
Will We Ever Return (HIATUS)

   “Yah!” Junsu shouted again. “What the heck is this?” he exclaimed. “You think that just because Changminnie says umma to Jae hyung, it would make us return? Aish!” he ruffled his hair and crossed his arms. “That company was the one who sent us away.”

   Jaejoong’s lip twitched and opened his mouth, however, Yoochun was faster. “We wouldn’t have been sent away if we didn’t give them reason to, you know.” His brow arched at Junsu, who stared at him, dumbfounded. “Hyung, are you protecting them?”

   “Not them, Junsu ah.” He answered, standing up and going over to their side then ended up staring Junsu down. “I’m protecting my hyung,” he exaggerated the ‘my.’ “and my dongsaeng.”

   That seemed to have shut Junsu up, since he had his mouth open for more than five seconds without uttering something. “Aish, whatever!” the younger man screamed, looking away from Yoochun’s eyes. The older man continued to stare, but then looked at their eldest member who was staring at him as well. “What’s your plan?”

   Their eldest member sighed. “I’m not sure, but-”

    “I was surprised at first when we came to the hospital to visit Yunho sunbaenim and Changmin sunbaenim,” a girl this time appeared in the screen, taking the attention of the three boys. “Sooyoung ah.” Jaejoong blinked at the girl in the screen, who happened to be Choi Sooyoung, a member of one of the few female kpop bands in SM, Sonyeo Shidae, commonly known as SNSD.

    “We haven’t heard of sunbaenim’s condition until two days ago because of our group’s schedule nowadays,” she continued. “but as soon as we arrived in the company, managers and fellow stars were running about rushing their schedules. We were wondering why they were rushing and we came up to them and asked. I was walking down the corridor and ran into fellow SM star, Victoria ssi, the leader of F(x). She was running back and forth from one room to another, and I asked what she was rushing about, and she told me that Yunho sunbaenim and Changmin sunbaenim were here in the hospital. I was surprised, and without asking why and telling the other SNSD members, I ran to the hospital after asking what hospital and ran here. The sunbaenim in Super Junior were all gathered outside this room, so I didn’t have to ask what room they were in, but when I got here to the hospital, Changmin sunbaenim ran to me and was like ‘Noona, did you come visit appa as well?’ I was surprised, like really.” She laughed as she was telling the story. “Ah, yes, he called me noona.” She answered interviewer. “I stared for a bit, but then Leeteuk sunbaenim came over and greeted me then told me the story after telling Changmin sunbaenim to go to the other members of Super Junior. He explained that Changmin sunbaenim was having problems after seeing Yunho sunbaenim. I then asked if I could take a look at Yunho sunbaenim…and it was horrible.” Her voice was shaking this time and tears were starting to show. “He looked horrible. The sunbaenim that was so beautiful and nice and handsome was a wreck.” The tears flowed down this time, and she was handed a tissue by the interviewer. “I thought, ‘Wah, this is ridiculous.’ Why Yunho oppa of all people?” her voice cracked. “That handsome oppa we usually see was so…Aigo,” she wiped her tears again.

   “Sooyoung ah, thank you.” Jaejoong muttered, being thankful to someone who was close to him when they were still in SM. Sooyoung was a very cheerful girl when they were still in SM, and he found it amusing how she always followed Yunho everywhere. The members of DBSK knew that she was a fan of Yunho, and Yunho was happy to see that even among the company, he had fans, who happened to be fellow singers as well. Jaejoong was glad that Sooyoung and the others were there for Yunho and Changmin when they weren’t.

   "He had a neck brace,” she started again, catching the attention of Jaejoong, who was talking to himself earlier. “his face was bruised and scratched, and eye patch covered his right eye. The doctors said that something seems to have hit his eyes when he landed on the ground. His right arm and both legs were casted. It wasn’t a good sight, but we were really happy when they said that Yunho sunbaenim survived. We’re happy he’s still alive. Other stars were really scared about Yunho sunbaenim’s situation that when you enter SM, the lobby turned to a church hall or something, which was set up for the company to pray for Yunho sunbaenim, and Changmin sunbaenim, who we wish to recover from his situation.”

