Tired kid

Old memories, new moments


Days went by Chibi kept on messing around the restaurant even if it less, costumers thought she was funny like a live show, Min got used to her and got some techniques to avoid the massive destruction of her restaurant Jaejoong kept on going there some nights even from the suspicions there wasn’t any proofs of a relationship. Taec was working hard to organize everything to the big trip so nothing could go wrong. Siwon was working really hard.


-Siwon I got these…- I was getting in the office and looking up I see him with his head on top of the table – You’re sleeping? – I got close, it wasn’t a usual behavior – Siwon… - I shake him and no movements – Siwon? Wake up – He’s not moving, I went to call the emergency and he was taken to the hospital.

There he was taken to the emergency room Ho was there with him, long minutes later she comes out right in my direction.


- How is him? – I was so worried.

- Relax; he just had a breakdown from all that work – She smiles softly placing her hand on my shoulder.

- I was so worry I thought

- Don’t – She interrupted me – don’t think those things, those times are over. He needs to rest we are going to keep him here for now.

- Glad to hear that – I whisper – Take good care of him – I smiled at seeing her smile nodding. – You’re going to torture him aren’t?

- No, never – she laughs – go to work and don’t worry.


Two hours later Siwon was waking up, slowly he opens his eyes the light on the room hurts next to him is Ho checking is medication biting her tongue in a cute way.

-You still do that – Siwon laughs moving his head to see her properly.      

- You are awake – she smiles – you got us worry.

- So you actually care about me. – She was checking his serum needle and she pressed on the needle on his hand hurting him a little. – Ash!

- Ups, sorry – she smiles victorious.

- You did that on purpose!

- Never, I can do that to my patient.

- Don’t know why everyone says you’re a good doctor – She moved her hand to his hurting him again. –Ah!  Don’t do that! – He whines.

- Do what? Well little boy you need to rest I’ll be back in a couple of hours if you behave I’ll bring you a treat. – She turns her back to him going to the door to leave.

- Just because I was smaller than you doesn’t give you permission on saying those things now! – He says as she walks to the door, she was opening it to leave – And bring me chocolate cake!! – Siwon screamed as she was out of the door trying not to laugh out loud.

On the other side of the city Jay and Joon instead of taking care of the students were playing around on the obstacle field while the younger recruits where doing some laps. Jay was hidden behind the climbing wall waiting for Joon to go find him.

-Dude where are you? – Joon said walking slowly looking behind him from time to time, getting close to the wall Jay jumps to him making them fall on the ground and start a small fight, on the middle of the commotion cold water was through to  them.

- What the hell? – Jay screams looking who did that.

- It’s time for you two behave! – Someone said, looking to the direction of that voice they saw Yun standing with a bucket.

- We were playing! Why did you do that? – Joon asked getting up quickly helping his friend.

- I though… That…

-You thought it was for real? – Joon didn’t know how to react – How long do you know us?

- Forget it! I need GD do you know where he is? – Yun was getting frustrated.

- Think he’s at the shooting rang – Jay said looking at his wet clothes.

- Go change – Joon said to him looking right away to Yun – I’ll take you there.


We walked through the obstacle course passing near the younger recruits they all respect Joon that was obviously for their reaction wend seeing him close, it was weird we haves this killer look wend serious but wend he relax and smiles it’s different he looks like a kid.

-There he is – He points at GD that was teaching other recruits – he’s almost over just wait a second. – He says behind me.

- Ok, thank you for bringing me here –I was saying turning to him I stop in time wend I saw that he was with his wet shirt on his hand revealing is wet body, hair dripping – W-w-what are you doing? – I said hiding my face behind my hands.

- What do you mean? It’s wet I need to take it of – He sees my discomfort and smirks – if you haven’t got all on Rambo with that bucket this didn’t need to happen – he says getting near.

- I’ll never try to stop a fight again – I said right after a gunshot is heard and from scared I jump, I jumped right to Joon arms.

- What’s wrong? – He feels that I was shaking and flinching every time a gun was shot. – Aish… Let’s go you can wait on GD office.


Joon sited Yun on the comfy couch on the office and got her some tea, the two waited there without saying a word to each other, Joon understood why that reaction there was no need to talk about it. After the war everyone change the things that happen, the things they saw some reacted well at least in front of everyone, some were like Joon or Jay that chose to stay in the military after the war never actually letting go the memory. Someone needed to do it but why him? Or any of the others? Wasn’t their debt paid?  

At night everything was so peaceful, Taec, GD, Lexi and Chibi were playing card at Taec house laughing and eating, Soo, Kiki and Jaejoong where still working on the hospital, Min was t home trying to sleep and Ho well Ho is taking care of Siwon.

-This is so good – Siwon said with his mouth full of chocolate cake Ho nodded in agreement – did you made it?

- Are you crazy? I don’t have time to cook, I barely have time to eat Min made it I asked her to bring some – She was sitting on his bed next to him with a plate with cake on her side.

-  You’re eating now, by the way aren’t you working? – He pointed at her clothes; she was wearing some jeans and a tank top.

- No – She looks down embarrassed.

- So you are just here to bring me chocolate cake? – He asks victorious.

- Just brought it so it won’t go to waste – She gets up quickly – now it’s time for me to go – Ho grabbed Siwon hand that was holding a piece of cake and made him stick the cake on his face making him all dirty.

- What? – She tried to run but Siwon hold her arm pulling her back on top of his legs, he then did the same spreading cake on her face laughing.

- Happy? – She asked laughing with her face full of chocolate and still being hold on his arms.

- Almost – His face got closer and closer to hers making Ho paralyze out of nothing he her face like a dog laughing at the end from her reaction – Now I am.

- Idiot! – She leaves kind of angry for his childish behavior.

We never actually change, if we did it’s because of something so strong like death or love but in the end we are still that little kid that we used to be. We just an try to be stronger and braver.

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lexiii #1
i want more!!! *-*