
Will We Ever Return (HIATUS)


Two figures sat by the love seat and snickered at what they were looking at in the camera that one of them was holding. “Yah, Junsu ah, Jaejoong hyung, I can’t read if you two keep laughing like there’s no tomorrow.” The two looked up across them to the one who just complained with big grins. “Sorry, Yoochun ah.” The eldest among the three said, still smiling, while the youngest among them continued laughing, but in a lesser volume.

“Aish, these two are like kids.” Yoochun complained under his breath as he held a cup of coffee in his right hand while he held a folded newspaper in the other.

Finally noticing that Junsu and Jaejoong had lowered their laughing, he knew that he could finally read. Glancing down as he scanned the page, a certain headline had caught his attention. Dong Bang Shin Ki finally falls…

What the heck? The man who read the headline eyed the article like a disease and set it down the table to flip to the next page and he was surprised to see that the whole page was about the article. Yoochun was about to read it when their manager suddenly barged in, and looked at Yoochun then at the other two. “Yoochun ah, turn on the tv.” Without complain, said man took the remote from the table and pointed it at the television and pressed the on button.

Pictures began to flood in the screen and sounds began to form. Upon hearing the television switch on, the other two members looked at the screen.

“Is this the end of the legendary history of Dong Bang Shin Ki?” the news reporter said. “Three years ago, the three members, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, and Kim Junsu had filed a lawsuit against their company, SM Entertainment, leaving the other two Hallyu Stars in said company, thus resulting to the two year hiatus of the group.”  The reported paused. “But last year, the group has made a comeback as a two member group under the same name.” the three mentioned members looked at each other. “So what does this have to do with the history of DBSK ending?” Junsu had finally talked. “Let’s continue to listen.” Jaejoong suggested, his eyes not leaving the screen.

 “However, last week, SM’s dance king and Dong Bang Shin Ki’s leader, Jung Yunho, under the stage name U-know Yunho, encountered an accident during the filming of one of their latest music videos.”

Jaejoong’s eyes had opened even wider as Yoochun covered his mouth while his eyes continued to stay glued to the screen. “Hyung…” he said under his breath, but it seemed as though the other two heard it, since he felt their gazes land on him, but his eyes remained on the screen.

“What about Changminnie?” Junsu suddenly said to the tv, surprising the other two members and making Yoochun’s glued eyes look at the younger man. Oh yeah, Yoochun said to himself. What about Changmin?

“The accident seems to have been taken by public CCTV camera.” Then the reporter disappeared from the screen to show a man who was said to be on the 23rd floor of a building.

“Yunho…” it was Jaejoong’s turn to mutter about the leader, who was shown to be the man on the said floor.

The leader was seen to be leaning on a glass rail, which suddenly cracked and broke into pieces, and without any support, the man had fallen from the veranda and the CCTV had also showed that he slammed into a few veranda glasses as well.

Junsu, who couldn’t bear to look at the falling man, turned his head with disdain written all over his face while the other two still hadn’t allowed their eyes to leave the screen.

“The bottom of the building seemed to have been a parking lot,” the reported had appeared once again as the CCTV shot of Yunho still played in a smaller frame in the television. “The hallyu star slammed into a few cars as he fell, since the parking lot was a multi-layered one”

“Aish!” Yoochun suddenly exclaimed, stomping his foot as he stood up. The two members suddenly jumped from their chairs and looked at him. “This reporter is pissing me off!” he screamed. “He keeps on blabbing about hyung, but what about Changmin ah?”

As if on cue, the reporter continued. “The younger of the two, Shim Changmin, under the stage name Max Changmin, had witnessed the whole thing and seems to have been rooted to the place as his eyes were on his hyung who was falling from the 23rd floor.” The reporter disappeared once again and revealed another CCTV shot from another angle of someone else whose head was strained up.

“Changmin ah,” all three had said together, Junsu’s eyes on the screen once again.

