low down their head. It's ok now, go say sorry to Daddy and tell him that you both will not jump on the bed again. said Tiffany *smiling*. The twins nodded their head and said: Ok, Mommy and they runs to Taeyeon. Daddy.... (hugging his legs) we're sorry, we will not jump on the bed again. said the twins. Ok... Daddy is not angry, i'm just afraid you both are hurt. (Taeyeon squat down) Sigh.... I am not a good Daddy. I didn't take good care of you both since you're born. said Taeyeon and hugged the twins into his arms. Tiffany shared the sweet moment here and she's smiling at them.

Come babies... let's go and sleep, Mommy is waiting for you. said Taeyeon and he lead the twins to his bed. Ok, you both be good and sleep with Mommy here while Daddy will sleep over there (pointing at the couch area). Daddy.... why aren't you sleeping with us? asked Taengoo. Daddy... why? You don't love Mommy? asked Hyunny. Taengoo & Hyunny, the bed is not big enough for four of us. I want you both and Mommy to have a comfortable sleep. said Taeyeon *lied as that's a super king size bed*. Hyunny, of course i love Mommy... said Taeyeon and he saw Tiffany is blushing then he realised that he just said the "golden words" again. Ermm..... ok babies, be good and sleep now. said Taeyeon and he walked over to the balcony, locked the sliding door and draw the curtains.

Both twins sat on the bed and said: Mommy..... we want milk, Daddy...... we want story-telling. Ermm.... Tiffany has never make milk for baby, she doesn't know how to answer. It's late, no story-telling today and Daddy will prepare the milk for you both, said Taeyeon. He walked over to Tiffany and whisper at her ears. Can you help me to look after them for awhile, i will go and..... arh...... mu...muacks! (before Taeyeon could finish what he's going to tell Tiffany, Taengoo pushed him from the back and made him falls on Tiffany, both of them falls on the bed and kissed on the lips). Yeah!! Daddy kissed Mommy. said Taengoo clapped his hands and his sister followed. Tiffany... I'm so sorry. Are you ok? asked Taeyeon. Taeyeon apology to Tiffany for what his son has done and he helps Tiffany to get up from the bed. Taengoo! Come over here. said Taeyeon as he put his hands on his waist and looked at Taengoo angrier. Taeyeon has never show his anger before, this time the kids is scared and stand against the wall. Taeyeon nah..... I'm fine, don't be mad (Tiffany holded Taeyeon's arm). They are still young to understand, you have scared them. said Tiffany and she walked over to the kids and hold the twins in her arms. 

Taeyeon sighed and said: Taengoo, what must you say to Mommy? Hmm... Mommy, i'm sorry. said Taengoo and looked at Tiffany innocently. It's ok, Taengoo, Mommy is fine. said Tiffany *eye-smiling* Mommy, Daddy heart pain you... said Hyunny *truthfully*. Huh.... said Tiffany *blushing* Mwo..... Hyunny, what did you say? asked Taeyeon is blushing too. Ermm.... i go and prepare milk now. said Taeyeon and he quickly walk out to avoid the embarassment.

After awhile, Taeyeon walked to his room with two bottles of milk on hand and he saw Tiffany story-telling to his twins. She had such a good patience with kids, that's amazing. She really impress me.... (Taeyeon thoughts of Tiffany). Milk milk....  Daddy, why are you starring at Mommy? said the twins while pointing at Taeyeon. Taeyeon is embarassed because he's being caught by his twins. Ermm..... Sorry, here's your milk. said Taeyeon while scatching his head. Tiffany smiled and shake her head. 

Taeyeon & Tiffany layed the twins in the middle of the bed for their milking time. The kids finishing their milk and slowly fall asleep... Taeyeon slowly remove the empty bottles from the twins while Tiffany put on the blanket for the twins and kissed their forehead. Thank you, Tiffany. said Taeyeon. Wae.... asked Tiffany. Thanks for taking care of my babies, said Taeyeon. You're welcome, Taeyeon. They're cute, i liked them too. said Tiffany *eyes-smile* while looking at the sleeping twins. "Her eye-smile is catching my breath" Taeyeon's thoughts. Ermm... you must be tired, have a good rest and good night. said Taeyeon *smiling*. Good night to you too, said Tiffany.

