I Love You

Will We Ever Return (HIATUS)

   Jaejoong stayed in place as he looked at the woman who loomed over Yunho. When she said ‘Yun-chan’ Jaejoong didn’t have to look at her face to know who she was.

   The woman had jumped in surprise when she heard the door close and looked up to see the two people who just entered. However, her eyes remained glued on one of the two. Jaejoong. Also, not just her eyes widened, but even . She stood straight, and this time, Jaejoong couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction.

   It’s also been two years since they last saw each other. “Boa.” He said with a smile.

   Her eyes blinked. “Jae…chan?” she said in surprise. It seems as though she didn’t expect him to come. She must have stayed here inside during the interview, so she hasn’t heard about the people who have requested for his presence here as support to the unconscious Yunho and the sick Changmin.

   Jaejoong was expecting it, but he felt kind of stupid to be surprised with something he was already expecting. Boa had run to him and he heard her start to cry. He chuckled and placed one arm on her waist and pat her head with the other. “Aigo, why are you crying, Boa?” he asked.

   “I missed you Jae-chan…” she muffled her answer, but Jaejoong could still here the answer.

   Boa was a few months younger than Yunho, Jaejoong, and Yoochun, but they allowed her to address them informally. BoA even addressed them with the way she addressed them in Japan. She would add ‘-chan’ to thier names. ‘Yun-chan, Jae-chan, and Yoo-chan,’ and the three of them would smile when she called them that. When they were in said country, they got closer since the group and BoA were usually stationed in Japan, so they had found ways to get closer, since they were all Korean but had to live in a foreign country.

   Jaejoong and BoA were especially really close, since the two would always talk about a lot of stuff when she and the group would meet, or usually BoA would go to their dorm in Japan so they could hang out. But when everything happened, BoA became a lot closer to Yunho.

   The older man sighed, and the eldest in the room had laughed. He went to stand beside them and BoA’s hair. “Boa ssi, do you think Yunho ah would like hearing you cry?” at that, she had pushed herself back and shook her head. Jaejoong remembered the tissue pack Siwon had gotten and offered it to her. She took a sheet and wiped the path of tears that had flowed down her cheeks, and then she wiped under her eyes.

   “There, there.” Jaejoong and Leeteuk continued to comfort her until the only thing left was her sniffing. “Good girl.” Jaejoong smiled.

   She may have debuted earlier than them, but she was still younger and she still had to be babied.

   BoA had taken a bottle of water from her shoulder bag and drank from it.

   “I was watching what happened to Yun-chan in the airport.” She said all of a sudden, making Jaejoong blink. “As soon as I landed this morning, a different station had aired the accident. I ran here immediately. However, the news hadn’t mentioned Min-chan’s problem. ” She paused. “When I came in, Min-chan came up to me and was all ‘Noona this’ and ‘Noona that.’ At first, I was surprised that he was being cute, but then I heard from Teukie oppa. I felt sorry for Min-chan and decided to stay here since this morning.” She sighed and looked at the unmoving body on the bed. “I have a lot to do in my schedule today, but I’ve asked my manager to cancel all of it for today until next week” Boa explained, standing up and then going towards Yunho’s bed and sit on the chair beside it. She took hold of one of Yunho’s hand and kissed it, tears clawing its way out of her eyes, but she tried to be strong, and both Jaejoong and Leeteuk acknowledged it by not trying to comfort her. “I want to be beside Yun-chan when he wakes up, or if not, at least I want to try spending time with you and Yun-chan, as well as the others.”

   Then all of a sudden, she gasped lightly and then looked at the two sharply, and the two were surprised with her reaction that they tensed. Did something happen to Yunho?

   “Yoo-chan and Jun-chan…” she started. “They’re with you right?”

   As if on cue, the door opened revealing the former and latter entering with Changmin and Siwon.

   Junsu and Yoochun had stopped on their tracks when they saw who it was they were looking at, while BoA had stood up and stared at them, her bag dropping on the floor.

   “Boa.” The two had said her name together, and to their surprise, the BoA that didn’t show many feelings, burst into tears once again and ran to the two of them, her arms wrapping around both of them, resulting her to be standing between them.