“In the worst case,” the reporter appeared again. “the maknae of the group had witnessed his leader’s fall,” The reporter looked at the papers in his hands. “And it seems that not only had he watched the whole thing, but the leader had also fallen in front of the younger man, making the other hallyu star stare at his leader, who was reported to have a broken neck, six broken ribs, a twisted arm, and is said to have the whole right portion of his skull shattered. U-know Yunho had fallen on the ground with blood beginning to pool around him, which was seen to have been the click that switched the collapse of the younger man, who was later found unconscious beside the bloody star.”

The reported looked at the screen again. “The two remaining members of Dong Bang Shin Ki were brought the hospital as soon as possible, and fortunately, a few days ago, Max Changmin had regained consciousness after a four day coma.”

A sigh came out from all three, resulting to a surprised glance from each one. They seemed to not notice that the three of them were holding their breath, waiting for the outcome about the two.

“So, Changmin ah’s alright now,” Jaejoong breathed and looked at the two with a smile, who answered back with a smile, but suddenly tensed and looked at the screen once again with a terrified look. “What about Yunho?”

As if answering again, the reported continued. “Also, the leader was said to have survived the fall as well, despite the said findings in his body.” Another sigh came, and the three were suddenly laughing a shaky laugh as they slowly relaxed in their seats. “However, after finishing his surgery, the leader has stayed under the influence of coma for the past week and hasn’t shown any signs of even waking up.” That did it once again, and they tensed up again and looked at the screen. “Earlier, it was also mentioned that the younger member had woken up,” the three members nodded, answering the reporter. “Unfortunately, his brain cells were said to have been damaged while he watched his fellow group mate, and was the doctors had requested him to be checked upon. Within a day, the doctors had contacted the company and the managers of the stars and had told them that the younger member was experiencing a trauma disorder after watching U-know Yunho’s fall, which resulted to the release of what seems to be Max Changmin’s fears. His mind was shown to have some weird results. Here are some comments from fellow SM stars.”

The reporter disappeared from the screen once again and someone else appeared.

“Leeteuk hyung.” Junsu muttered.

The reporter had approached the said man and was asked to be interviewed while he was seen wondering outside the room of Yunho in the hospital. “Changmin ssi seems to have been shocked with what happened to Yunho ssi.” The leader of Super Junior immediately answered when he was asked of what he thought of how Changmin looked like now. “We all know about his other hyungs leaving right?”

Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu stared at the person being interviewed. “He obviously meant us right?” Jaejoong answered Yoochun’s question with a nod while he was still looking at the tv. “A few months ago, Changmin ssi approached me and asked ‘Hyung, what do you think would happen if Yunho hyung left me here in SM?’ I wasn’t really sure how he came up with that kind of question, but I told him that Yunho wouldn’t leave him. It seems that Changmin ssi is scared that Yunho would leave him. He was already broken when we learned about the lawsuit that my fellow dongsaengs had filed against the company. His SM family helped him recover from it, especially Yunho ssi, who was always by his side. The relationship between the two has gone deeper when they were the only two left in Dong Bang Shin Ki. I saw how Yunho ssi took care of Changmin ssi, and terrifying thoughts like Yunho leaving had suddenly appeared in Changmin ssi’s thinking that he asked me about it.” He paused. “He was obviously scared about the thought of Yunho ssi leaving him, and the accident seems to have triggered it. As we watched the footage in the company, we were scared that we might have lost him as soon as we saw him fall. It was the 23rd floor, who do you think would survive that? And Changmin ssi must have thought that he has lost Yunho ssi when he fell down in front of him that the nightmares clogging his mind has taken over and it resulted to what he is now.”

“Which is?” the three of them said in unison.

“Teukie hyung!” a voice had suddenly sounded from somewhere in the hospital, and the three immediately recognized it. “Changmin.” The three said all together as the said man appeared on the screen, jumping like a little kid and grabbing Leeteuk’s arm with a chubby grin, and the reaction from the three was that of surprise. “Yah,” Junsu exclaimed, standing up and going towards the tv and pointing at Changmin. “Is that really Changmin?”

Jaejoong nodded, his surprise still not leaving his face. “Look at the mismatched eyes,” he said. “It’s him.”

“But that’s not how Changmin ah acts around us,” he countered. “Even when we were together, he never acted like that. He didn’t like acting cute.” The older members agreed with a nod.