   “So, what do you think of Changmin ssi’s situation?” the interviewer asked Sooyoung, who was wiping the rest of her tears, and then smiled. “I think it’s cute.” She answered with a shaky laugh. “He would go ‘Noona are you okay?’ or ‘Noona, buy me this.’ Or ‘Noona, you’re so pretty.’ It was really cute, since Changmin sunbaenim isn’t the type to be childish, despite him being their maknae. But I wish for the Changmin sunbaenim before to comeback, so that everything can go back to normal as well.”

   The interviewer bowed to her. “Thank you very much Sooyoung ssi.” Sooyoung answered with a smile and left, and someone else came in.

   “Good day Onew ssi,” the interviewer had greeted the new person. “Ah, good day as well.” The young man had answered with a smile. “So what does the leader of SHINee think of the current turn of events with the situation on DBSK?” the young man had this serious look on all of a sudden. “It’s sad. I was actually there during the filming of their MV. It was a shock.” He said.

   “What is SHINee doing on the place of the MV though?” Junsu was starting his habit of talking to the television again, and once again, as if answering him. “I had an empty schedule in the afternoon that time while the other members of SHINee had their own, and the studio I was in was near where DBSK sunbaenim was filming, so I went there. I talked to Changmin sunbaenim for a bit, and then we watched Yunho sunbaenim’s part. He was even shouting that time when he saw me there, I was embarrassed, but I bowed and then waved,” he suddenly laughed. “He was waving his arms like a kid and was like ‘Jinki ah! Jinki ah!’ Changmin sunbaenim was laughing and he pat my head. ‘Sorry about Yunho hyung, Onew ah.’ He said, and I laughed with him, then the director held his megaphone and said let’s begin with it. The first part of Yunho sunbaenim’s scene was a view of the inside of the hotel room he was in, and then after he takes a glass of wine, he goes to the veranda and leans against it, but the veranda rails were made of glass, and it seems to have broken, since while the camera was filming, we could hear the cracking of the glass. Everything happened so fast then.” He paused, tears beginning to gather in his eyes as well, but he looked up and then sniffed, trying to hide the tears. “He leaned on the glass, the glass cracked, and then shattered, and then Yunho sunbaenim was falling. Changmin sunbaenim was screaming that time, it was deafening. ‘Yunho hyung! Hyung!’ he was shouting it after that time. I didn’t know how long the fall was, but we could hear him hitting things as he got closer to us, and before I knew it, Changmin sunbaenim was running to where he thought Yunho sunbaenim would be falling, and I ran after him, and not that long, I didn’t know if it was a minute or two later, Yunho sunbaenim was in front of us, blood was pooling on his head and legs, then I could hear sniffs.” Onew paused again, and this time, he couldn’t hold the tears, and with the back of his hand, he wiped it off. He sniffed. “I looked beside me and Changmin sunbaenim was crying. ‘Hyung…’ I whispered, but then he collapsed on the ground, bursting in to tears, I was scared, actually. This was the second time I saw sunbaenim cry that much, the first was when…everybody knows what it was.”

   Yes, everybody does. Yoochun and Jaejoong acknowledged with a nod.

   “He was crying a lot. I bent down beside him and tried to comfort him, but as the minutes went by  and the managers calling for an ambulance, he was crying harder, but as he cried, he kept repeating ‘Hyung…I can’t lose you, I can’t lose you. Please, I can’t lose you too…’ he kept repeating that over and over and over again, and for what seemed to be the hundredth time he said that, he fainted, and that was when the ambulance came. Yunho sunbaenim was tended to first, and then they took Changmin sunbaenim as well, I was in the ambulance where Changmin sunbaenim was while the managers went to Yunho sunbaenim’s, and even in a no state of consciousness, Changmin sunbaenim was still chanting. ‘Hyung, don’t leave me. I can’t lose you. Please don’t leave me.’ I cried.” The leader of SHINee stated the last part earnestly, and Jaejoong was touched that there were really a lot of people who cared about his dongsaengs while he wasn’t there to support them. I’m sorry…Yunho ah…Changmin ah.