   “Yoo-chan…Jun-chan…” she whispered.

   Jaejoong sighed but then smiled as his two younger brothers look up at him in shock. “Aigo,” he said, crossing his arms as he and Leeteuk chuckled. “Don’t just stand there and do something.” Yoochun blinked and then looked from them to the younger woman while Junsu began murmuring something and her hair.

   Ah, Jaejoong thought. Yoochun was still not comfortable.

   The last time they met was two years ago, and that was the time when BoA had confessed to Yoochun. However, the older man had immediately rejected her, saying that she was only a sister to him and nothing else. The younger had nodded with a smile, saying that she knew she would be rejected, but decided to say it anyway. However, ever since then, the two had an awkward atmosphere, making the time for the two to talk less. Even when the group and BoA had activities together, she would mostly talk to Jaejoong and Yunho. Talking to Yoochun back then was getting harder for her, Jaejoong noticed as she did try to talk to him, but she would only ask how he was or if he had eaten.

   Then the lawsuit happened, and connections between the three and BoA had finally been cut off.

   For the past two years, however, the three would check up on Yunho and Changmin, and if not the two, it would be BoA, since she was really like a part of the team because of the deep connections with her.

   A few months ago, they had watched an awarding where Yunho, Changmin, and BoA attended. Jaejoong had seen that Changmin was seated to Yunho’s right while BoA was seated to the left. The focus of the camera would often go to the two and they would catch what the two would usually do.

   They saw how Yunho would lean over to try and catch the words she would be saying, as well as how she would lean over to listen to what he said. She would also often put her hand on his thigh and lightly squeeze it. As well as put her arm through his. The two would also laugh when Changmin would say something.

   Jaejoong had suddenly remembered something.

   Whenever he saw the actions shared between Yunho and BoA, jealousy would rise up all of a sudden. Thoughts like ‘Get your hands off him’ or ‘That should be me beside him’ would usually enter his line of thought, but all of a sudden, he would push those thoughts away, thinking that what he was thinking was ridiculous. But whenever he would think that, he would always remember what his Leeteuk hyung had said.

   His thoughts were cut off when he saw Yoochun’s panicking look, and it made him smile. The younger man was really hard to catch off guard nowadays; however, all his walls had suddenly broken down within seconds when he saw the younger woman.

   Jaejoong smiled and mouthed ‘Be a man and comfort her.’ The older man had looked away as he tried to his laughter while looking at the younger man’s frown that was directed at him. Leeteuk had patted his back, which told him that the older man had wanted his attention. Snickering, he looked at his hyung, who had pointed to the direction of the bed. His smile had immediately died away as he blinked at Leeteuk and his eyes were suddenly filled with fear. Leeteuk had seen this and looked at his lover, who nodded once they looked at each other.

   “Okay, okay,” he said, standing behind BoA and in front of the three men. “Let’s give some quiet time for their reunion,” he looked at Changmin, who was jumping happily and smiled. “This little one seems to like to do something else.” Yoochun and Junsu had nodded their heads and Junsu took hold of BoA’s hand after she pulled away from them. With that, the five people had left, leaving only Super Junior’s leader, and Dong Bang Shin Ki’s mother and father.

   Leeteuk had sighed as soon as they left and took hold of Jaejoong’s face. “You haven’t looked at him even once, Joongie ah.” He started as he took hold of the curtain that covered Yunho’s body and revealed only his head. “You have to see, Joongie ah.”

   Knowing that he couldn’t escape from this, he looked to his left and was at an angle that could only see Yunho’s hair. Leeteuk had let go of his cheeks, and he raised his hand slowly and then grabbed the edge of the curtain. Gulping, he pulled at the curtain as he closed his eyes and turned to the side, still afraid of what he was about to see.

   He had seen his leader in a weak state before, but not a state where he’s almost dead.

   “Joongie ah.” He heard the sharpness in the voice of the older leader and he opened his eyes. Biting his lip, he returned his gaze to where it originally was and gasped, his hand that was on the curtain falling limp to his side. Sooyoung was right. Was the first thought that had entered his mind. Yunho’s beauty was nowhere to be seen.

