
Will We Ever Return (HIATUS)

“Hyung!” Leeteuk heard Minho exclaim as soon as he opened the door, and as he was about to ask what has happened further, he was lightly pushed away when Donghae had entered the room in a rush. The leader was surprised, but fortunately, Siwon had caught him before he fell down.

“Kyuhyun ah!” they heard Donghae yell as they blinked. All Leeteuk could do was smile. Even if Donghae was a bit disrespectful for pushing him, he felt okay with it. Nowadays, Leeteuk has noticed that he’s been spoiling Donghae a bit too much and lets the younger man get away with almost everything he was doing, even if it was bad or naughty…or whatever.                                                          

Siwon and Leeteuk had then moved away from the door and closed it gently. “What happened?” Leeteuk asked Minho. He had cut the younger man’s call off as soon as he heard about Kyuhyun.

Minho had nodded. “I will explain, so please, take a seat for a bit.” He guided them deeper in the room and had led them to a sofa that was set beside the bed where Kyuhyun’s unconscious form was. Siwon and Leeteuk stared at Donghae, who had grown silent and sat beside their youngest member while holding his hand, then without them knowing, they were already sitting. The SHINee member had sat down in a separate chair in front of Siwon and Leeteuk.

“I was talking for a bit with Kyuhyun hyung,” he had started and the two men listened to him with straight faces. “He was fine at first. When we were in the elevator, he was even joking and laughing with me, then we headed outside and waited for your manager by the front. I wasn’t paying attention a bit, since I was beside hyung and nothing was really happening, but then, I heard a thud and looked down to see hyung on the ground. By that time, the manager had arrived but rushed outside the car to us in order to look after hyung. I had requested for the manager to stay with hyung for a bit and ran inside to call for help.” He paused for a bit and shifted his head a little to look at the man who was on the bed. “They had immediately rushed out as soon as I asked for their help and had prepared a room for him at once. The doctors had said that he’s body is strained and drained, but his willpower was what had kept him moving for the past few days, and his body couldn’t take it anymore and has decided to give out.”

The leader sighed. “Should I tell Changmin ah?” he asked and the two stared. “Isn’t it a bit better if we tell him later? Since he’s with Jaejoong hyung and the others, shouldn’t we give them a bit of bonding times?” Siwon asked, making the older man sigh. “I know that, Siwon ah, but we should tell him. Kyuhyun ah is Changmin ah’s best friend, and he might get angry if we say it later.”

Siwon nodded. “That’s true.”

“But hyung,” Minho interrupted them. “Changmin hyung couldn’t even remember Kyuhyun hyung.” He began, and Leeteuk had crossed his arms, slowly agreeing. “He didn’t recognize Kyuhyun hyung when he woke up. It must have hurt when Changmin hyung had asked who he was. I saw hyung’s expression, and it showed that he wanted to cry, but he wanted to show a stronger side, so it seems that Kyuhyun hyung had let the forgetting him slide, but it really must have hurt.” The younger man paused as he watched the faces of his hyungs who had doubt written on their faces. “Have you seen the look Kyuhyun hyung gives Changmin hyung? They’ve been best friends for so long, and because of this accident, Changmin hyung forgets him, and it’s because of the time line of Changmin hyung’s thinking. It was when Dong Bang Shin Ki debuted, and Kyuhyun hyung wasn’t in the company yet, and he’s also forgotten some of your members, hyung, as well as my group, heck, he doesn’t even know me.”

Leeteuk nodded once again. “But we still have to tell him. Changmin might get mad at us for keeping this from him in the future when he recovers slowly.”

Minho blinked and then crossed his arms. “You’re right hyung.”

This time, without any second thoughts, Leeteuk had taken hold of his phone once again and thankfully, in the two years they were apart, Jaejoong hadn’t changed his number and was placed on Leeteuk’s speed dial thing. He had pressed on one button and then pressed the phone to his ears, hearing Jaejoong’s ringtone as “Love in the Ice” the song which Changmin had composed for their fourth album. Leeteuk smiled sadly, understanding why that was his ringtone.