   "and that is why,” the young man said again to the screen, but this time his face was serious. “With all the care that I wish my hyungs would have, I hope that the other three members who are watching this, and I know you are watching, that you hyungs…please, just come, even if you are in constant war with our company, that doesn’t mean that you can just abandon your members here. I know that they mean a lot to you. Jaejoong hyung,”

   “What the heck? Jae hyung again?” Junsu exclaimed. Jaejoong was finding Junsu’s sudden outbursts so annoying now. “Why do they keep on turning against Jae hyung?”

   Jaejoong looked at the man beside him and grabbed his shoulder. “I’m still the eldest even when we’re apart, Junsu ah.” He said firmly and then looked back at the screen. “I know how important Yunho hyung and Changmin hyung to you. I’ve seen your activities as a trio, and I know that all three of you are happy being free, but there is something in your eyes that says otherwise. Hyung, forgive me for being direct, but yes, everybody can see that you’re happy with Junsu hyung and Yoochun hyung, but if you ask me, and other members of SM as well, you’re happiness still lacks something, and that’s Yunho hyung and Changmin hyung. I may have known you for only a year or two, but that was enough to see the bond between the five of you, especially to the person you are closest to in DBSK, who happens to be Yunho hyung. So hyung, are you just gonna sit there, watch this, stare at it, and do nothing, or get your , I’m sorry for being rude but this needs to be told, out of where you’re sitting, and along with the other two members, come here to the hospital, let go of your scorn for SM for your members who are suffering and wish for you three to be here and stay by their side for even just a while?”

   “At first, looking at Onew ah, he didn’t look like the kind of person to say about this kind of things.” Yoochun observed, after they turned the television off, and Jaejoong smirked. “I know. Onew ah looks like the kind of person to just sit quietly, but then again, we didn’t stay in SM that long in order to know them.” But the older man seemed to have other concerns on his mind. He was shook up after Onew had mentioned about their happiness and his relationships with the members, especially his special relationship to their group’s leader, who was currently lying on the bed, hanging on for his life.

   “So, what’s your plan, hyung?” Yoochun crossed his arms and looked at their eldest member. “Whatever it is, I support you.” He said with a smile. “If you don’t want to go, I can just go by myself and say that I’m representing the three of us, since this one doesn’t seem to like the idea of stepping in SM territory.” He pointed to Junsu, who glared at him. “Yah, hyung, who are you calling ‘this one?’ of course I want to go, I’m just getting pissed at the people who think they’re right when they really are.” He crossed his arms as well and leaned on the back rest.

   With the decision the other two has made, Jaejoong smiled and looked at his fellow members. Ruffling Junsu’s hair and patting Yoochun’s hand he stood up and went to a chair where a coat was neatly placed on. He took the coat and looked at the other two. “Let’s go.”

   The other two nodded and took their coats as well. With that, they opened their door, and closed it, their minds only focused on the reunion they were about to face after three years. 

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦

A.N: well, here's the chapter two you guys were asking for :D I hope you enjoy it, the news was pretty long but then, in the next chapter, we will see what happens to the five members of DBSK who have been separated for 2 and something years, thank you for those who subscribed :)

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RAHDev #1
Chapter 11: Please..i hope you will continue this fic. I really really love this soooooo much. Pls please please please continue this.don't abandon it. :'-(
Lilinne #2
Chapter 11: I hope that one day you'll be able to continue this fic which is so interesting. I love Jae as Changmin's umma.
lizie_lee #3
Chapter 11: please update soon!!:)
the foreword made me start reading the first chapter, and i'm impress!

Please updater soon!
shion-chan #5
Chapter 11: i love this story, please update soon
i really want to know how jae and the others react to yunho´s amnesia
Chapter 11: Really love the bandfic.... ^^ thank you
Chapter 11: i cant wait 4 the next chap.. update soon!
Chapter 11: sub ^-^ please update soon, so sad Yun lost his memories...
dark_triad #9
hope you'll continue this soon :D thank you very much author ssi for the awesome story \m/