   An eye patch that covered his eye was there, as well as a bandage that covered part of his head. A neck brace that covered his beautiful and slender neck was also there, as well as a cast that had covered his long and strong arm, even his long legs that allowed him to dance so beautifully was covered.

   The person he was looking at was so different from the Yunho he knows.

   “Joongie ah,” Leeteuk had lightly touched his arm, and the younger man immediately look, wanting a distraction from the current look of a person who once had a god-like beauty.

   Leeteuk had this serious look, making the younger man worried of what was to come next.

   “Yunnie ah and Changmin ah’s manager had told me something.” Jaejoong nodded. “It’s about Yunnie ah.” Okay… Jaejoong thought. The look his hyung had was starting to scare him. “Yunnie ah was said to have been murmuring something while he was being brought to the hospital in the ambulance. Do you want to know what it is?” without noticing it, Jaejoong had nodded, his attention on full alert on what Leeteuk was about to say.

   The older man smiled sadly. “Yoochun ah, Junsu ah, Jaejoong ah…I’m sorry. Joongie ah, I’m sorry. So sorry.”

   Sorry? What was he sorry for?  

   “Don’t you think your doubts from before are lessened because of that?” Leeteuk continued, making Jaejoong blink. “He thought of you when he was bleeding, Joongie ah. He cried out for you and the other two when he lost consciousness. He may have said all three of you, but remember this, he had said ‘Yoochun ah, Junsu ah, Jaejoong ah, sorry. Joongie ah, I’m sorry, so sorry.’ He called out and apologized, Joongie ah. Do you still think he wouldn’t feel the same way?”

   “But hyung,” Jaejoong countered. “Yunho ah cares for women, you know that, heck, everybody knows that. He’s mentioned a lot of women who happen to be his ideal type, and all I can do is support him and his life. As a hyung, friend, and group mate…that is the only thing I can be to him.” It hurt, Jaejoong thought. It really did. Talking about supporting Yunho in his future with a woman he didn’t want beside Yunho, it really hurt. But all Jaejoong could do now is support Yunho. As an older member, and as a friend.

   Leeteuk sighed and watched the younger man as his gaze landed on the bed beside them. Aish… he hissed under his breath. Why can’t this guy just…ugh.

   “Do you want some time alone?” he then asked, and surprisingly, Jaejoong had agreed immediately. Leeteuk nodded and patted Jaejoong’s head. “Talk to him, Joongie ah. You never know, he may hear you.” The older man shrugged. “He may have even heard what we’ve been talking about.” With those final words, the older man turned and left the room, slowly closing the door.

   Jaejoong didn’t really mind what his hyung had said, all he did was stare at the man he’s loved for two…hell, more than two years. The man he looked up to and the man he enjoyed being together with.

   Yunho ah, Jaejoong thought, his hand slowly raising and heading for his cheek. It was cold, and it made Jaejoong shiver. His skin felt like that of one who is dead. I love you.

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦

A.N: Sorry about the delay with this chapter. I injured my hand yesterday and it's been hard to type, but at least I managed to do this *cheers* anyway, thank you very much for my new subscribers, as well as to those who have been supporting me with this story XD I have a feeling though that this chapter quite >___> I apologize if there are any grammatical errors. 

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RAHDev #1
Chapter 11: Please..i hope you will continue this fic. I really really love this soooooo much. Pls please please please continue this.don't abandon it. :'-(
Lilinne #2
Chapter 11: I hope that one day you'll be able to continue this fic which is so interesting. I love Jae as Changmin's umma.
lizie_lee #3
Chapter 11: please update soon!!:)
the foreword made me start reading the first chapter, and i'm impress!

Please updater soon!
shion-chan #5
Chapter 11: i love this story, please update soon
i really want to know how jae and the others react to yunho´s amnesia
Chapter 11: Really love the bandfic.... ^^ thank you
Chapter 11: i cant wait 4 the next chap.. update soon!
Chapter 11: sub ^-^ please update soon, so sad Yun lost his memories...
dark_triad #9
hope you'll continue this soon :D thank you very much author ssi for the awesome story \m/