Life spoiler

Old memories, new moments


The night passed and each went their way in, the town was in silent even with the friendly dinner with friends they couldn’t forget those who died on the field that day. Someone in the town lost his friend, husband, wife, brother, cousin or grandson instead of laughter there was tears, it was a sad night and in sadness the town kept for that week, even those who didn’t lost anyone close were in grief even children on the street seemed sad not playing even if they didn’t fully understand what happen. The weather seemed to accompany that mood, showing a sadder picture to every living being. Death comes to us all.


Taec needed to be present during the funerals saying some words to everyone, even his father, usually no one sees his father some even doubted that he was still alive, until that day that everyone was saying goodbye to their loved ones. After the morning funerals there was a dead silence in the city people were still on the urns building.

-GD – Taec called GD was outside of the building talking with some families.

- Oh Taec. Do you need something? – He looked up at him with watery eyes.

- Do you know where Chibi is? – GD looked side to side.

- Guess she is still inside…

- Going to look for her and… Go home and rest – He said leaving.

Walking on the vast corridor Taec saw her for afar with big eyes a long sleeve black dress and a scarf around her neck, she was so quiet looking at the photograph on that drawer, he knew so well who was there, who she was looking at the only one she was thinking

-Should have guessed you’ll be here… - Taec said getting behind her, she looked at him showing empty eyes to look right away for that picture of a smiling boy.

- Why are the two next draws empty?

- For us… - Chibi stopped breathing for a second – I want to be next to my best friends when I die.

- What about your father?

- He doesn’t care, it’s better for me to stay eternity next to the two of you… Don’t you want that place?

- Yes… - She whispered trying not to cry – eternity…

It started raining so the streets were empty GD walked perfectly in his completely black suit, black shirt and black tie walking with a dark umbrella over his head looking straight at the empty street Taec sent him home and he felt the need to sleep but didn’t want to be alone, not at that time when those soldier died while after these years he was still lucky some of them have been lucky for a long time and he didn’t know why… Until the war he had done nothing that worth it until the war the only thing that matter was him.

-Guess karma is a bunch of bull – He whispered looking at the circles on a puddle that the rain was making.

- Do you talk to yourself often? – A deep voice asked looking back he sees Siwon with a sympathetic smile.

- Oh Siwon – GD looked around checking if anyone else was listening – thought I was alone…

- I know – He smiled – going home?

- I thought of that but being at home alone at home sounds depressing.

- So where are you going? – Siwon started walking and GD went by is side.

- Don’t know…

Both of them ended on a bar drinking, talking and checking out girls this went through the night, both going back drunk each to their side.

Lexi was on her way back from the office when she saw the lights from one of the warehouses of the military base with the lights on; it was late so she decided to see if something happen.

-Ouch… - She hears as she got close to the slightly open door.

- GD? – She leaned against the door to peek but still couldn’t see anyone so she decided to open the door. – G… - She was going to call him but stopped on her tracks from what she saw, he was there with a half girl on top of a old table he was already shirtless and with his pants now both of them are looking at her.

- Lexi… - He stops thinking the alcohol is still kicking on his head.

- I’m… - She leaves on a steady pace wanting to leave that place.

G Dragon.

Just enjoying the feeling of alcohol on my head that buzz that gives like everything that you touch haves a different feeling or everything that touches you, that’s why this girl is so useful it helps to forget the sadness of these days, we need to enjoy the little things that we still have. As I was kissing that body undermine I hear the door open and a voice that stopped quickly, looking up I see someone a girl I know her… Then I remember Lexi, it took me a while but when I realized what was happening she was already out of the door and my state of drunkenness passed suddenly. Decided to go after her leaving that girl there, I wanted to explain, she looked disappointed I’m not like that not anymore… or am I?

I looked for her, trying to catch her she probably run home so that’s where I’m going still I take a look to the others streets to see if someone is there but no luck, so I keep running to her home. Finally I found her; she’s trying to open the gate to her house.

-Lexi – I called a few steps away from her and she lets the key fall.

- What are you doing here? – She asks while picking up the keys, never looking at me.

- I… about what happen there

- You don’t need to explain… - She unlocked the gate.

- But I want to… I’m not like that.

- You could fool me…

- What? I just…

- Listen GD - got close to her but she entered the gate holding the door – You can do whatever you want with who you want you don’t own me an explanation, if you want to fool around with some girls do what you want…

- But I don’t want to, it just happen…

- Like that thing on the bus?

- That was because…

- Because you like to play around that’s what it was!

- It wasn’t!

- Then what? – He was getting impatient every time he tried to explain she interrupted with more accusations so he decided to make her forget it even if it was for a while he grabbed her head and kissed her deep and didn’t stop until she was kissing back, soon they were walking while kissing and grabbing to the inside of the house, that night she forgot everything…


The next day they sit down and talked, Lexi was more calm so it was easy, still what happen between them wasn’t clarified so what happen was going to be kept a secret, it wasn’t nothing much just …

Time passed and people had to move on they can’t live in sadness forever, we all know what happens in the end to each one of us in the end and that’s life biggest spoiler, so we live and move on finding other people that make us happy so we won’t live in sorrow.

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lexiii #1
i want more!!! *-*