“Has appa woken up yet?” their eyes grew wide when they heard the cuteness in his question. “Really?!” this time, Junsu yelled his question. “Yah, cuteness is not something our Changmin does.”

“Maybe not our Changmin.” Jaejoong emphasized the ‘our.’ “But their Changmin.” When suddenly, Jaejoong had noticed something. “What did Changmin mean by ‘appa’?” the three blinked and looked back at the screen, to a smiling Leeteuk who was smiling as he shook his head at Changmin. “Not yet, Changmin ah.” He answered, patting the younger man’s head. “Your appa hasn’t woken up yet.”

Yoochun suddenly clapped. “Yunho hyung.” He said. “Appa is Yunho hyung.”

“Ah.” The other two snapped their fingers. “But why appa?” Junsu said.

“Appa?” the reporter had asked, catching Leeteuk’s attention. He nodded and raised a hand, which indicated ‘wait a minute.’ “Changmin ah, why don’t you go see if your appa is awake now, hmm?” the younger man nodded happily and skipped away.

Junsu ruffled his hair and gestured towards the tv. “Is that really Changmin?”

Jaejoong answered with a finger on lips, hushing the younger man immediately.

“You saw that right?” Leeteuk had said to the camera. “The accident triggered something inside Changmin ssi, and it messed up his thinking to the point that he thinks he’s back to being 15 years old, which was before Dong Bang Shin Ki debuted. He seems to think that Yunho is his father, since he’s the leader, Yunho ssi has taken the role of a father in Dong Bang Shin Ki, and Changmin ssi is back to those days, even before their group was formed.” Leeteuk sighed. “We’ve tried to tell him a lot of times that Yunho ssi wasn’t his father, and that his father is back home, but he threw a tantrum a few days ago saying that Yunho was his father and he began screaming, so we finally agreed that Yunho was his father so that he wouldn’t be a bother to the staff and other patients here.” He sighed once again. “And he seems to be looking for his other family members.”

“Ummmaaaaaaaaa!!!!!” Changmin suddenly jumped in front of the camera, surprising the members.

“Umma?” the reporter asked and Leeteuk nodded while he pulled Changmin beside him. “Jaejoongie,” Leeteuk said to the screen and Jaejoong blinked that he was suddenly mentioned all of a sudden. “if you’re watching this, come to the hospital. The president has allowed you three to visit.” He looked at the younger man beside him. “Since the president didn’t want Changmin bothering the others here because of this little one, you better come.”

“What makes him think that we’re going there?” Junsu said curtly, crossing his arms.

Changmin jumped to the camera once again. “Ummmmaaaa!!”

Jaejoong continued to look at the tv. Leeteuk sighed and pulled Changmin beside him once again, then looked at the camera. “Jaejoongie, please come here and be beside this little son of yours.”

The other two blinked while Jaejoong was frozen on his sit. “Changmin ah misses his Jaejoong umma and wishes you to be with him beside his Yunho appa. As well as his Yoochun hyung and Junsu hyung.”

What the heck?

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦

A.N: well, here's my first chapter, it's my first yunjae fic, heck, it's my first fic that relates to humans. I'm not confident with it...but I hope you guys will enjoy reading it :)

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RAHDev #1
Chapter 11: Please..i hope you will continue this fic. I really really love this soooooo much. Pls please please please continue this.don't abandon it. :'-(
Lilinne #2
Chapter 11: I hope that one day you'll be able to continue this fic which is so interesting. I love Jae as Changmin's umma.
lizie_lee #3
Chapter 11: please update soon!!:)
the foreword made me start reading the first chapter, and i'm impress!

Please updater soon!
shion-chan #5
Chapter 11: i love this story, please update soon
i really want to know how jae and the others react to yunho´s amnesia
Chapter 11: Really love the bandfic.... ^^ thank you
Chapter 11: i cant wait 4 the next chap.. update soon!
Chapter 11: sub ^-^ please update soon, so sad Yun lost his memories...
dark_triad #9
hope you'll continue this soon :D thank you very much author ssi for the awesome story \m/