In the middle of the night, Taengoo awake and walked to Taeyeon. Daddy... Daddy...(shaked Taeyeon, to wake him up). Hmm.... what's wrong, Taengoo? asked Taeyeon *sleepyface*. Wee... wee.... said Taengoo. Oh... ok, come... let's go to the washroom. said Taeyeon stand-up and bring Taengoo to the washroom. After Taengoo is done, Taeyeon brings him back to his bed, he sit on the floor and pat Taengoo to sleep again. Mmm... Mwhae... mwhae.... *cried* this time is Hyunny... she had a bad dream and she's crying for Taeyeon and Tiffany. Daddy..... Mommy.... sobs sobs sobs......... Taeyeon had a shock as his baby girl is crying for him. Tiffany is awaked too. What's wrong, Hyunny? asked Tiffany *worried*. Why Hyunny? asked Taeyeon as he sat on the bed. I'm scared, there's monster.... said Hyunny. Huh.... baby, you're having a dream. Daddy is here, don't be scared ok... said Taeyeon patting her. Daddy hug hug sleep.... said Hyunny. Daddy will hug you to sleep, don't be afraid.. Hyunny. said Tiffany. Ok, Mommy. said Hyunny. As Taeyeon sleep beside Hyunny whereas Tiffany sleep beside Taengoo, both twins sleep in between them.

Next day morning...... the twins wake up and played at the couch area by not disturing their "parents'. Tiffany felt a pair of hands is holding her waist while she was sleeping. She turned her head and saw Taeyeon holding her tightly. They are very close to each other almost touching face. This dork.... he looked so tired and he's cute when he's sleeping... Tiffany's thought. Suddenly, Taeyeon holds Tiffany closer to his chest. Tiffany tried to push him away with her hand, while Taeyeon felt someone is pushing him and he slowly open his eyes.... Tiffany! I'm so..... how did i end up on the bed? said Taeyeon as he tried to recall what happen. Remember, last night Hyunny had a nightmare and she wants you to hug her to sleep? asked Tiffany. Oh yes! I thought what have i done... i'm.. i'm sorry for hugging you. I'm so.... Taeyeon bowed to Tiffany for his manner. No worry, Taeyeon. I trusted you. said Tiffany *smiling*. Thanks for trusting me, i can't imagine if it's another person. She will take this as an opportunity... said Taeyeon. What happen? asked Tiffany.

Well... my dad hope i will re-marry and give my kids a complete family. And he arranged a date for me to meet this lady called Sunny Lee, the daughter of Lee Soo Mian from Lee's enterprise. She is cute but she's not my type and I rejected her. However, she did not give up and keep clinging with me and it makes my life disturing since then. That's part of the reason i went to Korea for further developement. said Taeyeon. Oh i see, she must be so in love with you. said Tiffany *smiling*. Too bad, she's not my type. said Taeyeon. Hmm... which type of girls do you fancy, perhaps i can recommend? asked Tiffany. I'm a man with two kids. I can't ask for more. said Taeyeon *laughed* Yah.... don't say that, you are charming and i believe lots of girls will fall for you. said Tiffany. To me, it's the feeling that developed, as long as she loves my kids and they can get along well. I'm contented. said Taeyeon. You're such a good Daddy..... said Tiffany *eye-smile*.

