Returning home

Old memories, new moments

Finally they were at home; the wounded were being treated properly. Jay with his broken bones is going to need to stay at the hospital for a few days news that let Soo stressed, as soon as they got there Joon went to his house without a word to anyone, Lexi couldn’t look at GD face it was too weird even GD was having a hard time facing Lexi even if it was his own actions he was really out of his mind doing something like that, Yun was wandering around helping in everything she could while Kiki was helping the hurt and Chibi left after Joon clearly both were annoyed with something.

That day Min decided to close the restaurant sooner and make a special dinner for all of them so they could talk ad tell what happen during that time Jay convinced Soo to let him go in a wheelchair he really must have nagged her until the very end poor Soo he can be really stubborn. Yun was already smiling talking to everyone Joon was next to Chibi quiet both of them were.

-How did you convince Soo to bring you here in that state? – GD asked.

- I just used my sweet moves – He smiled in a dork way to her earning a slap on the head for Soo.

- Be quiet or I’ll take you back!

- You want to be alone with me that much? – Another slap.

- He really likes to be hit - Kiki commented with a laugh.

- He was always like that – Taec said remembering the days before the war.

Life was so easy before and still he remembers everyone’s complains about life those problems are nothing compared to the ones now, all the argues, skipping classes, fights and all the temporary lover was worthless after seeing all that they lost nothing was meaningful.

Taec Flashback

-Ey Taec do you want to go to the club with me tonight? – Taeyang asked while we were having lunch alone on his house.

- Just the two?

- Jay and Joon to, a guys night – he said with a smile.

- What about Chibi? – I asked confused.

- Don’t worry about that – He take a bite on his sandwich looking to the side, the door bell ringed it’s probably Joon and Jay.

- I know what those “guys night” used to mean. Don’t do something you’ll regret.

- She’s with her girl friends; they are going out so I’m going to don’t stick your nose in this kind of thing. – He got out of the room to open the door for those two and I got a message it was her “Do you want to come over and play some games? Already called the others and they say they are busy…” I got up, leaving that room on the way out I saw those three coming on my direction.

- Where are you going? – Taeyang asked.

- I’m leaving, something came up – I passed then on the hall.

- What about tonight?

- Call me! – I left the house and went straight to hers as usual the door was unlocked so I just got in finding her on the couch cursing to the TV while playing careless distracted in her own world… I placed myself behind of the couch on the middle of that room looking down seeing her. - One day you’re going to be robbed.

- Hello Taec – She looked up smiling – Race with me – She gave me a remote to play and I sited next to her, we played for some time after a few rounds we stopped to eat something, we were sitting on the couch she had her legs on top of mine.

- Tae said you are going out today.

- Yeah – She looks around like she was thinking – I’m not really sure if I’m going. He tells you everything?

- Mostly – I shrug eating a chocolate cookie.

- Are you guys going out?

- Still don’t know, but he wants to.

- You should go, you need to get laid –she said trying not to smile but failed.

- Yah! What do you know about my life? – I hit her a little on the legs.

- Taec I know since we were five I know when you haven’t had in a while.

- Don’t believe you just said that – I couldn’t help but laugh, few more hours passed playing around and laughing time sure flees wend we are like this.

Later at night I ended going out with the guys to a new club, new club usually means new girls. And Chibi? Don’t know she doesn’t answer her phone. During that night drinks and dancing Taeyang seemed to be really comfortable with the girls around him, he wasn’t cheating just dancing, I had a girl clinging on me we were dancing while I messed her hair and hold her close from the corner of the eye I see a figure one that I know way to well, she’s here for instances I saw her, for instances and I know she’s wearing her jean shorts and a grey top I keep on dancing still looking around to see her again I see Taeyang careless dancing with some other girl. Did she saw him? A few more dances and Taeyang and me ended going to the bar to get some drinks, the girls were left behind.

-Chibi is here. – He says drinking.

- I know…

- Did you plan on telling me?

- Admit it you came here because of her – I laugh and so did he admitting his plan, we stud silent drinking against the bar looking around, once again saw her but this time she was dancing with her friends, a drunk guy was trying to call her attention to dance after a few missed tries he ended pulling her by the arm holding her close I looked at Taeyang and he wasn’t moving looking straight to what was going on.

- Let go! – She said trying to pull him away, her friends where distracted and to drunk and in a flash Taeyang was heading there so I went after him, placing his hand on the guys shoulder he pushed him away holding her from the waist, the little guy sure was strong.

- Dude I saw her first. – The drunk said.

- Leave my girl alone or you’ll regret it! – Taeyang screamed surprising me and even Chibi after a few screams and treats the guy ended leaving, she was safe on his arms like always since he came to live on our street she started trusting on him so easily everything was him. After that I started going out more often getting girls here and there even wend she was trying to call me to earth to what I was doing I ignored…

Flashback end

Now she’s here without him not talking to me while everyone is laughing and playing around, can’t she trust me again? After so many years of ups and downs, I just want to protect her… no more pain or sorrow for all of us.


They all talked carefree animated with the hot tasty meal Min with Ho help made for them it was easy to forget everything when they were all together talking nonsense. Jay was still teasing Soo, Jaejoong was talking with Kiki telling what happen on the hospital, and Siwon was eating like an animal until some food got trap on his throat.

-Oh my god! Jae help him! Kiki! – Ho called trying to help him but was too small to apply medical technique so Jae got up and took care of it, after a long pause to recover his normal breathing all of them started to laugh.

- You’re so silly! – Yun said.

- Ey! – Siwon tried to make them stop.

- Eat slowly! – Ho said – That won’t happen again if you eat calmly!

- Dude the food isn’t going any ware – Jay mocked.

- Yah!  Don’t mock me! – He screamed trying not to laugh looking at GD that even if he was laughing he haven’t said a word almost all night. – You’re strangely quiet GD.

- What? – Everyone look at him agreeing. – No I’m just tired. – He started to get jumble.

- Why are you acting like that? Do you want to tell us something? – Jay teased.

- No! Do you?

- Dude relax – Jaejoong laughs with his reaction.

- Joon where are you going? – Taec interrupted seeing Joon getting up.

- Leaving – Chibi got up going after him without a word they left the restaurant with their friends eyes on them.

Something was wrong with them everyone knew their reaction was always the same leaving after a while of silence they tend to leave; it wasn’t often them to do it at the same time. Knowing someone for so long spending so many time together people tend to get each other habits, like the same thing, hate the same things and fight for the same thing.

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lexiii #1
i want more!!! *-*