“Yes hyung?” he heard Jaejoong say through the phone. Same as Jaejoong, Leeteuk hadn’t changed his phone number. Well, he did, but he had always kept this phone number, since he knew that there would come a time where Jaejoong might contact him. “Joongie ah, where are you guys already?”

There was silence for a moment and Leeteuk could hear the sound of an engine. So they were already in their car. “We’re on our way to our dorm already hyung.”  Jaejoong had answered. “Can you put Changmin on?” he said immediately and he heard Jaejoong mutter a Wait a second hyung. Then he heard the phone being passed over. “It’s Leeteuk hyung,” Leeteuk heard Jaejoong say and he must have told it to Changmin. “Hi hi hyung!” Changmin had said through the phone and Leeteuk couldn’t help but chuckle. “Hello Changmin ah.”

“Hi hi hyung!” Changmin said again and this time, Leeteuk heard laughter from Changmin’s side, meaning that the other three were laughing. “Changmin ah,” Leeteuk then changed his voice to something serious and sighed. “I have to tell you something.” The older man could almost hear Changmin blinking. “Yes hyung?” the younger man had answered, his tone showing that his humour and childishness also disappeared. “Changmin ah, I’m just going to tell you, okay? You don’t have to come here immediately. You have to spend time with your umma and brothers and noona, so once I tell you, you don’t have to come here, okay?”

Changmin was blinking in silence as he heard his hyung talking on the other line. He looked up to see that his umma , brothers, and BoA noona were looking at him, his expressions. Changmin had then nodded. “Okay, hyung.”

“Kyuhyun ah, he…” Changmin’s eyes had opened as soon as he heard his new friend’s name. “Did something happen, hyung?” this time, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu tensed as they listened to the one-sided conversation their ‘baby’ was having. “Well…yes, you can say something happened. Kyuhyun ah…when he left the hospital for work, he, er, well, he collapsed.”

He blinked. “Really, hyung?” he exclaimed, jumping from his seat. “Hyung, then I have to go back there.” Though he just met the man three days ago, they were getting along well, and Changmin didn’t want to leave him all alone. “No need, Changmin ah.” Leeteuk had answered Changmin’s panicky tone. “But hyung…”

“We will call you as soon as Kyuhyun ah will wake up, Changmin ah.” The caller had cut off what Changmin was going to say. “Just stay with Jaejoong ah and the others and have fun, okay? We will make sure that Kyuhyun ah is comfortable, so enjoy, alright Changmin ah?”

Changmin blinked a bit and leaned back on his seat and nodded. “Alright hyung, please take care.”

“I will.” Leeteuk had answered with a smile. “and can you pass the phone to Jaejoong?” he could hear the rumbling over the phone. “Okay hyung.”

“Yes hyung?” he heard the younger man’s voice a second later. “Did something happen?” Jaejoong had asked, and Leeteuk sighed. “Yes,” he answered. “Kyuhyun ah collapsed and he’s been checked in the room bellow Yunnie ah’s.”

He heard Jaejoong gasp. “Oh my,” Such a feminine reply. “Then we insist that we bring Changmin ah back.”

Leeteuk had straightened all of a sudden. “Ah, no need, no need.” He answered immediately. “Just enjoy your lunch for now, Joongie ah, I beg you, okay?” the older man really made his voice sound desperate. “Do not come back here until you’ve made lunch for Changmin ah, okay? We, Kyuhyun ah’s hyungs, can take care of him, okay? So go to your dorm for lunch, okay? Okay, bye.” Then Leeteuk hung up. He didn’t want to argue with Jaejoong now, especially when he was feeling tired. He, himself, was already very tired that his head hurt at the moment, but he didn’t dare say it. As their eldest, he needed to be strong.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jaejoong stared at his phone. “Teukie hyung hung up on me.” He said to his phone. “Eh?” Junsu and Yoochun exclaimed, and BoA just blinked. Through the years she’s spent with Leeteuk in the company, she’s never heard of him hung up on anyone.. “Hyung hung up on me.” Jaejoong repeated and looked at the two.