Knock knock... door open. Jessica is surprised to see both Taeyeon & Tiffany sat on the bed together. Oops... I'm sorry. i didn't see anything. said Jessica and she try to close the door. Yah..... Jessi, come in. We didn't do anything here. said Taeyeon trying to explain. Hey... you both, this scene is causing people to mistaken you know....? said Jessica *laughing* We're sorry. said both Taeyeon & Tiffany. See..... both in the same tone too... said Jessica laughed. Both of them quickly stand up and go for wash up. What are you guys chatting and makes you both still on bed? asked Jessica teasing. Yah..... Jessi, you're making us embarassed. said Tiffany *slapping her arm*. Taeyeon told me about Ms Sunny Lee from Lee's enterprise. said Tiffany. Whoa...... you know, that's his nightmare. said Jessica *laughed* Jessi, you know it huh..... Come on, let's drop the subject and go for breakfast now. said Taeyeon. Jessica went down to the dining area, whereas Taeyeon holding Taengoo and Tiffany holding Hyunny followed.

Good morning Grandma...... said the twins. Good morning, my precious. said Taeyeon's Mom. Good mornng Mom.... said Taeyeon. Good morning Aunty.... said Tiffany. Hi good morning to you both. Do you sleep well, Tiffany? asked Taeyeon's Mom *smiling*. Yes Aunty. i had a good sleep. Thank you. said Tiffany. We all sleep together.... Grandma. said Hyunny. Ermm..... Aunty, because Hyunny had a nightmare last night and she wants Taeyeon to hug her to sleep. said Tiffany explained. Daddy and Mommy hug hug sleeping. said Taengoo *innocently*. Ermm.... yeah, hugged them to sleep. said Taeyeon (trying to convince them, to avoid confusing). Oh i see, you both loves Mommy very much. asked Taeyeon's Mom to the twins. Yes, we loves Mommy.... Daddy loves Mommy too. They hug hug sleeping. said the twins. Both Taeyeon & Tiffany is so embarassed by the words from both twins. Jessica is laughing while having her breakfast.

After the breakfast, Jessica & Tiffany is leaving. They bid good-bye to Taeyeon's Mom and Taeyeon. The twins holding Tiffany hands and asked: Mommy, where are you going? We want to follow. said the twins. Mmm....... said Tiffany as she don't want to hurt them by telling the truth that she's leaving. Mommy is going out with Aunt Jessica and kids cannot follow. said Taeyeon trying to release both of them. Be good and listen to Grandma & Daddy, i will visit you soon. Ok? said Tiffany *smiling*. Ok, promise Mommy. said the twins lift their little finger to Tiffany. Yes, Mommy promised. said Tiffany while she kissed and hugged the twins into her arms tightly. Daddy too.... kiss & hug hug Mommy. said Taengoo pushed Taeyeon over. Tiffany hugged Taeyeon.... Bye Taeyeon, see you soon. said Tiffany whisper at his ear. Taeyeon felt his heart beating fast, he don't want to release this hug from Tiffany but he can't. Take care, i will miss you. said Taeyeon smiling as he could only say that.


Sorry for the delay, readers. I would like to see more comments to work out for my next chapter... "Old Mr Hwang & Old Mr Kim to break the news to both Taeyeon & Tiffany about the marriage agreement. But..... both of them didn't know THEY are the one who's going to be engage.

And SUNNY LEE will be appearing in my next chapter. hwaiting.......

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Chapter 11: Taeny got too many twins xD
Chapter 8: Love this :3
Chapter 11: Thank you for this :)
tipco09 #4
Chapter 11: Thank you for this sweet and fluffy fic, authorshi. I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 11: This story is so daebak*thumbs up* good job author-nim
gabiel #6
Chapter 11: hahaha this story is very nice
i hope u to make a yulsic story too :)
Chapter 11: Haha this is really great one author...
I have so much enjoy to read this fic..
Good for taeny and yoonhyun,, happy ending \(^o^)/
I wish you make the sequel author :)
taenyforever13 #8
Chapter 11: good story......(y) i love the story that happy in the endding hahahaha...... LOVE THIS <3 <3 <3
azanislove #9
Chapter 11: DAEBAK AUTHOR!!!!!
Chapter 11: it is great story
please update