“He doesn’t do that right?” Yoochun asked and Jaejoong nodded as an answer. “It’s the first time he’s hung up on me.” Then he looked at his phone again and at their ‘baby.’ “Changmin ah, don’t worry, Teukie hyung will take care of Kyuhyun ah.” Changmin had looked up from staring at his lap with that sad look a child would give when he was told not to leave the house. Changmin really did turn into his fifteen-year-old side.

Junsu blinked. “Did something happen?” Jaejoong nodded as he slowly turned his head towards Junsu. “Kyuhyun ah collapsed.” Yoochun gaped and then looked at Changmin. “Then shouldn’t we go back?” he asked, still looking at Changmin, thought the question was directed towards Jaejoong, who shook his head. “Hyung said no, we can’t go back there until we cook something for Changmin ah. He said that we should enjoy this for now, and that hyung and the others will take care of Kyuhyun ah.”

That was when Yoochun’s gaze left Changmin. “Ah, okay.”

“Er,” the girl in their group had finally spoken up, and everyone turned to her, who was seating with Changmin in the far back seats. “Is it alright for me to be with you guys, Jae-chan?” she asked them. “Since I’m not…well, you know, a member of your group, I should really be here.” Jaejoong smiled. “Yah, Boa,” he said with a smile. “You’re part of our family, okay? It’s definitely alright for you to be here with us. Don’t worry about it, okay?”

Jaejoong had shifted to turn his head to look at the four people at the back, especially BoA, who seemed to be uncomfortable with them. “Okay.” He heard her answer, and he smiled at her, and then went back to facing the road.

The car fell into silence and Jaejoong grippe his phone. He would make sure that he will feed Changmin the amount of food he likes and then return to the hospital once again. Jaejoong wasn’t really comfortable being away from Yunho now. With the way he saw him earlier, he wasn’t comfortable with anyone being with him.

It’s not that he didn’t trust them, he did actually, but Jaejoong thought to himself that only he can really shower the care that Yunho needs. That it was him that Yunho needed by his side. Jaejoong might’ve only seen Yunho today again for the very first time in two years, but it felt as though they haven’t really parted. Just that the scene felt like Jaejoong and the others were away for vacation while Yunho and Changmin were left at home and had an accident.

He had thought that after feeding Changmin and the others with nutritious food, they would immediately go back to the hospital to see Yunho, and Changmin could check on Kyuhyun. 

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦

A.N: Hey there guys, as promised, here's an early release for chapter 8 as well :D but this time, I'm not sure when I can realease chapter 9, since I'm going to be busy for the next two weeks, but I'll try my best to update :D thank you very much for taking your time in reading my stories, as well as to those who have subscribed to me :) I apologize if I have some errors though :)

P.S I've come up with a new story, I hope you guys will support it too. One Last Concert


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RAHDev #1
Chapter 11: Please..i hope you will continue this fic. I really really love this soooooo much. Pls please please please continue this.don't abandon it. :'-(
Lilinne #2
Chapter 11: I hope that one day you'll be able to continue this fic which is so interesting. I love Jae as Changmin's umma.
lizie_lee #3
Chapter 11: please update soon!!:)
the foreword made me start reading the first chapter, and i'm impress!

Please updater soon!
shion-chan #5
Chapter 11: i love this story, please update soon
i really want to know how jae and the others react to yunho´s amnesia
Chapter 11: Really love the bandfic.... ^^ thank you
Chapter 11: i cant wait 4 the next chap.. update soon!
Chapter 11: sub ^-^ please update soon, so sad Yun lost his memories...
dark_triad #9
hope you'll continue this soon :D thank you very much author ssi for the awesome story \m/